聊聊flink jdbc的ParameterValuesProvider

本文主要研究一下flink jdbc的ParameterValuesProvider



 * This interface is used by the {@link JDBCInputFormat} to compute the list of parallel query to run (i.e. splits).
 * Each query will be parameterized using a row of the matrix provided by each {@link ParameterValuesProvider}
 * implementation.
public interface ParameterValuesProvider {

	/** Returns the necessary parameters array to use for query in parallel a table. */
	Serializable[][] getParameterValues();
  • ParameterValuesProvider接口定义了getParameterValues方法,用于返回并行表查询所需的参数,该参数主要是用于将一个大的sql查询分为几个分段查询用于并行处理;它有两个实现类分别是GenericParameterValuesProvider及NumericBetweenParametersProvider



 * This splits generator actually does nothing but wrapping the query parameters
 * computed by the user before creating the {@link JDBCInputFormat} instance.
public class GenericParameterValuesProvider implements ParameterValuesProvider {

	private final Serializable[][] parameters;

	public GenericParameterValuesProvider(Serializable[][] parameters) {
		this.parameters = parameters;

	public Serializable[][] getParameterValues(){
		//do nothing...precomputed externally
		return parameters;

  • GenericParameterValuesProvider实际上没有做其他事情,它实现的getParameterValues方法返回的值是构造器要求输入的



 * This query parameters generator is an helper class to parameterize from/to queries on a numeric column.
 * The generated array of from/to values will be equally sized to fetchSize (apart from the last one),
 * ranging from minVal up to maxVal.
 * <p>For example, if there's a table <CODE>BOOKS</CODE> with a numeric PK <CODE>id</CODE>, using a query like:
 * <PRE>
 * </PRE>
 * <p>You can take advantage of this class to automatically generate the parameters of the BETWEEN clause,
 * based on the passed constructor parameters.
public class NumericBetweenParametersProvider implements ParameterValuesProvider {

	private final long fetchSize;
	private final long minVal;
	private final long maxVal;

	 * NumericBetweenParametersProvider constructor.
	 * @param fetchSize the max distance between the produced from/to pairs
	 * @param minVal the lower bound of the produced "from" values
	 * @param maxVal the upper bound of the produced "to" values
	public NumericBetweenParametersProvider(long fetchSize, long minVal, long maxVal) {
		checkArgument(fetchSize > 0, "Fetch size must be greater than 0.");
		checkArgument(minVal <= maxVal, "Min value cannot be greater than max value.");
		this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
		this.minVal = minVal;
		this.maxVal = maxVal;

	public Serializable[][] getParameterValues() {
		double maxElemCount = (maxVal - minVal) + 1;
		int numBatches = new Double(Math.ceil(maxElemCount / fetchSize)).intValue();
		Serializable[][] parameters = new Serializable[numBatches][2];
		int batchIndex = 0;
		for (long start = minVal; start <= maxVal; start += fetchSize, batchIndex++) {
			long end = start + fetchSize - 1;
			if (end > maxVal) {
				end = maxVal;
			parameters[batchIndex] = new Long[]{start, end};
		return parameters;

  • NumericBetweenParametersProvider为基于numeric主键的范围查询(WHERE id BETWEEN ? AND ?)自动生成了分段的参数,其构造器要求输入每次的fetchSize、最小值minVal、最大值maxVal;getParameterValues方法会根据这几个值计算numBatches,然后计算好分段的参数值



public class JDBCInputFormat extends RichInputFormat<Row, InputSplit> implements ResultTypeQueryable<Row> {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JDBCInputFormat.class);

	private String username;
	private String password;
	private String drivername;
	private String dbURL;
	private String queryTemplate;
	private int resultSetType;
	private int resultSetConcurrency;
	private RowTypeInfo rowTypeInfo;

	private transient Connection dbConn;
	private transient PreparedStatement statement;
	private transient ResultSet resultSet;
	private int fetchSize;

