4、每月22号出账单,每月10号为还款日,过期未还,按欠款总额 万分之5 每日计息
1 ## ATM信用卡购物模拟程序 2 3 ### 作者介绍: 4 5 * author:VisonWong 6 7 ### 博客地址: 8 9 * http://www.cnblogs.com/visonwong/ 10 11 ### 功能介绍: 12 13 1、模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序 14 2、额度 15000或自定义 15 3、实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账 16 4、可以提现,手续费5% 17 5、支持多账户登录 18 6、支持账户间转账 19 7、记录每月日常消费流水 20 8、提供还款接口 21 9、ATM记录操作日志 22 10、提供管理接口,包括添加账户、修改用户额度,冻结账户等。。。 23 11、用户认证用装饰器(此处不是指用户登录界面使用装饰器,而是指用户登录后,在其他功能界面执行操作前,用装饰器验证用户登录状态) 24 25 ### 目录结构: 26 27 见目录结构截图 28 29 ### 运行说明: 30 31 * 用户、信用卡信息数据库已经建立好 32 ------用户:vison 登录密码:abc321 ##测试用户,对所有的用户环节进行过测试,已存在购物信息,消费记录等 33 ------用户:vison1 登录密码:abc123 ##测试用户,对所有的用户环节进行过测试,已存在购物信息,消费记录等 34 ------用户:vison2 登录密码:abc456 ##初始账号,暂无任何记录 35 ------用户:vison3 登录密码:abc345 ##初始账号,暂无任何记录 36 37 ------信用卡:888888 支付密码:abc1234 关联账户:vison ##测试信用卡,对所有的信用卡环节进行过测试,已存在余额变动,账单流水等 38 ------信用卡:666666 支付密码:abc4321 关联账户:vison1 ##测试信用卡,对所有的信用卡环节进行过测试,已存在余额变动,账单流水等 39 ------信用卡:777777 支付密码:abc567 关联账户:vison2 ##初始信用卡账号,暂无任何记录 40 41 ------管理中心用户:admin 密码:admin 42 43 * 目录结构保持一致,开始启动bin目录start.py 44 45 46 一、主程序main_core目录下mian.py中run函数开始 47 48 1、把用户中心和后台管理加载到系统 49 (1)、输入1,进入用户中心,加载authentication.user_auth()进行用户账号认证,返回用户认证状态及当前用户名 50 (2)、输入2,进入后台管理,加载authentication.admincenter_auth()进行管理用户认证,返回用户认证状态 51 (3)、输入q, 退出程序 52 53 2、进入用户中心,认证成功后,新用户则创建购物车、购物记录和信用卡流水记录文件 54 55 3、循环菜单 56 (1)、输入1,加载shopping_welcome(account_id)函数,装饰器认证用户登录状态,调用shopping模块,进入购物商城 57 (2)、输入2,加载account_welcome(account_id)函数,装饰器认证用户登录状态,调用accountcenter模块,进入个人中心 58 (3)、输入3,加载credit_welcome(account_id)函数,装饰器认证用户登录状态,调用creditcard模块,进入信用卡中心 59 (4)、输入值为b,返回上一级菜单 60 61 4、菜单1:shopping商城: 62 (1)、输入值为1,加载shopping.Shopping_mall(current_user)函数,进行商品选购,选购的商品会加入到购物车,结束购物按b返回 63 (2)、输入值为2,加载shopping.Shopping_car(current_user)函数,查看当前用户的已购买商品及总价,按b返回,按f清空 64 (3)、输入值为3,加载shopping.pay_shopping(current_user)函数,对购物车商品进行结算操作; 65 判断当前账户是否绑定信用卡,如果没绑定,需到后台管理中心绑定信用卡; 66 已绑定,验证支付密码及信用卡可用透支余额,支付成功后, 67 重写当前账户信用卡信息; 68 Empty_shopping_car(current_user)函数清空购物车; 69 accountcenter.Shoppingcar_record(current_user,list)更新用户购物记录; 70 creditcard.Creditcard_record(current_user,creditcard1,vlaue)更新信用卡流水记录 71 (4)、输入值为b,返回上一级菜单 72 73 5、菜单2:accountcenter个人中心: 74 (1)、输入值1,加载accountcenter.Shopping_record(current_user)函数,查看用户购物历史记录,无购物则为空,购物记录 75 用时间进行分割显示,按b返回; 76 (2)、输入值2,加载accountcenter.Updata_password(current_user)函数,选择是否对密码修改,输入y,输入账号原来的密码, 77 匹配成功,输入新的密码,再次输入新的密码,两次密码匹配成功,修改成功,否则修改失败;按b返回 78 (3)、输入值3,加载accountcenter.Updata_address(current_user)函数,选择是否对收货地址进行修改,输入y,输入新的地址, 79 保存默认地址为none,按b返回 80 (4)、输入值为b,返回上一级菜单 81 82 6、菜单3:creditcard信用卡中心: 83 (1)、输入值为1,加载creditcard.My_creditcard(current_user)函数,查看当前信用卡卡号、额度、提现额度、持卡人,按b返回 84 (2) 、输入值为2,加载creditcard.withdraw(current_user)函数,进行现金提现,提现余额统一由业务函数计算,按b返回 85 (3)、输入值为3,加载creditcard.repay(current_user)函数,进行现金还款,还款余额统一由业务函数计算,按b返回 86 (4)、输入值为4,加载creditcard.transfor(current_user)函数,进行用户间转账了,双方账户账户统一由业务函数计算,按b返回 87 (5)、输入值为5,加载creditcard.check_record(current_user)函数,打印当前信用卡账户流水,按b返回 88 (7)、输入值为b,返回上一级菜单 89 90 7、进入后台管理,认证成功后: 91 (1)、输入值为1,加载admincenter.User_create()函数,打印当前已有账号,开始进行系统账号创建,询问是否进程新用户创建; 92 选择y,开始创建用户,输入要创建的用户名,输入密码,如果创建的用户不存在,新建用户创建成功;否则失败,按b返回 93 (2)、输入值为2,加载 admincenter.Lock_user()函数,打印当前用户列表,以及当前的锁定状态; 94 输入要锁定的用户名,对已有的账号进行锁定, 95 高亮显示,被锁定的用户不能进行系统登录。