

$ adop -status 

Enter the APPS username: apps
Enter the APPS password: 

Current Patching Session ID: 3

Node Name       Node Type       Phase       Status          Started                        Finished                       Elapsed
--------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
erptest         master          PREPARE     FAILED          03-DEC-15 01:56:09 +08:00      03-DEC-15 01:58:07 +08:00      0:01:58
                                APPLY       NOT STARTED
                                CUTOVER     NOT STARTED
                                CLEANUP     NOT STARTED

File System Synchronization Used in this Patching Cycle: None

For more information, see the full ADOP Status Report.
Generating full ADOP Status Report at location: /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/status_20151203_141843/adzdshowstatus.out
Please wait...

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)



$ adop   phase=abort

Enter the APPS password: 
Enter the SYSTEM password: 
Enter the WLSADMIN password: 

 Please wait. Validating credentials...

Enter the RUN file system context file name [/app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_erptest/appl/admin/VIS_erptest.xml]: 

Enter the PATCH file system context file name [/app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_erptest/appl/admin/VIS_erptest.xml]: 

[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:24:45] Performing verification of parameters
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:24:46] Checking for the required ENV setup 
[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:24:46] Checking for the required ENV setup 

************* Start of  session *************
 version: 12.2.0
 started at: Thu Dec 03 2015 14:24:46

APPL_TOP is set to /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:24:46] Determining admin node
[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:24:48] Determining admin node
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:24:50] Acquiring lock on sessions table
[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:24:51] Acquiring lock on sessions table
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:24:51] Checking for any pending sessions
[STATEMENT] There is already a session which is incomplete. Details are:
[STATEMENT]     Session Id: 3
[STATEMENT]     Prepare phase status: R
[STATEMENT]     Apply phase status: N
[STATEMENT]     Cutover  phase status: N
[STATEMENT]     Abort phase status: N
[STATEMENT]     Session status: F
[STATEMENT] [Note: Y denotes that the phase is done
[STATEMENT]        N denotes that the phase has not been completed
[STATEMENT]        X denotes that the phase is not applicable
[STATEMENT]        R denotes that the phase is running (in progress) or ran
[STATEMENT]        F denotes that the phase has failed
[STATEMENT]        P (is applicable only to APPLY phase) denotes atleast
[STATEMENT]           one patch is already applied for the session id
The above session would be aborted/rolled back. Do you want to continue [Y/N]? y
[STATEMENT] Continuing 
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:25:16] Unlocking sessions table
[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:25:17] Unlocking sessions table
[STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:25:17] adzdoptl.pl run
  [STATEMENT] Session ID: 3
  [STATEMENT] Phase: abort
  [STATEMENT] Log file: /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/3/adop_20151203_142418.log
  [STATEMENT] Abort status: N
  [STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:25:26] abort phase 
    [STATEMENT] ABORT Phase START TIME: 03-12-2015 14:25:27
    [STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:25:30] Performing abort phase steps
      [STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:25:34] Calling AD_ZD_ADOP.ABORT
      [STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:25] AD_ZD_ADOP.ABORT
      [STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:28:26] Cancelling ADZDPATCH concurrent program
        [STATEMENT] Concurrent Request Number: 7444663
      [STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:30] Cancelling ADZDPATCH concurrent program
    [STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:33]  Performing abort phase steps
    [STATEMENT] ABORT Phase END TIME: 03-12-2015 14:28:35
  [STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:37] abort phase 
    [STATEMENT] [START 2015/12/03 14:28:38] Generating Report to spool all logs from ad_zd_logs
      [STATEMENT] Report: /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/ADZDSHOWLOG.sql

      [STATEMENT] Output: /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/3/abort_20151203_142418/VIS_erptest/adzdshowlog.out

    [STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:41] Generating Report to spool all logs from ad_zd_logs
[STATEMENT] [END   2015/12/03 14:28:44] adzdoptl.pl run
[STATEMENT] adop phase=abort - Completed Successfully

[STATEMENT] Log file: /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/3/adop_20151203_142418.log

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