	private boolean hasNext;
	private Object[][] parameterValues;

	public JDBCInputFormat() {

	public RowTypeInfo getProducedType() {
		return rowTypeInfo;

	public void configure(Configuration parameters) {
		//do nothing here

	public void openInputFormat() {
		//called once per inputFormat (on open)
		try {
			if (username == null) {
				dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);
			} else {
				dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, username, password);
			statement = dbConn.prepareStatement(queryTemplate, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
			if (fetchSize == Integer.MIN_VALUE || fetchSize > 0) {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("open() failed." + se.getMessage(), se);
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDBC-Class not found. - " + cnfe.getMessage(), cnfe);

	public void closeInputFormat() {
		//called once per inputFormat (on close)
		try {
			if (statement != null) {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			LOG.info("Inputformat Statement couldn't be closed - " + se.getMessage());
		} finally {
			statement = null;

		try {
			if (dbConn != null) {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			LOG.info("Inputformat couldn't be closed - " + se.getMessage());
		} finally {
			dbConn = null;

		parameterValues = null;

	 * Connects to the source database and executes the query in a <b>parallel
	 * fashion</b> if
	 * this {@link InputFormat} is built using a parameterized query (i.e. using
	 * a {@link PreparedStatement})
	 * and a proper {@link ParameterValuesProvider}, in a <b>non-parallel
	 * fashion</b> otherwise.
	 * @param inputSplit which is ignored if this InputFormat is executed as a
	 *        non-parallel source,
	 *        a "hook" to the query parameters otherwise (using its
	 *        <i>splitNumber</i>)
	 * @throws IOException if there's an error during the execution of the query
	public void open(InputSplit inputSplit) throws IOException {
		try {
			if (inputSplit != null && parameterValues != null) {
				for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues[inputSplit.getSplitNumber()].length; i++) {
					Object param = parameterValues[inputSplit.getSplitNumber()][i];
					if (param instanceof String) {
						statement.setString(i + 1, (String) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Long) {
						statement.setLong(i + 1, (Long) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Integer) {
						statement.setInt(i + 1, (Integer) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Double) {
						statement.setDouble(i + 1, (Double) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Boolean) {
						statement.setBoolean(i + 1, (Boolean) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Float) {
						statement.setFloat(i + 1, (Float) param);
					} else if (param instanceof BigDecimal) {
						statement.setBigDecimal(i + 1, (BigDecimal) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Byte) {
						statement.setByte(i + 1, (Byte) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Short) {
						statement.setShort(i + 1, (Short) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Date) {
						statement.setDate(i + 1, (Date) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Time) {
						statement.setTime(i + 1, (Time) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Timestamp) {
						statement.setTimestamp(i + 1, (Timestamp) param);
					} else if (param instanceof Array) {
						statement.setArray(i + 1, (Array) param);
					} else {
						//extends with other types if needed
						throw new IllegalArgumentException("open() failed. Parameter " + i + " of type " + param.getClass() + " is not handled (yet).");
				if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
					LOG.debug(String.format("Executing '%s' with parameters %s", queryTemplate, Arrays.deepToString(parameterValues[inputSplit.getSplitNumber()])));
			resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
			hasNext = resultSet.next();
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("open() failed." + se.getMessage(), se);

	 * Closes all resources used.
	 * @throws IOException Indicates that a resource could not be closed.
	public void close() throws IOException {
		if (resultSet == null) {
		try {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			LOG.info("Inputformat ResultSet couldn't be closed - " + se.getMessage());

	 * Checks whether all data has been read.
	 * @return boolean value indication whether all data has been read.
	 * @throws IOException
	public boolean reachedEnd() throws IOException {
		return !hasNext;