按b返回 96 (3)、输入值为3,加载 admincenter.Unlock_user()函数,打印当前用户列表,以及当前的锁定状态; 97 输入要解锁的用户名,对已有的账号进行解锁, 98 高亮显示,被锁定的用户不能进行系统登录。按b返回 99 (4)、输入值为4,加载admincenter.Creditcard_create()函数,打印当前已有信用卡,开始进行系统信用卡发行, 100 输入要创建的信用卡卡号,输入密码,按b返回 101 (5)、输入值为7,加载admincenter.Updata_limit()函数,打印当前信用卡账户账号及持卡人, 102 输入要调整额度的信用卡卡号及调整额度,按b返回 103 (6)、输入值为b,返回上一级菜单 104 105 ###关于信用卡额度,取现额度: 106 1、信用卡进行消费时(未取现),取现额度不会发生变化 107 2、取现额度只会在:取现、还款、转账时发生变化 108 3、每次取现扣除5%的手续费 109 110 111 ###关于数据储存方式: 112 将每个用户相关账户信息、信用卡信息、流水信息单独成立一个文件存在相关文件目录下, 113 避免多用户登录时,交叉修改数据,造成数据混乱。 114 115 116 readme
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import os 6 import sys 7 8 #程序主目录:获取到Credit_card-shoppingV1路径 9 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 10 #将Credit_card-shoppingV1路径添加到系统路径 11 sys.path.insert(0,BASE_DIR) 12 # print(sys.path) 13 14 from main__core import main 15 16 17 if __name__ == '__main__': # 函数仅会在此文件下执行,导入其他文件不会执行 18 main.run()
1 带拓展
1 {"888888": "vison", "666666": "vison1", "777777": "vison2"}
1 {"666666": {"account_id": "vison1", "pay_word": "abc4321", "state_lock": 0, "credit_line": 11592, "credit_balance": 24685.0}}
1 {"777777": {"account_id": "vison2", "pay_word": "abc567", "state_lock": 0, "credit_line": 20000, "credit_balance": 0}}
1 {"888888": {"account_id": "vison", "pay_word": "abc1234", "state_lock": 0, "credit_line": 17187, "credit_balance": 20020.0}}
1 {"666666": {"2018-05-21": {"11:09:44": 599, "13:20:52": 599}, "2018-05-22": {"15:57:39": 4397}}}
1 {"888888": {"2018-04-21": {"12:43:51": 599}}}
1 []
1 [["Book", "599"]]
1 {"vison1": {"2018-05-21": {"11:09:44": [["Book", "599"]], "13:20:52": [["Book", "599"]]}, "2018-05-22": {"15:57:39": [["iPad", "2199"], ["X-box", "1199"], ["Bicyc", "999"]]}}}
1 {"vison": {"2018-04-19": {"01:09:26": [["iPhone", "1299"], ["iWatch", "2999"]]}, "2018-04-21": {"12:20:44": [["Bicyc", "999"], ["Letv", "819"]], "12:24:04": [["Letv", "819"], ["Book", "599"]], "12:30:10": [["Bicyc", "999"], ["Book", "599"]], "12:30:56": [["X-box", "1199"], ["Book", "599"]], "12:32:16": [["Book", "599"]], "12:40:58": [["Book", "599"]], "12:43:51": [["Book", "599"]]}}}
1 {"vison": 0, "vison1": 0, "vison2": 0, "vison3": 0}
1 {"vison1": {"credit_card": "666666", "pass_word": "abc123", "state_lock": 0, "address": "\u4e0a\u6d77\u95f5\u884c\u533a"}}
1 {"vison2": {"credit_card": "777777", "pass_word": "abc456", "state_lock": 0, "address": "None"}}
1 {"vison3": {"credit_card": 0, "pass_word": "abc345", "state_lock": 0, "address": "None"}}
1 {"vison": {"credit_card": "888888", "pass_word": "abc321", "state_lock": 0, "address": "\u4e0a\u6d77\u95f5\u884c\u533a"}}
1 {"vison1": true}
1 iPhone 1299 2 iWatch 2999 3 Macpro 1999 4 iPad 2199 5 Bicyc 999 6 X-box 1199 7 Letv 819 8 Book 599
