
Class A

· Forsell Air Force One Mk.II: $30 000 *

· Immedia RPM-2: $4995

· Linn Sondek LP12 with Lingo power supply: $3045-3120 $$$ * A steal for such a neutral table!

· Naim Armageddon LP12 turntable power supply: $1250 *

· Oracle Delphi Mk V: $3100 $$$

· Simon Yorke Designs Series 7 Precision Analogue Disc Transcription System: $10000

· Spontheim La Luce: $18500 with SpJ tonearm

· VPI TNT Mk IV: $6400

Class B

· Rega Planar 9: $2795

· VPI TNT Jr.: $3000*

· Wilson Benesch Full Circle:$3898

Class C

· Linn Sondek LP12 Valhalla: $2150-2225 *

· Rega Planar 25:$1275 (with RB600 tonearm) $$$

Class D

· Rega Planar 3: $695 (inc. arm) $$$ * Lovely for the price!

· Rega Planar 2: $495

· Music Hall MMF-2: $299 with Goldring Elan cartridge $$$

· NAD 533: $449 with Goldring Elektra cartridge

· Thorens TD 320 Mk. III: $1080


Class A

· Clearaudio/Souther Tri-Quartz Improved: $2500*

· Immedia RPM-2: $2495

· Graham 2.0: $2250-3000 * Solid and dimensional! Even better than the already excellent 1.5, and IMHO, when matched with the Linn Sondek LP12 (which Stereophile itself has alluded to), you get musical nirvana this side of the $30000 Forsell (and a MUCH less fiddly 'table!)

· Linn Ekos: $2595 *

· Naim ARO: $2200 $$$ *

· Rega RB900: $995 $$$

· SME Series V: $3250 *

· VPI JMW Memorial Tonearm: $2300

Class B

· Rega RB300: $425 $$$ *

· Rega RB600: $695

· Wilson Nenesch ACT 0.5: $1495

Class C

· (No entries)

Phono Cartridges

Class A

· AudioQuest AQ 7000 Fe5: $2750*

· Clearaudio Insider: $7500

· Crown Jewel Special Edition: $2650

· Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum: $5500

· Koetsu Urushi: $4000

· Lyra CLavis Da Capo: $1895 $$$ *

· Lyra Parnassus D.C.t: $3495 Sweet!

· Transfiguration Temper Supreme: $3800

· van den Hul Frog: $2500

· van den Hul Grasshopper IV: $5000*

· Wilson Benesch Analog: $3800

· Wilson Benesch Carbon: $2800

· Win Research SMC-10 Super MC: $2500

Class B

· Goldring Excel VX: $995 $$$

· Grado Reference: $1200 $$$

· Grado Reference Sonata: $500

· van den Hul MC-10 Special: $1200

Class C

· Benz-Micro Glider: $750 $$$

· Benz-Micro MC Gold: $350 $$$

· Rega Exact: $595

· Shure V15VxMR: $275 $$$

· Ortofon MC-15 Super Mk II: $225 $$$

· Grado Reference Platinum: $300 $$$

Class D

· Ortofon X1-MC: $135

· Rega Elys: $225

· Sumiko Blue Point: $195 * Nice midrange

CD Players


· Audio Research CD2: $3495

· Balanced Audio Technology Vk-D5: $4500

· Bow Technologies ZZ-Eight: $7500

· California Audio Labs CL-20 DVD/CD player: $2495

· Linn Sondek CD12: $20000

· Mark Levinson No. 39: $5995

· Meridian 508-24: $3995 *

· Naim CD 3.5: $2150

· Sonic Frontiers Transport 3/Processor 3: $6999 each

· Sony CDP-XA7ES: $3000

· Wadia 860: $7450

· Wadia 850: $4950 I've never really been taken by Wadia CDP's, as I've always felt they were ludicrously expensive, though in today's climate of megabuck player/ processors/ transports their prices seem almost sane (case-in-point: the $12000 dCS Elgar). I agree with JA that used via the direct outputs this is a gorgeous sounding player, and very engaging to listem to. I haven't heard the 860, but I'm sure it will be better though perhaps not worth the extra 3 grand -- who knows?

· YBA CD1 Blue Laser: $6000


· Arcam Alpha 9: $1599 $$$

· California Audio Labs CL-10: $1695

· California Audio Labs CL-15: $1975

· Denon DCD-1650AR: $999 $$$

· Exposure CD player: $1995

· Myryad MC 100: $1195

· Rega Planet: $795 $$$

· YBA CD 3 Blue Laser: $3400


· Cambridge Audio CD4 SE: $529 Rather like the Marantz 63 I loved so much -- bass is perhaps not its strong suit, but overall it's detailed and musical. I like it.