	 * Stores the next resultSet row in a tuple.
	 * @param row row to be reused.
	 * @return row containing next {@link Row}
	 * @throws java.io.IOException
	public Row nextRecord(Row row) throws IOException {
		try {
			if (!hasNext) {
				return null;
			for (int pos = 0; pos < row.getArity(); pos++) {
				row.setField(pos, resultSet.getObject(pos + 1));
			//update hasNext after we've read the record
			hasNext = resultSet.next();
			return row;
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			throw new IOException("Couldn't read data - " + se.getMessage(), se);
		} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
			throw new IOException("Couldn't access resultSet", npe);

	public BaseStatistics getStatistics(BaseStatistics cachedStatistics) throws IOException {
		return cachedStatistics;

	public InputSplit[] createInputSplits(int minNumSplits) throws IOException {
		if (parameterValues == null) {
			return new GenericInputSplit[]{new GenericInputSplit(0, 1)};
		GenericInputSplit[] ret = new GenericInputSplit[parameterValues.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
			ret[i] = new GenericInputSplit(i, ret.length);
		return ret;

	public InputSplitAssigner getInputSplitAssigner(InputSplit[] inputSplits) {
		return new DefaultInputSplitAssigner(inputSplits);

	PreparedStatement getStatement() {
		return statement;

  • JDBCInputFormat继承了RichInputFormat,同时实现了ResultTypeQueryable接口
  • createInputSplits方法会根据parameterValues来创建GenericInputSplit数组,如果parameterValues为null则默认创建的totalNumberOfPartitions为1
  • getInputSplitAssigner方法根据InputSplit数组创建了DefaultInputSplitAssigner;getStatistics方法返回的是方法参数cachedStatistics
  • openInputFormat方法主要是获取数据库连接,准备好statement;closeInputFormat方法主要是关闭statement以及关闭数据库连接
  • open方法接收inputSplit,其主要是根据inputSplit从parameterValues提取查询参数,并设置到statement,之后执行statement.executeQuery()获取resultSet;nextRecord方法主要是遍历resultSet读取数据;close方法主要是关闭resultSet



 * This interface must be implemented by all kind of input splits that can be assigned to input formats.
 * <p>Input splits are transferred in serialized form via the messages, so they need to be serializable
 * as defined by {@link java.io.Serializable}.</p>
public interface InputSplit extends Serializable {
	 * Returns the number of this input split.
	 * @return the number of this input split
	int getSplitNumber();
  • InputSplit接口定义了getSplitNumber方法用于返回当前input的split number



 * A generic input split that has only a partition number.
public class GenericInputSplit implements InputSplit, java.io.Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	/** The number of this split. */
	private final int partitionNumber;

	/** The total number of partitions */
	private final int totalNumberOfPartitions;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Creates a generic input split with the given split number.
	 * @param partitionNumber The number of the split's partition.
	 * @param totalNumberOfPartitions The total number of the splits (partitions).
	public GenericInputSplit(int partitionNumber, int totalNumberOfPartitions) {
		this.partitionNumber = partitionNumber;
		this.totalNumberOfPartitions = totalNumberOfPartitions;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public int getSplitNumber() {
		return this.partitionNumber;
	public int getTotalNumberOfSplits() {
		return this.totalNumberOfPartitions;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public int hashCode() {
		return this.partitionNumber ^ this.totalNumberOfPartitions;
	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (obj instanceof GenericInputSplit) {
			GenericInputSplit other = (GenericInputSplit) obj;
			return this.partitionNumber == other.partitionNumber &&
					this.totalNumberOfPartitions == other.totalNumberOfPartitions;
		} else {
			return false;
	public String toString() {
		return "GenericSplit (" + this.partitionNumber + '/' + this.totalNumberOfPartitions + ')';
  • GenericInputSplit实现了InputSplit接口,其getSplitNumber方法返回的是partitionNumber



 * An input split assigner distributes the {@link InputSplit}s among the instances on which a
 * data source exists.
public interface InputSplitAssigner {