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import sys,os,json 6 7 #程序主目录 8 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 9 #添加环境变量 10 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) 11 #导入功能函数 12 from main__core import shopping,accountcenter,creditcard,authentication,admincenter 13 from main__core import auth_deco 14 15 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 16 # 字符串加R防止被转义 17 __db_userdata = BASE_DIR + r"\database\current_userdata" #添加当前用户状态路径 18 19 #定义购物中心、个人中心、信用卡中心和后台管理欢迎界面 20 #购物中心、个人中心和信用卡中心验证用户登录状态 21 @auth_deco.auth 22 def shopping_welcome(account_id): 23 print("\33[36;1m欢迎进入购物中心\33[0m".center(50, "*"), 24 "\n1 购物商场\n" 25 "2 查看购物车\n" 26 "3 购物结算\n" 27 "b 返回\n") 28 @auth_deco.auth 29 def account_welcome(account_id): 30 print("\33[33;1m欢迎进入个人中心\33[0m".center(50, "*"), 31 "\n1 购物历史记录\n" 32 "2 修改登录密码\n" 33 "3 修改收货地址\n" 34 "b 返回\n") 35 @auth_deco.auth 36 def credit_welcome(account_id): 37 print("\33[36;1m信用卡中心\33[0m".center(50, "*"), 38 "\n1 我的信用卡\n" 39 "2 提现\n" 40 "3 还款\n" 41 "4 转账\n" 42 "5 流水记录\n" 43 "b 返回\n") 44 def admin_welcome(): 45 print("\33[36;1m管理中心\33[0m".center(50, "*"), 46 "\n1 创建账号\n" 47 "2 锁定账号\n" 48 "3 解锁账号\n" 49 "4 发行信用卡\n" 50 "5 修改信用卡额度\n" 51 "b 返回\n") 52 53 #功能菜单字典 54 shopping_menu = { 55 '1': shopping.Shopping_mall, 56 '2': shopping.Shopping_car, 57 '3': shopping.pay_shopping 58 } 59 60 account_menu = { 61 '1':accountcenter.Shopping_record, 62 '2':accountcenter.Updata_password, 63 '3':accountcenter.Updata_address 64 } 65 66 credit_menu = { 67 '1':creditcard.My_creditcard, 68 '2':creditcard.withdraw, 69 '3':creditcard.repay, 70 '4':creditcard.transfor, 71 '5':creditcard.check_record 72 } 73 74 admin_menu = { 75 '1':admincenter.User_create, 76 '2':admincenter.Lock_user, 77 '3':admincenter.Unlock_user, 78 '4':admincenter.Creditcard_create, 79 '5':admincenter.Updata_limit 80 } 81 82 83 #主函数 84 def run(): 85 86 while True: 87 print("\33[35;1m欢迎进入信用卡购物模拟程序\33[0m".center(50, "#"), 88 "\n1 用户中心\n" 89 "2 后台管理\n" 90 "q 退出程序\n") 91 choice_id = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 92 if choice_id == "1": 93 res,account_id = authentication.user_auth() #用户登录认证,返回认证状态和用户名 94 if res: 95 #如果认证成功,新用户创建购物车、购物记录和信用卡流水记录文件 96 shopping.mkshopping_car(account_id) 97 accountcenter.mkshopping_record(account_id) 98 creditcard.mkcredit_record(account_id) 99 100 while True: 101 print("\33[35;1m欢迎进入用户中心\33[0m".center(50, "#"), 102 "\n1 购物商城\n" 103 "2 个人中心\n" 104 "3 信用卡中心\n" 105 "b 返回\n") 106 choice1_id = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 107 108 if choice1_id == "1": 109 while True: 110 shopping_welcome(account_id) 111 shopping_choice = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 112 if shopping_choice in shopping_menu: 113 shopping_menu[shopping_choice](account_id) 114 elif shopping_choice == "b": 115 break 116 else: 117 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m") 118 119 elif choice1_id == "2": 120 while True: 121 account_welcome(account_id) 122 account_choice = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 