· Rotel RCD-971: $695


· Arcam Aplha MCD: $999

· Denon DCM-360: $319

· NAD 515: $499

· Sony CDP-XA1ES: $350

Digital Processors


· Camelot Technology uther v2.0: $2995 $$$

· Classe DAC-1: $3995

· dCS Elgar: $12000

· dCS 972 digital to digital converter: $6995

· Genesis Technologies Digital Lens: $1800

· Mark Levinson No.30.5: $15950 * Words fail me ...

· Meridien 518: $1950

· Muse Model 296: $3000 $$$ I'm amazed with the sound quality at this price point, and it sounds even better with 24/96 ... just drips loveliness at times, to borrow a phrase from Arthur Golden.

· Spectral SDR-2000 Professional: $8895 $$$ *

· Theta DS Pro Generation V-A: $3795 *

· Wadia 27ix: $8950 $$$


· Camelot Technology Dragon Pro 2 Jitter Reducer: $1495

· Encore Ovation4: $1995

· Theta DS Pro Basic III-A: $2695 Good overall, though midrange could be warmer!


· Adcom GDA-700: $1000 *

· Entech 205.2: $449.95

· Monarchy Audio DIP: $199 $$$

· MSB Technologies Link DAC: $349 $$$

· Musical Fidelity X-24K: $499.95

· The Parts Connection Assemblage DAC-2: $499


· California Audio Labs Gamma: $195

· Entech 203.2: $299.95 $$$

CD Transports


· C.E.C. TL 0: $17,500 *

· C.E.C. TL 1: $4950 $$$ *

· Forsell Air Bearing Mk.II: $10900 *

· Mark Levinson No.31.5: $9495

· Mark Levinson No.37: $3995 $$$ (Difference from the 31.5 was oh-so slight! Impossible to fault without A-B-ing the 2)

· Muse Model Eight DVD/CD transport: $3500

· Theta Jade: $2495

· Wadia 270: $7950


· C.E.C. TL 2: $2995

· Meridian 500: $2395 *


· Rega Planet: $795 $$$


· (No entries)



· Adcom GFP-750: $1250 $$$ What you've heard is true -- I can't believe that this costs only $1250 except perhaps it's because it's an Adcom and they're not used to charging ridiculous prices for good gear. Do we really need another pre-amp costing over $5000?

· Audible Illusions Modulus 3A: $2195 $$$ You have to listen to this before plonking down serious cash for anything else! (except maybe the Adcom!)

· Audio Research Reference 1: $8495

· Ayre K-1: $5250

· Ayre K-3: $3250 $$$

· Conrad-Johnson ART: $14995

· Conrad-Johnson PF-R: $2795 $$$

· Conrad-Johnson Premier Fourteen: $4395

· Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Signature: $5950 *

· Jadis RC JP80 MC Mk. II: $20190

· Jeff Rowland Design Group Synergy Series II: $5500

· Krell KRC-HR: $6900

· Mark Levinson No. 380S: $6495

· Meridian 518: $1950

· Nagra PL-P: $9500

· Pass Labs Aleph P: $4000 *

· SimAudio Moon P-5: $3995

· Sonic Frontiers Line 2: $3299

· YBA Signature 6 Chassis: $19000

· Z-Systems rdp-1 (digital preamp): $5000


· Audio Research LS-9: $1995

· Bryston BP25-MC; $2995

· Electrocompaniet EC-4.5: $1995 $$$

· Electrocompaniet EC-4.6: $2995

· Krell KRC-3: $3500

· Lamm Industries L1: $6990

· Melos SHA-Gold: $1995 $$$ Better (slightly) than the SHA-1 (which I own) and with more inputs!

· Sonic Frontiers Line 1: $2499


· Home HeadRoom: $599 *

· Melos SHA-1: $1195 *

· Musical Fidelity X-Pre: $299.95 $$$

· Musical Fidelity X-10D: $199.95 $$$

· NAD 118: $1599

· Sonic Frontiers Anthem Pre 1L: $999

· Source Components Electronic Harmonic recovery System: $449


· Z-Man Audio Signal Enhancer: $149

Passive Control Units


· Reference Line Preeminence Two: $2095


· Purest Sound Systems Model 500: $325 *


· Creek Audio OBH-12: $325 $$$

Moving Coil Step-up Devices/Phono Preamps


· Audio Research PH3: $1495 $$$ A beauty by anyone's standards ...

