On RedHat Linux:
To mount: # mount -t iso9660 /<file.iso> /<mountpoint> -o loop
To unmount: # umount /<mountpoint>
On Solaris:
To mount:
# lofiadm -a /<file.iso> (will create device file /dev/lofi/1)
# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /<mountpoint>
To unmount:
# umount /<mountpoint>
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1
To mount:
# nohup pfs_mountd &
# nohup pfsd &
# pfs_mount -o xlat=UNIX <file.iso> /<mountpoint>
To unmount:
# pfs_umount /<mountpoint>
Subsequently, kill the following processes:
1. pfs_mountd
2. pfsd
3. pfs_mountd.rpc
4. pfsd.rpc
To mount:
1. Build a logical volume (the size of an ISO p_w_picpath, better if a little bigger)
2. Create an entry in /etc/filesystem using that logical volume (LV), but setting its Virtual
File System (V’S) to be cdrfs
3. Create the mount point for this LV/ISO
4. Copy the ISO p_w_picpath to the LV using dd
5. Mount and work on it like a mounted CD-ROM
The entry in /etc/filesystem should look like:
dev = /dev/lv09
vfs = cdrfs
mount = false
options = ro
account = false
To unmount:
1. Unmount the file system
2. Destroy the logical volume