123 if account_choice in account_menu: 124 account_menu[account_choice](account_id) 125 elif account_choice == "b": 126 break 127 else: 128 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m") 129 130 elif choice1_id == "3": 131 while True: 132 credit_welcome(account_id) 133 credit_choice = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 134 if credit_choice in credit_menu: 135 credit_menu[credit_choice](account_id) 136 elif credit_choice == "b": 137 break 138 else: 139 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m") 140 141 elif choice1_id == "b": 142 with open(__db_userdata, "r+", ) as f_userdata: 143 userdata = json.loads(f_userdata.read()) 144 del userdata[account_id] 145 userdata = json.dumps(userdata) 146 f_userdata.seek(0) 147 f_userdata.truncate(0) 148 f_userdata.write(userdata) 149 break 150 else: 151 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m") 152 153 elif choice_id == "2": 154 res = authentication.admincenter_auth() 155 if res : 156 while True: 157 admin_welcome() 158 admin_choice = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式的ID\33[0m:") 159 if admin_choice in admin_menu: 160 admin_menu[admin_choice]() 161 elif admin_choice == "b": 162 break 163 else: 164 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m") 165 166 elif choice_id == "q": 167 break 168 else: 169 print("\33[31;0m输入的ID无效,请重新选择\33[0m")
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import json,os 6 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 7 8 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 9 # 字符串加R防止被转义 10 11 __db_user_info = BASE_DIR + r"\database\users_dicts" #添加用户信息路径 12 __db_userdata = BASE_DIR + r"\database\current_userdata" #添加当前用户认证状态路径 13 14 15 '''用户登录认证''' 16 def user_auth(): 17 print("\33[32;0m用户登录认证\33[0m".center(40,"-")) 18 username = input("\33[34;0m请输入用户名:\33[0m") 19 password = input("\33[34;0m请输入密码:\33[0m") 20 with open('{}\\users'.format(__db_user_info)) as f_users: 21 users = json.loads(f_users.read()) 22 if username in users.keys() : 23 if users[username] == 0: 24 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, username), "r") as f_user_info: 25 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 26 if password == user_info[username]["pass_word"]: 27 print("\33[31;0m用户{}认证成功\33[0m".format(username)) 28 with open(__db_userdata, "r+", ) as f_userdata: 29 userdata = json.loads(f_userdata.read()) 30 userdata[username]=True 31 userdata = json.dumps(userdata) 32 f_userdata.seek(0) 33 f_userdata.truncate(0) 34 f_userdata.write(userdata) 35 return True,username 36 else: 37 print("\33[31;0m输入的用户名已被锁定 认证失败\33[0m") 38 return False,username 39 else: 40 print("\33[31;0m输入的用户名不存在 认证失败\33[0m") 41 return False,username 42 43 44 '''后台管理认证''' 45 def admincenter_auth(): 46 print("\33[32;0m后台管理登录认证\33[0m".center(40,"-")) 47 admincenter_dict = {"admin": "admin"} 48 username = input("\33[34;0m请输入管理用户名:\33[0m") 49 password = input("\33[34;0m请输入管理密码:\33[0m") 50 if len(username.strip()) > 0: 51 if username in admincenter_dict.keys(): 52 if password == admincenter_dict[username]: 53 print("\33[31;0m管理用户 %s 认证成功\33[0m" % (username)) 54 return True 55 else: 56 print("\33[31;0m输入的密码不匹配 认证失败\33[0m") 57 return False 58 else: 59 print("\33[31;0m输入的用户名不存在 认证失败\33[0m") 60 return False 61 else: 62 print("\33[31;0m输入的用户名为空 认证失败\33[0m") 63 return False
