带你入门 JavaScript ES6 (五) 集合

本文同步带你入门 带你入门 JavaScript ES6 (五) 集合,转载请注明出处。


本章我们将学习 ES6 中的 Set(集合)WeakSet 集合 的相关用法及使用场景。


Set 集合是 ES6 引入的新的内置对象类型,其特点同数学意义的集合,即集合内所有元素不重复(元素唯一)。

要了解 Set 集合,我们可以先看看数组,ES6 之前数组类似于数学意义上 集合,但是差异在于数组元素值是可重复。

// 数组
let nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(nums)// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

console.log(nums)// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]

// 集合
let sLang = new Set(['javascript', 'java', 'c++', 'php', 'javascript'])
console.log(sLang)//  Set {"javascript", "java", "c++", "php"}

对比数组 nums 和集合 sLang,数组可以加入重复数据,而集合的所有元素是唯一的不允许重复。

二、Set 集合常用操作

2.1 初始化

① 申明空集合

// 创建空集合
let s = new Set();
console.log(s)// Set {}

console.log(s)//Set {"php"}

② 申明初始值集合

let s = new Set(['php', 'javascript'])
console.log(s)// Set {"php", "javascript"}

③ 语法

new Set([iterable]);


目前支持可迭代协议的可迭代对象有 Array, [Map], Set, String, TypedArray, arguments对象等.


// string
let str = new Set('name')
console.log(str)// Set {"n", "a", "m", "e"}

// set
let strSet = new Set(str)
console.log(strSet)// Set {"n", "a", "m", "e"}

// array
let nums = new Set([1, 2, 3])
console.log(nums)// Set {1, 2, 3}

function add(...nums) {
    let args =  new Set(arguments)
    return args

console.log(add(1));// Set {1}
console.log(add(1, 2));// Set {1, 2}

2.1 集合操作

常见的操作有添加(add)、删除(delete)、清空(clear)、判断是否存在(has)、获取所有值(values) 及获取集合元素个数

let lang = new Set(['javascript', 'java', 'c++', 'php', 'javascript'])
console.log(lang)// Set {"javascript", "java", "c++", "php"}

// add
console.log(lang)// Set {"javascript", "java", "c++", "php", "ruby"}

// delete
console.log(lang)// Set {"javascript", "c++", "php", "ruby"}

// 判断是否存在 python,javascript
console.log(`has python: ${lang.has('python')}`)// has python: false
console.log(`has javascript: ${lang.has('javascript')}`)// has javascript: true

// 获取所有元素
console.log(lang.values()) // SetIterator {"javascript", "c++", "php", "ruby"}
console.log(lang.keys()) // SetIterator {"javascript", "c++", "php", "ruby"}

// 获取个数
console.log(lang.size);// 4

// 清空
console.log(lang);// Set {}

2.2 迭代

Set 集合是一个可迭代的对象,所以可以使用 for of 进行迭代获取所有数据。

let lang = new Set(['javascript', 'java', 'c++', 'php', 'javascript'])
for (let l of lang) {

三、 WeakSet 集合

WeakSet 和 普通的 Set 相似,不同点在于:

  • WeakSet 只能添加对象元素
  • WeakSet 无法迭代
  • 没有 clear() 方法

为什么没有 clear 方法,阮一峰老师的 ES6 教程中有过解释:

WeakSet 中的对象都是弱引用,即垃圾回收机制不考虑 WeakSet 对该对象的引用,也就是说,如果其他对象都不再引用该对象,那么垃圾回收机制会自动回收该对象所占用的内存,不考虑该对象还存在于 WeakSet 之中。

这是因为垃圾回收机制依赖引用计数,如果一个值的引用次数不为0,垃圾回收机制就不会释放这块内存。结束使用该值之后,有时会忘记取消引用,导致内存无法释放,进而可能会引发内存泄漏。WeakSet 里面的引用,都不计入垃圾回收机制,所以就不存在这个问题。因此,WeakSet 适合临时存放一组对象,以及存放跟对象绑定的信息。只要这些对象在外部消失,它在 WeakSet 里面的引用就会自动消失。

由于上面这个特点,WeakSet 的成员是不适合引用的,因为它会随时消失。另外,由于 WeakSet 内部有多少个成员,取决于垃圾回收机制有没有运行,运行前后很可能成员个数是不一样的,而垃圾回收机制何时运行是不可预测的,因此 ES6 规定 WeakSet 不可遍历。


Set 对象

WeakSet 对象

Set 和 Map 数据结构

JavaScript is no longer to be feared or loathed – the world’s most popular and ubiquitous language has evolved into a respectable language. Whether you’re writing frontend applications or server side code, the phenomenal features from ES6 and beyond – like the rest operator, generators, destructuring, object literals, arrow functions, modern classes, promises, async, and metaprogramming capabilities – will get you excited and eager to program with JavaScript. You’ve found the right book to get started quickly and dive deep into the essence of modern JavaScript. Learn practical tips to apply the elegant parts of the language and the gotchas to avoid. JavaScript is a black swan that no one, including the author of the language, thought would become a popular and ubiquitous language. Not long ago, it was the most hated and feared language you could use to program the web. JavaScript ES6 and beyond has gone through a significant makeover. Troublesome features have been replaced with better, elegant, more reliable alternatives. This book includes many practical examples and exercises to help you learn in depth. It will not bore you with idiosyncrasies and arcane details intended for bad interview questions. Instead, it takes you into key features that you can readily use in your day-to-day projects. Whether you program the frontend or the server side, you can now write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators. Take it up a notch with features like infinite series, promises, async, and metaprogramming to create flexible, powerful, and extensible libraries. While the evolved features of the language will draw you in, the hundreds of examples in this book will pin the concepts down, for you to use on your projects. Take command of modern JavaScript and unlock your potential to create powerful applications. What You Need: To try out the examples in the book you will need a computer with Node.js, a text editor, and a browser like Chrome installed in it.




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