· Balanced Audio Technology VK-P10: $4000

· Conrad-Johnson EF-1: $1995

· Expressive Technologies SU-1: $3500 *

· FM Acoustics Revolution Series 122: $5500

· Krell KPE Reference: $2200 (with external power supply)

· Linn Linto: $1500

· Lyra Arion Transformer: $1995

· Mark Levinson No.25S: $4390 *

· Naim Prefix: $750 $$$

· Pass Labs Aleph Ono: $2500

· Plinus M14: $3495

· Sutherland PH-2000: $6800


· Acoustech PH-1: $1200

· EAR 834P: $895-1195

· Lehmann Audio Black Cube: $694 $$$


· Musical Fidelity X-LP: $249.95 $$$

· NAD PP-1: $129 $$$

· Rotel RQ-970BX: $199.90 $$$

Power Amplifiers:

A (Tube)

· Audio Research VT200: $8995

· Audio Research VT100: $4995 $$$ The magic of tubes in spades, and a (barely) sensible price.

· Balanced Audio Technology VK-60: $4950 $$$

· Cary Audio Design CAD-805C monoblock: $8995/pair

· Cary Audio Design SLM-200 monoblock: $9995/pair

· Cary Audio Design CAD-300SE Signature monoblock: $4995/pair

· Conrad-Johnson Premier Eight A monoblock: $16,990/pair * Love these, but the price!

· Conrad-Johnson Premier Twelvemonoblock: $6990/pair

· Conrad-Johnson Premier Eleven A: $3495 $$$ *

· Graaf GM 200 OTL: $12500

· Manley Reference 440 monoblock: $12000/ pair *

· Manley Reference 240 monoblock: $9000/ pair

· Nagra VPA: $13200/pair

· Quicksilver M-135 monoblock: $6500/ pair *

· Sonic Frontiers Power 2: $4999

· Transcendent T9 OTL monoblock: $4495/pair

· Vacuum Tube Logic Wotan MB-1250 monoblock: $27500/ pair

· Vacuum Tube Logic MB-750 Signature monoblock: $14490/pair

· Vacuum Tube Logic MB-450 Signature monoblock: $6990/pair

A (Solid-State)

· Bryston 2050 monoblock: $59000/ pair

· Bryston 7B-ST monoblock: $4795/ pair $$$

· Classe Omega: $15000

· Forsell The Statement: $35000 *

· Krell Full Power Balanced 600c: $12500

· Krell Full Power Balanced 250Mc monoblock: $11000/pair

· LAMM Model M1.1 monoblock: $15890/pair *

· Mark Levinson No. 33H monoblock: $19950/pair

· McIntosh MC 1000 monoblock: $13000/ pair

· Pass Labs Aleph 1.2 monoblock: $14000/pair

· Pass Labs Aleph 3: $2500 $$$

· Plinus SA-100 Mk. II: $3995

· Reference Line Preeminence One Silver Signature: $7895

· SimAudio Moon W-5: $4795

· YBA Passion 1000 monoblock: $16000/ pair

· YBA 1 Alpha HC: $7000

A (Integrated)

· Bel Canto SETo40: $5200

· Bow Technologies Wazoo: $3500

· Cary Audio Design CAD-300SEI: $3995 *

· Jadis Orchestra: $2495 $$$

· Pathos Acoustics Twin Towers (C): $4950

· Krell KAV-300i: $2500 $$$

· YBA Integre DT: $2345 $$$


· Adcom GFA-5802: $1750

· Aragon 8008ST: $1999 $$$

· Arcam Alpha 10: $1599

· AudioPrism Debut: $1995

· Ayre V-3: $3875

· Bel Canto SET 80 monoblock: $8200/pair

· Bryston 3B-ST: $1650 $$$

· Cary CAD-572SE monoblock: $2495/ pair

· Cary SLM-100 monoblock: $3495/ pair

· Classe CA-100: $1495

· Conrad-Johnson MV-55: $1995 $$$ I want this!

· Kinergetics KBA-280: $2795

· McCormack Power Drive DNA-1: $2095 $$$ *

· McCormack Power Drive DNA-0.5: $1495 $$$ * I love both these McCormack's, though if your speakers aren't that demanding the 0.5 is probably the better sounding of the two, especially in it's Deluxe guise which is still cheaper than a standard 1. Really you can't do worse for this much money with a solid-state amp -- your comments please!