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import os,json 6 7 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 8 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 9 # 字符串加R防止被转义 10 __db_userdata = BASE_DIR + r"\database\current_userdata" #添加当前用户认证状态路径 11 12 '''定义页面登录验证装饰器''' 13 def auth(func): 14 def deco(*args,**kwargs): 15 with open(__db_userdata, "r", ) as f_userdata: 16 userdata = json.loads(f_userdata.read()) 17 username = ''.join(args) #获取字符形式用户名 18 print(username) 19 if userdata[username]: 20 print('\33[32;0m认证通过,可进行余下操作\33[0m') 21 func(*args,**kwargs) #run func() 22 else: 23 print('\33[31;0m认证未通过,请先登录\33[0m') 24 return deco #返回deco的内存地址,而deco已经在原有函数的基础上增加了新功能
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import json,os 6 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 7 from main__core import accountcenter,creditcard 8 9 10 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 11 # 字符串加R防止被转义 12 __db_merchandise = BASE_DIR + r"\database\merchandise_list" #添加商品路径 13 __db_shopping_car = BASE_DIR + r"\database\shopping_cars" #添加购物车路径 14 __db_user_info = BASE_DIR + r"\database\users_dicts" #添加用户信息路径 15 __db_credit_card = BASE_DIR + r"\database\creditcard_dicts" #添加信用卡路径 16 17 18 19 20 '''创建购物车''' 21 def mkshopping_car(current_user): 22 ''' 23 此函数用来创建当前账户的购物车 24 :param current_user: 当前账户名 25 :return: 26 ''' 27 #判断当前用户路径是否存在,如果不存在通过写文件的方式创建文件,并写入空列表 28 if not os.path.exists('{}\\database\\shopping_cars\\{}_shoppingcar'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user)): 29 f_shoppingcar = open('{}\\database\\shopping_cars\\{}_shoppingcar'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user), 'w') 30 json.dump([],f_shoppingcar) 31 f_shoppingcar.close() 32 33 '''购物商城''' 34 def Shopping_mall(current_user): 35 ''' 36 此函数用来实现用户购买商品 37 :param current_user:当前账户名 38 :return: 39 ''' 40 shopping_list,goods_list = [],[] #定义购买商品列表,商城商品列表 41 with open(__db_merchandise, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f_merchandise: 42 for item in f_merchandise: 43 goods_list.append(item.strip().split()) 44 def goods_inf(): 45 print("编号\t\t\t商品\t\t\t价格") 46 for index, item in enumerate(goods_list): 47 print("{}\t\t\t{}\t\t\t{}".format(index, item[0], item[1])) 48 while True: 49 print(("\33[32;0m目前商城在售的商品信息\33[0m").center(40, "-")) 50 goods_inf()#打印商品信息 51 choice_id = input("\n\33[34;0m选择要购买的商品编号 【购买 ID】/【返回 b】\33[0m:") 52 if choice_id.isdigit(): 53 choice_id = int(choice_id) 54 if choice_id < len(goods_list) and choice_id >=0: 55 pro_item = goods_list[choice_id] 56 print("\33[31;0m商品{}加入购物车,价格{}.