EMC solutions tools安装实例
zhzw02:/var/emc #ls<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

.eccrc             HP-UX_rt_V550.tar  emc_install.csh    osl_cd

zhzw02:/var/emc #./emc_install.csh



 #                          EMC Installation Manager


 Copyright 2003, EMC Corporation

 All rights reserved.


 The terms of your use of this software are governed by the

 applicable contract.


 Kit Location [/var/emc/osl_cd] :

 Install root directory [/opt/emc] :

 Working root directory was previously set to :  /usr/emc



# The following HAS BEEN INSTALLED in /opt/emc via the emc_install utility.


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION


  01    EMC Solutions Enabler (Recommended)                V<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />5.0.1 



# The following is AVAILABLE TO BE INSTALLED from the selected Kit Location:


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION


  01    EMC Solutions Enabler                              V5.5.0 


 What would you like to do? Install (i) Uninstall (u) Register (r) Exit (x): u

 Enter item number (from installed) to uninstall: 01


 The following application will be uninstalled: EMC Solutions Enabler (Recommended), V5.0.1. Is this correct? (y/[n]): y






removing /usr/symcli link


removing /usr/lib/libsymapi.sl link


removing /usr/lib/libsymlvm.sl link




# The following HAS BEEN INSTALLED in /opt/emc via the emc_install utility.


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION




# The following is AVAILABLE TO BE INSTALLED from the selected Kit Location:


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION


  01    EMC Solutions Enabler                              V5.5.0 


 What would you like to do? Install (i) Uninstall (u) Register (r) Exit (x): i

 Enter item number (from available) to install: 01


 Checking for active processes...




Install All EMC Solutions Enabler Shared Libraries and Run Time Environment ? [Y]

Install EMC Solutions Enabler 64-bit Shared Libraries ? [N]

Install Shared Libraries That Will ONLY Allow Monitoring Capability? [N]

Install Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI) ? [Y]

Install EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Database Run Time Components ? [N]

Install Option to Enable JNI Interface for EMC Solutions Enabler APIs ? [N]




WSPreAppInst: Checking for active EMC Solutions Enabler Components...


removing /var/symapi link


/usr/emc/API/symapi contains data files.

Do you want to MOVE this data to /usr/emc/API/symapi_old? [N]:


Existing files in /usr/emc/API/symapi will not be overwritten.


Do you want to save /opt/emc/SYMCLIBASE/V5.0.1? [N]:


Deleting /opt/emc/SYMCLIBASE/V5.0.1


Unpacking files ... This may take a few minutes ...





creating link from /usr/lib/libsymapi.sl to /opt/emc/SYMCLI/V5.5.0/shlib/libsymapi.sl


creating link from /usr/lib/libsymlvm.sl to /opt/emc/SYMCLI/V5.5.0/shlib/libsymlvm.sl


Do not forget to run 'symcfg discover' if this is your first

install or whenever your configuration changes.





# The following HAS BEEN INSTALLED in /opt/emc via the emc_install utility.


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION


  01    EMC Solutions Enabler                              V5.5.0 



# The following is AVAILABLE TO BE INSTALLED from the selected Kit Location:


# ITEM  PRODUCT                                            VERSION


  01    EMC Solutions Enabler                              V5.5.0 


 What would you like to do? Install (i) Uninstall (u) Register (r) Exit (x): x