使用vs 2005写ocx控件,一个字 爽,遇到Project : error PRJ0050: 未能注册输出。请确保您有修改注册表的相应权限错误的解决 很不爽。
看了半天,我是管理员权限,删除debug也不行。Project : error PRJ0050: Failed to register output. Please ensure you have the appropriate permissions to modify the registry真是麻烦。
只好一步一步看作了哪些改动,发现调用了一个dll。这个lib我已经#pragma comment(lib,"tmdApi.lib"),删除dll的调用就行,考虑一下,只好把dll cpoy到output directory目录就行了。所有第三方的dll放在一起,然后注册。
发现在当前目录, %windir%,  %windir%\system32都可以。
Project Build Error PRJ0050
Error Message
Failed to register output. Please ensure you have the appropriate permissions to modify the registry.
The Visual C++ build system was not able to register the output of the build (dll or .exe). You need to be logged on as an administrator to modify the registry.
If you are building a .dll, you can try to register the .dll manually using regsvr32.exe, this should display information about why the build failed.
If you are not building a .dll, look at the build log for the command that causes an error.