\33[0m".format(pro_item[0],pro_item[1])) 57 shopping_list.append(pro_item) 58 else: 59 print("\33[31;0m错误:没有相应的编号 请重新输入:\33[0m") 60 elif choice_id == "b": 61 with open('{}\\{}_shoppingcar'.format(__db_shopping_car,current_user), "r+") as f_shopping_car: 62 list = json.loads(f_shopping_car.read()) 63 list.extend(shopping_list) #在list后追加购买商品的列表,相当于拓展原列表 64 f_shopping_car.seek(0) 65 f_shopping_car.truncate(0) 66 list = json.dumps(list) 67 f_shopping_car.write(list) 68 break 69 else: 70 print("\33[31;0m错误:没有相应的编号 请重新输入:\33[0m\n") 71 72 '''清空购物车''' 73 def Empty_shopping_car(current_user): 74 ''' 75 此函数用来清空购物车 76 :param current_user: 当前账户名 77 :return: 78 ''' 79 with open('{}\\{}_shoppingcar'.format(__db_shopping_car,current_user),'w') as f_shopping_car: 80 list = json.dumps([]) 81 f_shopping_car.write(list) 82 83 '''打印购物车商品并计算商品总额''' 84 def count_shopping_car(current_user): 85 ''' 86 此函数用来打印购物差商品并计算商品总额 87 :param current_user: 88 :return: sum(商品总额),list(商品信息列表) 89 ''' 90 with open('{}\\{}_shoppingcar'.format(__db_shopping_car, current_user), "r+") as f_shopping_car: 91 list = json.loads(f_shopping_car.read()) 92 sum = 0 93 for index, item in enumerate(list): 94 print(index, item[0], item[1]) 95 sum += int(item[1]) 96 return sum,list 97 98 '''查看购物车''' 99 def Shopping_car(current_user): 100 ''' 101 此函数用来查看购物车 102 :param current_user: 当前账户名 103 :return: 104 ''' 105 while True: 106 print("\33[32;0m购物车信息清单\33[0m".center(40,"-")) 107 sum = count_shopping_car(current_user) 108 print("\33[31;1m商品总额共计:{}元\33[0m".format(sum)) 109 if_buy = input("\n\33[34;0m选择要进行的操作 返回【b】/清空【f】\33[0m:") 110 if if_buy == "b" : 111 break 112 if if_buy == "f": 113 Empty_shopping_car(current_user) 114 115 '''购物结算''' 116 def pay_shopping(current_user): 117 ''' 118 此函数用来进行购物结算 119 :param current_user: 当前账户名 120 :return: 121 ''' 122 while True: 123 print("\33[32;0m购物结算\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 124 value,list = count_shopping_car(current_user) 125 if_pay = input("\33[34;0m当前商品总额:{}是否进行支付 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:".format(value)) 126 if if_pay == "y": 127 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r+") as f_users_info: 128 users_info = json.loads(f_users_info.read()) 129 creditcard1=users_info[current_user]["credit_card"] 130 if creditcard1 == 0: 131 print("\33[31;0m账号{}未绑定信用卡,请到个人中心里绑定信用卡\33[0m\n".format(current_user)) 132 else: 133 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_credit_card, current_user), "r+") as f_creditcard_info: 134 creditcard_info = json.loads(f_creditcard_info.read()) 135 line = creditcard_info[creditcard1]["credit_line"] 136 if (line-value) >=0: 137 pass_word = input("\33[31;0m 请输入支付密码!\33[0m") 138 print(pass_word) 139 if pass_word == creditcard_info[creditcard1]['pay_word']: 140 creditcard_info[creditcard1]["credit_line"]=line-value 141 dict=json.dumps(creditcard_info) 142 f_creditcard_info.seek(0) 143 f_creditcard_info.truncate(0) 144 f_creditcard_info.write(dict) 145 print("\33[31;1m支付成功,当前额度{}元\33[0m\n".format(line-value)) 146 Empty_shopping_car(current_user) #清空购物车 147 accountcenter.Shoppingcar_record(current_user,list) #更新用户购物记录 148 creditcard.Creditcard_record(current_user,creditcard1,value) # 149 else: 150 print("\33[31;1m 请检查支付密码\33[0m") 151 else: 152 print("\33[31;0m当前信用卡额度{}元,不足支付购物款.\33[0m\n".format(line)) 153 if if_pay == "b": 154 break
