

1、sql>@ ..\utlsampl.sql   (********)



   select username from dba_users order by username;  即可以看到scott用户已创建。

   sql>conn scott/tiger; 即可查看表emp的数据

2、sql>@ ..\catalog.sql (*******)

   Creates the views of the data dictionary tables, the dynamic performance views, and public synonyms for many of the views. Grants PUBLIC access to the synonyms

3、sql>@ ..\catproc.sql(*******)

   Runs all scripts required for or used with PL/SQL.

4、sql>@ ..\PUPBLD.SQL:(***)
   Required for SQL*Plus. Enables SQL*Plus to disable commands by

5、sql>@ ..\DBMSSTDX.SQL:
   Before a trigger can be created, the user SYS must run this SQL script

6、sql>@ ..\STANDARD.SQL:
   Before run PL/SQL, the user SYS must run this SQL script


select * from v$version;  (sys)


配置Net Configuration Assistant,包含监听程序及相关的服务名。