我今天在看CCIE Security Exam Guide (英文版)的时候,遇到一个关于Cisco路由器口令加密的困惑。
          文章中说路由器上的 secret password 是使用Cisco私有算法加密的。如果使用 service password-encryption命令将加密所有口令。并且给了两个configure的片断。如下:
没有使用service password-encryption命令的配置
R1#show running-config
Building configuration
Current configuration:
version 12.2!
hostname R1
enable secret 5 $1$Aiy2$GGSCYdG57PdRiNg/.D.XI.
enable password cisco
使用service password-encryption命令的配置
R1#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
service password-encryption
version 11.2
hostname R1
enable secret 5 $1$Aiy2$GGSCYdG57PdRiNg/.D.XI.
enable password 7 0822455D0A16
加密口令前面的数字 5 表示该口令使用MD5算法加密;数字 7 表示使用的是一种比较弱的算法。
1、在使用 service password-encryption命令后,是不是所有的口令都是用MD5算法加密?如果是,那为什么说enable password使用的是比较弱的口令?它使用的不是MD5算法吗? 如果是,那MD5弱吗?(据我所知很强。而且MD5不是Cisco私有的。)
2、既然secret password 使用Cisco私有的加密算法,那在使用service password-encryption命令后为什么输出加密后的字符是一样的,都是$1$Aiy2$GGSCYdG57PdRiNg/.D.XI. 算法之间存在优先级吗(Cisco私有算法优先于MD5)?
可能是我英语不好,或是硬件平台、IOS版本不同,还是……     在此,请各位不吝赐教!
Example 4-27 shows that the secret password is encrypted (using Cisco’s proprietary algorithm),while the enable password is readable. This setup enables you to hide secret passwords when the configuration is viewed. If you want, you can also encrypt the enable password by issuing the service password-encryption command, as displayed in Example 4-28. Cisco uses the MD5 algorithm to hash the secret password. You cannot reverse engineer the hashed password (for example, $1$Aiy2$GGSCYdG57PdRiNg/.D.XI.).
The service password-encryption command encrypts all passwords issued to the router using
the MD5 encryption algorithm. Example 4-29 shows an example of how these passwords
appear when the configuration is viewed after all passwords have been encrypted.
Example 4-29 displays the show running-config command output after encrypting all passwords.
NOTE Note the digits, 5 and 7, before the encrypted passwords. The number 5 signifies that MD5 Hash algorithm is used for encryption, whereas the number 7 signifies a weaker algorithm.