	 * Returns the next input split that shall be consumed. The consumer's host is passed as a parameter
	 * to allow localized assignments.
	 * @param host The host address of split requesting task.
	 * @param taskId The id of the split requesting task.
	 * @return the next input split to be consumed, or <code>null</code> if no more splits remain.
	InputSplit getNextInputSplit(String host, int taskId);

  • InputSplitAssigner接口定义了getNextInputSplit方法,其方法接收两个参数分别是host及taskId,该方法用于返回下一个inputSplit



 * This is the default implementation of the {@link InputSplitAssigner} interface. The default input split assigner
 * simply returns all input splits of an input vertex in the order they were originally computed.
public class DefaultInputSplitAssigner implements InputSplitAssigner {

	/** The logging object used to report information and errors. */
	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultInputSplitAssigner.class);

	/** The list of all splits */
	private final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

	public DefaultInputSplitAssigner(InputSplit[] splits) {
		Collections.addAll(this.splits, splits);
	public DefaultInputSplitAssigner(Collection<? extends InputSplit> splits) {
	public InputSplit getNextInputSplit(String host, int taskId) {
		InputSplit next = null;
		// keep the synchronized part short
		synchronized (this.splits) {
			if (this.splits.size() > 0) {
				next = this.splits.remove(this.splits.size() - 1);
		if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
			if (next == null) {
				LOG.debug("No more input splits available");
			} else {
				LOG.debug("Assigning split " + next + " to " + host);
		return next;
  • DefaultInputSplitAssigner是InputSplitAssigner的默认实现,其getNextInputSplit方法会使用synchronized修改splits值,移除最后一个元素



public class InputFormatSourceFunction<OUT> extends RichParallelSourceFunction<OUT> {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	private TypeInformation<OUT> typeInfo;
	private transient TypeSerializer<OUT> serializer;

	private InputFormat<OUT, InputSplit> format;

	private transient InputSplitProvider provider;
	private transient Iterator<InputSplit> splitIterator;

	private volatile boolean isRunning = true;

	public InputFormatSourceFunction(InputFormat<OUT, ?> format, TypeInformation<OUT> typeInfo) {
		this.format = (InputFormat<OUT, InputSplit>) format;
		this.typeInfo = typeInfo;

	public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {
		StreamingRuntimeContext context = (StreamingRuntimeContext) getRuntimeContext();

		if (format instanceof RichInputFormat) {
			((RichInputFormat) format).setRuntimeContext(context);

		provider = context.getInputSplitProvider();
		serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(getRuntimeContext().getExecutionConfig());
		splitIterator = getInputSplits();
		isRunning = splitIterator.hasNext();

	public void run(SourceContext<OUT> ctx) throws Exception {
		try {

			Counter completedSplitsCounter = getRuntimeContext().getMetricGroup().counter("numSplitsProcessed");
			if (isRunning && format instanceof RichInputFormat) {
				((RichInputFormat) format).openInputFormat();

			OUT nextElement = serializer.createInstance();
			while (isRunning) {

				// for each element we also check if cancel
				// was called by checking the isRunning flag

				while (isRunning && !format.reachedEnd()) {
					nextElement = format.nextRecord(nextElement);
					if (nextElement != null) {
					} else {

				if (isRunning) {
					isRunning = splitIterator.hasNext();
		} finally {
			if (format instanceof RichInputFormat) {
				((RichInputFormat) format).closeInputFormat();
			isRunning = false;

	public void cancel() {
		isRunning = false;

	public void close() throws Exception {
		if (format instanceof RichInputFormat) {
			((RichInputFormat) format).closeInputFormat();