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import json,os,time 6 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 7 8 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 9 # 字符串加R防止被转义 10 __db_user_info = BASE_DIR + r"\database\users_dicts" #添加用户信息路径 11 __db_shopping_record = BASE_DIR+ r"\database\shopping_records"#添加购物历史路径 12 13 '''创建购物记录''' 14 def mkshopping_record(current_user): 15 ''' 16 此函数用来创建当前账户的购物记录 17 :param current_user: 当前账户名 18 :return: 19 ''' 20 # 判断当前用户路径是否存在,如果不存在通过写文件的方式创建文件,并写入空字典 21 if not os.path.exists('{}\\database\\shopping_records\\{}_shoppingrecord'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user)): 22 f_shoppingrecord = open('{}\\database\\shopping_records\\{}_shoppingrecord'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user), 'w') 23 json.dump({},f_shoppingrecord) 24 f_shoppingrecord.close() 25 26 '''更新购物记录''' 27 def Shoppingcar_record(current_user,shopping_list): 28 ''' 29 此函数用来更新购物记录 30 :param current_user: 当前账户名 31 :param shopping_list: 购物车里关于当前账户的商品列表 32 :return: 33 ''' 34 with open('{}\\{}_shoppingrecord'.format(__db_shopping_record, current_user), "r+") as f_shoppingcar_record: 35 record = json.loads(f_shoppingcar_record.read()) 36 months = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') 37 times = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') 38 #依次判断用户名、日期是否已有记录 39 if current_user not in record.keys(): 40 record[current_user]={months:{times:shopping_list}} 41 else: 42 if months not in record[current_user].keys(): 43 record[current_user][months] = {times: shopping_list} 44 else: 45 record[current_user][months][times] = shopping_list 46 record = json.dumps(record) 47 f_shoppingcar_record.seek(0) 48 f_shoppingcar_record.truncate(0) 49 f_shoppingcar_record.write(record) 50 51 52 '''查看购物记录''' 53 def Shopping_record(current_user): 54 ''' 55 此函数用来查看购物记录 56 :param current_user: 当前账户名 57 :return: 58 ''' 59 while True: 60 print("\33[32;0m用户{}购物记录\33[0m".center(40, "-").format(current_user)) 61 with open('{}\\{}_shoppingrecord'.format(__db_shopping_record, current_user), "r") as f_shoppingcar_record: 62 record = json.loads(f_shoppingcar_record.read()) 63 if current_user not in record.keys(): 64 print("\33[31;0m用户{}还没有进行过消费\33[0m".format(current_user)) 65 else: 66 datas = sorted(record[current_user]) 67 for d in datas: #建立三重循环,依次从商品、时刻、日期打印购物记录 68 times = sorted(record[current_user][d]) 69 for t in times: 70 print("\33[31;0m【时间】 {} {}\33[0m".format(d, t)) 71 items =record[current_user][d][t] 72 print("\33[31;0m【商品】\t\t【价格】\33[0m") 73 for v in items: 74 print("\33[31;0m {}\t\t{}\33[0m".format(v[0],v[1])) 75 if_back = input("\n\33[34;0m是否返回 返回【b】\33[0m:") 76 if if_back == "b": 77 break 78 79 '''修改登录密码''' 80 def