· Mesa Engineering Baron: $3995-5000

· Moth Audio S2A3: $3400

· Muse 160: $1900 $$$

· Plinus SA-50 Mk. III: $2995

· Proceed AMP-2: $1995 *

· Sonic Frontiers Power 1: $2499

· Vacuum Tube Logic MB 175 Signature monoblock: $4990/pair

B (Integrated Amplifiers)

· Audio Analogue Puccini Special Edition: 41195

· Audio Note OTO Phono SE: $2495

· Bryston B-60: $1495 $$$

· Conrad Johnson CAV-50: $2495

· Densen Beat 100: $1295

· LFD Mistral: 41095 $$$

· Linn Majik-I: $1195

· Musical Fidelity A220: $999.95


· Audio Electronics SE-1: $759-899

· Audio Electronics SE-811 monoblock: $1995/ pair

· Marantz MA700 THX monoblock: $500 each $$$

· Parasound HCA-1000A: $595 $$$

· Sonic Frontiers Anthem AMP 1 power amp: $1299

· VTL St-85: $1750

C (Integrated Amplifiers)

· Audio Refinement The Complete: $995

· Creek 4330: $495 $$$ Had an earlier iteration for a while in my earliest system ... still sounds lovely.

· Denon PMA-2000R: $999

· Musical Fidelity X-A1: $599.95

· Musical Fidelity A-2: $699

· Myryad MI-120: $995

· Rega Brio: $595

Loudspeaker Systems:


· Artemis Eos Signature/ Base Module: $17600-22100

· Audio Artistry Bethoven: $28000

· B&W Nautilus 801: $11000

· Dunlavy Audio Labs Signature SC-VI: $23995

· EgglestonWorks Andra: $14900 Awesome!

· JMLab Grande Utopia: $70000

· JMLab Utopia: $30000

· Revel Ultima Gem/ Sub-15: $14500-18500

· Revel Ultima Salon: $14400-15500

· Waveform Mach 17: $7445 $$$

A (Restricted Extreme LF)

· Artemis Eos Signature: $8200-10600

· Audio Physic Virgo: $5395/pair *

· B&W Silver Signature: $8000/pair (stands and cables included)

· Dunlavy SC-IV/A: $7995-8495

· Infinity IRS Epsilon: $14,000/pair inc. servo control unit

· mbl 111a: $15580 Amaze your friends and yourself! Incredible, jaw-dropping soundstaging.

· Revel Ultima Gem: $6000-8000

· Tannoy Churchill: $14000

· Wilson Audio Specialties WATT/ Puppy System 5.1: $17270

· Wilson Audio Specialties WITT Series II: $11890 *

B (Full-range)

· Aerial Acoustics Model 8: $5000-6000

· Aerial Acoustics 10T: $7000-8000 Solid all round performer.

· Audio Physic Caldera: $18995/ pair

· Avantgarde duo: $14700

· Celestion A3: $3499

· Dynaudio Contour 3.3 Mk. II: $7299

· Dynaudio Contour 3.0: $5399

· Energy Veritas v2.8: $6000/pair *

· Focus Audio Model 88: $8800/ pair

· Gradient Revolution: $3995/pair *

· Hales Design Group Revelation Three: $2195/pair

· Joseph RM22si: $2299-2699

· Martin-Logan SL3: $3400-3700/pair

· Mirage OM6: $3000 $$$

· NHT 3.3: $4500/pair *

· PBN Montana SP Series 2: $3495

· ProAc Response 2.5: $4500/pair * Like these too, don't know why exactly, but so engaging and involving!

· PSB Stratus Gold i: $2548/pair

· Sonus faber Concerto Grand Piano: $3500

· Sony ES SS-M9: $3500 $$$

· Thiel CS6: $7900/pair $$$

· Thiel CS2.3: $3600/pair

· Totem Acoustics Mani-2: $3995 *

· Vandersteen 3A: $2595/pair $$$ *

B (Restricted LF)

· Audio Physic Step: $1795 *

· B&W CDM 1: $1100/pair (stands necessary)

· Cabasse Farella 400: $2495/pair

· Genelec 1030AMP: $2198 (stands necessary)

· Martin-Logan Aerius i: $2300-2500/pair

· Platinum Audio Solo: $1695/ pair $$$ *(stands necessary)

· Proac response One SC: $2100 $$$

· Professional Monitor Company LB-1: $2160-2440

· Ruark Equinox: $4000/pair

· Sonus Faber Concerto: $1895

· Thiel CS 1.5: $2190/pair $$$ *

· Totem Signature Model 1: $1995 The upgraded version of what I own, and sounds even better, though the higher price somehow makes them less competitive as the original was already rather pricey at $1495.