	 * Returns the {@code InputFormat}. This is only needed because we need to set the input
	 * split assigner on the {@code StreamGraph}.
	public InputFormat<OUT, InputSplit> getFormat() {
		return format;

	private Iterator<InputSplit> getInputSplits() {

		return new Iterator<InputSplit>() {

			private InputSplit nextSplit;

			private boolean exhausted;

			public boolean hasNext() {
				if (exhausted) {
					return false;

				if (nextSplit != null) {
					return true;

				final InputSplit split;
				try {
					split = provider.getNextInputSplit(getRuntimeContext().getUserCodeClassLoader());
				} catch (InputSplitProviderException e) {
					throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve next input split.", e);

				if (split != null) {
					this.nextSplit = split;
					return true;
				} else {
					exhausted = true;
					return false;

			public InputSplit next() {
				if (this.nextSplit == null && !hasNext()) {
					throw new NoSuchElementException();

				final InputSplit tmp = this.nextSplit;
				this.nextSplit = null;
				return tmp;

			public void remove() {
				throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  • InputFormatSourceFunction的splitIterator的hasNext()方法会使用provider.getNextInputSplit(getRuntimeContext().getUserCodeClassLoader())来获取nextInputSplit,其provider为RpcInputSplitProvider



 * An input split provider can be successively queried to provide a series of {@link InputSplit} objects a
 * task is supposed to consume in the course of its execution.
public interface InputSplitProvider {

	 * Requests the next input split to be consumed by the calling task.
	 * @param userCodeClassLoader used to deserialize input splits
	 * @return the next input split to be consumed by the calling task or <code>null</code> if the
	 *         task shall not consume any further input splits.
	 * @throws InputSplitProviderException if fetching the next input split fails
	InputSplit getNextInputSplit(ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader) throws InputSplitProviderException;
  • InputSplitProvider接口定义了getNextInputSplit方法,用于给每个task调用获取它要处理的inputSplit



public class RpcInputSplitProvider implements InputSplitProvider {
	private final JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway;
	private final JobVertexID jobVertexID;
	private final ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID;
	private final Time timeout;

	public RpcInputSplitProvider(
			JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway,
			JobVertexID jobVertexID,
			ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
			Time timeout) {
		this.jobMasterGateway = Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobMasterGateway);
		this.jobVertexID = Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobVertexID);
		this.executionAttemptID = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executionAttemptID);
		this.timeout = Preconditions.checkNotNull(timeout);

	public InputSplit getNextInputSplit(ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader) throws InputSplitProviderException {

		CompletableFuture<SerializedInputSplit> futureInputSplit = jobMasterGateway.requestNextInputSplit(

		try {
			SerializedInputSplit serializedInputSplit = futureInputSplit.get(timeout.getSize(), timeout.getUnit());

			if (serializedInputSplit.isEmpty()) {
				return null;
			} else {
				return InstantiationUtil.deserializeObject(serializedInputSplit.getInputSplitData(), userCodeClassLoader);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new InputSplitProviderException("Requesting the next input split failed.", e);
  • RpcInputSplitProvider的getNextInputSplit方法主要是通过jobMasterGateway.requestNextInputSplit,像jobMaster请求nextInputSplit



public class JobMaster extends FencedRpcEndpoint<JobMasterId> implements JobMasterGateway, JobMasterService {

	public CompletableFuture<SerializedInputSplit> requestNextInputSplit(
			final JobVertexID vertexID,
			final ExecutionAttemptID executionAttempt) {

		final Execution execution = executionGraph.getRegisteredExecutions().get(executionAttempt);
		if (execution == null) {
			// can happen when JobManager had already unregistered this execution upon on task failure,
			// but TaskManager get some delay to aware of that situation
			if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
				log.debug("Can not find Execution for attempt {}.", executionAttempt);
			// but we should TaskManager be aware of this
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new Exception("Can not find Execution for attempt " + executionAttempt));

		final ExecutionJobVertex vertex = executionGraph.getJobVertex(vertexID);
		if (vertex == null) {
			log.error("Cannot find execution vertex for vertex ID {}.", vertexID);
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new Exception("Cannot find execution vertex for vertex ID " + vertexID));

		final InputSplitAssigner splitAssigner = vertex.getSplitAssigner();
		if (splitAssigner == null) {
			log.error("No InputSplitAssigner for vertex ID {}.", vertexID);
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(new Exception("No InputSplitAssigner for vertex ID " + vertexID));

		final LogicalSlot slot = execution.getAssignedResource();
		final int taskId = execution.getVertex().getParallelSubtaskIndex();
		final String host = slot != null ? slot.getTaskManagerLocation().getHostname() : null;
		final InputSplit nextInputSplit = splitAssigner.getNextInputSplit(host, taskId);

