
四年级有大量的英语知识点需要孩子们去记背,记忆英语知识最好的方法就是做试题,在做题中运用知识。下面是秋天网 Qiutian.ZqNF.Com小编为大家整理的冀教版四年级上册英语第四单元测试题,希望对大家有用!

冀教版四年级上册英语第四单元测试题一  一、根据汉语写出下列单词

写字板_____ 电脑_____ 讲桌_____

灯_____ 图画______ 电扇_____

地板______ 墙______


( ) 1.is this the washroom? ______________

a. yes, it is. b.no, it is. c.no, it isn’t.

( )2. the library is on the ______ floor.

a.one b.two c.second

( )3.let’s go and _______

a.have look b.have a look c.look at

( )4. do you have lunch ____ school?

a.in b.at c.on

( )5. how many ______ are there in your school?

a.student b.students c.studentes

( )6._____ way, please.

a. this b.that c. this is

( )7.welcome _____ our school!

a.on b.in c.to

( )8.we draw pictures in the _____

a.music room b.art room c.canteen

( )9.we can read books in the ______.

a.library b.tv room c.gym

( )10.this is my desk. that is ______ desk.

a.your b.you c.i


( )1.go to the teacher’s office. a.water the flowers.

( )2. go to the canteen. b. eat some noodles.

( )3. go to the library. c.play football.

( )4. go to the playground. d.read a story-book.

( )5. go to the garden. e.hand in the homework.


( )1.where is the gym? a.oh. it’sbeautiful.

( )2.is this the playground? b.yes, i do.

( )3.do you have a library? c.it’s on the first floor.

( )4.how many desks are there in your classroom? d.no, it isn’t.

( )5.look! this is our garden. e.there are forty-four.




2、询问别人:“那是你们的计算机教室吗?”怎么说呢? ______________________________________________________




1. is this the __________ (教师的办公室)? yes, it is.

2. is this the garden? no, ______ _______.(它不是)

3. look! _____ ______ (这是)the gym.

4. look! one ______(图画), two _______(电脑) ┅

5. is this an art room? no. it’s a ______ _______.(计算机房)

七、 句子练一练。

1. this is the classroom. (“这个”改为“那个”。)

2.that is a picture.(改为一般疑问句。)

3.is that a room art ?(连词成句)。

4.is this a light?(“不是”)


八、read and arrange (整理句子,组成一段对话)

( ) wow! your school is cool!

( ) no, it isn’t. it’s the music room. the art room is on the second floor.

( ) look, this is my school.

( ) oh, it’s so big. is this the art room?

( ) thank you. look at the playground.


hello! i’m zoom. this is my classroom. it’s very big. in the classroom you can see a big board, 2 doors, 6 windows, 10 desks, 20 chairs, 4 pictures and 8 lights. the board is black. the wall is white. the floor is green. my classroom is nice and clean. i like my classroom very much.

( )1. the classroom is very big.

( )2. the board is small.

( ) 3. there are 6 windows in the classroom.

( )4. the floor is yellow.

( )5. the classroom is nice and clean.

冀教版四年级上册英语第四单元测试题二  一. 请将下列短语或句子翻译成中文。(16%)

1. 切生日蛋糕

2. 唱一首生日歌

3. 一个电脑游戏

4. 开个玩笑罢了!

5. 生日快乐!

6. 看电视

7. 看上去很年轻

8. 假日照片

二. 选择填空。(20%)

( ) 1. these are my holiday .

a. photo b. photos c. a photo

( ) 2. are you playing ball games him?

a. and b. with c. for

( ) 3. you the truth, i’m 80 years old.

a. tell b. and tell c. to tell

( ) 4. she beautiful.

a. looks b. look c. is looking

( ) 5. what the man ?

a.do….do b.is….do c. does….do

( ) 6. nancy is her homework.

a. doing b.do c. does

( ) 7. the present is your parents.

a. give b. from c. buy

( ) 8. i am 90 years old.

a. really b. with c. for

( ) 9. happy birthday you.

a. for b. with c.to

( ) 10. jay is giving a birthday card.

a.to her b. she c. her


1. secret, it, a, is

2. does, what, the, old, do, man?

3. brother, my, 20, is, old, years.

4. from, this, present, mum, dad, and, is, your?

5. girl, cutting, birthday, is, the, a, cake?

三. 根据短文的意思,选词填空。(14%)

yours, party, blowing out, excited, hat, present, very much

today is my grandmother’s birthday. she’s 70 old. she looks so

. i give her a birthday , and it’s a .

she likes the hat . we are having a birthday for her. my parents and i are singing a birthday song for her. look, she is

the birthday candles. i am cutting the birthday cake for her. my grandmother likes eating cakes very much.

四. 按照实际情况回答问题。(10%)

1. what’s your name?

2. how old are you?

3. are you tall or short?

4. is your mother young?

5. how old is your father?

6. what does your mother do?

7. do you look cute?

8. is your grandma very old?

五. 读短文,按要求答题。(20%)

(a) 选择正确的答案。

i am an american boy. my name is jim. i am twelve. there are five people in my

family. they are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. my father and my mother are teachers. they are hard working. my brother has a farm. it isn’t big. my sister is a doctor. she works in a hospital(医院). everyone in my family likes china.

( ) 1. jim is boy.

a. an english b. a chinese c. an american

( ) 2. there are people in jim’s family.

a. four b. five c. six

( ) 3. jim’s father is .

a. hardworking b. funny c. handsome

( ) 4. jim’s brother has a .

a. worker b. factory c. farm

( ) 5. jim has sister.

a. one b. two c. three

( ) 6. jim’s mother is a .

a. doctor b. teacher c. nurse

(b) 判断句子是否与短文内容一致,如一致写“t”,否则写“f”

i’m a teacher. my name is wang ping. i’m from shanghai. i usually get up at six and have breakfast at six thirty. i go to work at seven. i like singing, dancing and swimming. i like singing best.

( ) 1. my name is wang ping.

( ) 2. i’m chinese.

( ) 3. i usually get up at six thirty.

( ) 4. i like dancing best.

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