· Vienna Acoustics Mozart: $2500/ pair

· Wilson Audio CUB: $6390-8180

C (Full Range)

· Jamo Conert 11: $3600

· Linn AV 5140: $2595-2795

· Magneplaner MG1.6 QR: $1475 $$$

· NHT 2.5i: $1300/ pair $$$

· Paradigm Reference Studio 100: $1800-2250

· Professional Monitor Company IB-1S: $4500

· PSB Stratus Bronze: $1099 $$$

· System Audio 1070: $2500

· Thiel CS.5:$1450/pair *

· Triangle Electroacoustique Zephyr II: $1195

· Vandersteen 2Ce: $1295/pair $$$ * (stands optional)

C (Restricted LF)

· Acarian Alon Petite: $995/ pair (stands necessary)

· Aerial Acoustics 5: $1800-2400 (stands necessary)

· B&W DM302: $250

· Chario Academy One: $2000

· Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-I AV: $1495-1695/pair (stands necessary)

· Dynaudio Contour 1.3 Mk. II: $2399/pair (stands necessary)

· Energy Connoisseur C-2: $600/ pair $$$ * (stands necessary)

· Joseph Audio RM7si: $1299-1499/ pair (stands necessary)

· KEF RDM Two: $1200/ pair (stands necessary)

· Linn Tukan: $795-895 (stands necessary)

· Paradigm Active/20: $1600 $$$

· Paradigm Reference Studio 20: $650 $$$

· Platinum Audio Studio 1: $995/pair (stands necessary)

· PSB Stratus Mini: $1049/pair $$$ (stands necessary)

· Totem Acoustic Tabu: $2995/ pair (stands necessary)


· B&W DM602: $550/pair (stands necessary)

· NHT SuperZero: $250/pair $$$ * (stands necessary)

· Mission 731i: $299/pair $$$ (stands necessary)

· Mordaunt-Short 10i Pearl: $319/ pair (stands necessary)

· Signet SL256: $400/pair (stands necessary)

· Totem Mite-T: $895


· Optimus Pro LX5 II: $300/ pair (stands necessary)

· PSB Alpha: $219/pair $$$ *(stands necessary)

· PSB Alpha Mini: $199/pair $$$ (stands necessary)

Subwoofers and Crossovers


· Audio Physic Rhea: $5995

· Genesis technologies 900: $1900

· M&K MX-5000 THX Mk. II: $2695

· Rel Studio II: $8000

· Revel Ultima SUB-15: $2500 each

Revel LE-1 subwoofer crossover/amplifier: $6000 each

· Snell SUB 1800: $2500 each *


· Bryston 10B electronic crossover: $1450 *

· REL Acoustics Q100E: $995

· REL Acoustics Strata II: $1195 Good value if you don't need the last octave in bass response or truly earth-shaking shiver-me-timbers bass


· Hsu Research TN1225HO: $350

· PSB Alpha Subsonic 1: $439

Complete Audio Systems (Discontinued)

A (every bit of it!)

· Cello Music & Film System: ~$ 110 000 : comprises Cello Audio Palette MIV equalizer ($22000), Cello Encore line preamp ($8500), Cello Performance II monoblock ($25000/ pair), Cello Stradivari Master loudspeakers ($32000-35000/ pair), Cello Strings I interconnects ($630/ 2m pair terminated with Fischer connectors), Cello Strings III speaker cable ($2000/ 3m tri-wire harness), CMFS/Apogee Series 8.1 D/A processor ($7 000), Apogee Wide-Eye AES/EBU datalink ($28.95/ 1m), Forsell Air Bearing Mk. II CD transport ($8900). Drool!

· Meridian Digital Theatre: $14775-66430 -- 565 DSP (3895); DSP6000 digital active L/R loudspeakers (16995/pair); DSP6000C digital active centre loudspeaker (8795); DSP5000 digital active surround loudspeakers (5795/pair) Wa-hey! A system that plays great music and is perfect for home theatre!