		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("Send next input split {}.", nextInputSplit);

		try {
			final byte[] serializedInputSplit = InstantiationUtil.serializeObject(nextInputSplit);
			return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new SerializedInputSplit(serializedInputSplit));
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			log.error("Could not serialize the next input split of class {}.", nextInputSplit.getClass(), ex);
			IOException reason = new IOException("Could not serialize the next input split of class " +
					nextInputSplit.getClass() + ".", ex);
			return FutureUtils.completedExceptionally(reason);

  • JobMaster的requestNextInputSplit方法会通过splitAssigner.getNextInputSplit(host, taskId)来获取nextInputSplit,然后返回给请求的RpcInputSplitProvider


  • ParameterValuesProvider接口定义了getParameterValues方法,用于返回并行表查询所需的参数,该参数主要是用于将一个大的sql查询分为几个分段查询用于并行处理;它有两个实现类分别是GenericParameterValuesProvider及NumericBetweenParametersProvider
  • GenericParameterValuesProvider实际上没有做其他事情,它实现的getParameterValues方法返回的值是构造器要求输入的;NumericBetweenParametersProvider为基于numeric主键的范围查询(WHERE id BETWEEN ? AND ?)自动生成了分段的参数,其构造器要求输入每次的fetchSize、最小值minVal、最大值maxVal;getParameterValues方法会根据这几个值计算numBatches,然后计算好分段的参数值
  • JDBCInputFormat继承了RichInputFormat,同时实现了ResultTypeQueryable接口;createInputSplits方法会根据parameterValues来创建GenericInputSplit数组,如果parameterValues为null则默认创建的totalNumberOfPartitions为1;getInputSplitAssigner方法根据InputSplit数组创建了DefaultInputSplitAssigner;getStatistics方法返回的是方法参数cachedStatistics;openInputFormat方法主要是获取数据库连接,准备好statement;closeInputFormat方法主要是关闭statement以及关闭数据库连接;open方法接收inputSplit,其主要是根据inputSplit从parameterValues提取查询参数,并设置到statement,之后执行statement.executeQuery()获取resultSet;nextRecord方法主要是遍历resultSet读取数据;close方法主要是关闭resultSet
  • InputSplit接口定义了getSplitNumber方法用于返回当前input的split number;GenericInputSplit实现了InputSplit接口,其getSplitNumber方法返回的是partitionNumber;InputSplitAssigner接口定义了getNextInputSplit方法,其方法接收两个参数分别是host及taskId,该方法用于返回下一个inputSplit;DefaultInputSplitAssigner是InputSplitAssigner的默认实现,其getNextInputSplit方法会使用synchronized修改splits值,移除最后一个元素
  • InputFormatSourceFunction的splitIterator的hasNext()方法会使用provider.getNextInputSplit(getRuntimeContext().getUserCodeClassLoader())来获取nextInputSplit,其provider为RpcInputSplitProvider;InputSplitProvider接口定义了getNextInputSplit方法,用于给每个task调用获取它要处理的inputSplit;RpcInputSplitProvider的getNextInputSplit方法主要是通过jobMasterGateway.requestNextInputSplit,像jobMaster请求nextInputSplit;JobMaster的requestNextInputSplit方法会通过splitAssigner.getNextInputSplit(host, taskId)来获取nextInputSplit,然后返回给请求的RpcInputSplitProvider







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