· MIT/Avalon/Spectral/ASC "2C3D Hologram" ststem: ~47000: Spectral DMC-20 preamp and DMA-180 power amp, Avalon Radian HC speakers, MIT cables, AC conditioning, ASC acoustic tuning products. (Haven't heard this one!)

Test Equipment

· AudioControl Industrial SA-3051 Spectrum Analyzer: $995 *

· George Kaye Audio Labs Small Signal Tube Checker: $549 *

· Gold Line DSP 30 Spectrum Analyzer: $1579 *

Headphones & Headphone Accessories


· Cary Audio Design CAD-300SEI: $3995 *

· Grado Reference Series One headphones: $695

· HeadRoom Max headphone amplifier: $1333

· Melos SHA-Gold headphone amplifier: $1995.

· Sennheiser HD 600: $449.95

· Stax Lambda Nova headphones: $780-2860


· Etymotic Research ER-4S: $330 * Way cool!

· HeadRoom Supreme portable headphone amplifier: $449 $$$ *

· Home HeadRoom headphone amplifier: $599 *

· Melos SHA-1 headphone amplifier: $1095 * I own one! 'Nuff said!

· Sennheiser HD580: $349 $$$ *

· Musical Fidelity X_CANS headphone amplifier: $249.95


· Creek OBH-11 headphone amplifier: $199

· Grado SR-60 headphones: $69 $$$ I own the 80, but this is probably better value. Sounds excellent!


· (None)

FM Tuners


· Accuphase T-109: $2995 *

· Day-Sequerra FM Reference Classic: $5500 *

· Fanfare FT-1:$1395 *

· Linn Kremlin:$4400 *

· Magnum Dynalab MD 108: $5500


· Meridian 504: $1395 $$$ *

· Thorens TRT-2000: $1300


· Onkyo T-4310R RDS: $279.95 $$$ *

· Parasound T/DQ-1600: $385 $$$


· (none)

FM Antennae

· Antenna Performacne Specialities Sniper FM antenna: $595 *

· Fanfare FM-2G: $85

Home Recording Equipment


· Bruel & Kjaer 4006: $2060 *

· Bruel & Kjear 4011: $2190

· dCS 902D A/D conerter: $7500

· Manley Reference A/D converter: $7000 *

· Millenia Media HV-3B stereo microphone preamplifier: $1895

· Millenia Media M-2a stereo microphone preamplifier: $2895

· Nagra-D: $25750


· Sony TCD-D8 DAT recorder: $899 with case

· Sony SBM-1 A/D processer: $499


· AKG BlueLine microphones: $554-$934

· Philips CDR880 CDR/CDRW recorder: $649


· Sony MZ-R50 portable MiniDisc recorder: $399

· Sony WM-D6C Pro Walkman cassette deck: $399 *

Signal Processors


· Accuphase DG-28 Digital Voicing Equalizer: $8200

· Z-Systems rdp-1 digital preamp: $5000


· Rocktron Circle Surround HTD-1 5.2.5 urround-sound decoder: $999

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### 内容概要 《计算机试卷1》是一份综合性的计算机基础和应用测试卷,涵盖了计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、网络、多媒体技术等多个领域的知识点。试卷包括单选题和操作应用两大类,单选题部分测试学生对计算机基础知识的掌握,操作应用部分则评估学生对计算机应用软件的实际操作能力。 ### 适用人群 本试卷适用于: - 计算机专业或信息技术相关专业的学生,用于课程学习或考试复习。 - 准备计算机等级考试或职业资格认证的人士,作为实战演练材料。 - 对计算机操作有兴趣的自学者,用于提升个人计算机应用技能。 - 计算机基础教育工作者,作为教学资源或出题参考。 ### 使用场景及目标 1. **学习评估**:作为学校或教育机构对学生计算机基础知识和应用技能的评估工具。 2. **自学测试**:供个人自学者检验自己对计算机知识的掌握程度和操作熟练度。 3. **职业发展**:帮助职场人士通过实际操作练习,提升计算机应用能力,增强工作竞争力。 4. **教学资源**:教师可以用于课堂教学,作为教学内容的补充或学生的课后练习。 5. **竞赛准备**:适合准备计算机相关竞赛的学生,作为强化训练和技能检测的材料。 试卷的目标是通过系统性的题目设计,帮助学生全面复习和巩固计算机基础知识,同时通过实际操作题目,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。通过本试卷的学习与练习,学生将能够更加深入地理解计算机的工作原理,掌握常用软件的使用方法,为未来的学术或职业生涯打下坚实的基础。


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  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