Updata_password(current_user): 81 ''' 82 此函数用来修改密码 83 :param current_user: 当前账户名 84 :return: 85 ''' 86 while True: 87 print("\33[32;0m修改登录密码\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 88 if_updata = input("\33[34;0m是否要修改{}登录密码 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:".format(current_user)) 89 if if_updata == "y": 90 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r+") as f_user_info: 91 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 92 password = user_info[current_user]["pass_word"] 93 old_pwd = input("\33[34;0m输入原来的密码\33[0m:") 94 if old_pwd == password: 95 new_pwd = input("\33[34;0m输入新的密码\33[0m:") 96 agin_pwd = input("\33[34;0m再输入新的密码\33[0m:") 97 if new_pwd == agin_pwd: 98 user_info[current_user]["pass_word"]=new_pwd 99 user_info= json.dumps(user_info) 100 f_user_info.seek(0) 101 f_user_info.truncate(0) 102 f_user_info.write(user_info) 103 print("\33[31;1m密码修改成功\33[0m") 104 else: 105 print("\33[31;0m两次密码不一致\33[0m") 106 else: 107 print("\33[31;0m密码不正确\33[0m") 108 if if_updata == "b": 109 break 110 111 '''修改收货地址''' 112 def Updata_address(current_user): 113 while True: 114 print("\33[32;0m修改收货地址\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 115 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r+") as f_user_info: 116 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 117 address = user_info[current_user]["address"] 118 print("当前收货地址:\t\t{}" .format(address)) 119 if_updata = input("\33[34;0m是否要修改收货地址 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 120 if if_updata == "y": 121 new_address = input("\33[34;0m输入新的收货地址\33[0m:") 122 user_info[current_user]["address"]=new_address 123 user_info = json.dumps(user_info) 124 f_user_info.seek(0) 125 f_user_info.truncate(0) 126 f_user_info.write(user_info) 127 print("\33[31;1m收货地址修改成功\33[0m") 128 if if_updata == "b": 129 break
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import json,os,time 6 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 7 8 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 9 # 字符串加R防止被转义 10 __db_credit_card = BASE_DIR + r"\database\creditcard_dicts" #添加信用卡路径 11 __db_user_info = BASE_DIR + r"\database\users_dicts" #添加用户信息路径 12 __db_credit_record = BASE_DIR + r"\database\creditcard_records" #添加信用卡流水路径 13 14 '''定义业务类型''' 15 TRANSACTION_TYPE = { 16 'repay':{'action':'plus', 'interest':0}, 17 'withdraw':{'action':'minus', 'interest':0.05}, 18 'transfor':{'action':'minus', 'interest':0.05}, 19 } 20 21 '''创建购物记录''' 22 def mkcredit_record(current_user): 23 ''' 24 此函数用来创建当前账户的购物记录 25 :param current_user: 当前账户名 26 :return: 27 ''' 28 # 判断当前用户路径是否存在,如果不存在通过写文件的方式创建文件,并写入空字典 29 if not os.path.exists('{}\\database\\creditcard_records\\{}_creditrecord'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user)): 30 f_creditrecord = open('{}\\database\\creditcard_records\\{}_creditrecord'.format(BASE_DIR,current_user), 'w') 31 json.dump({},f_creditrecord) 32 f_creditrecord.close() 33 34 35 '''我的信用卡''' 36 def My_creditcard(current_user): 37 ''' 38 此函数用来展示信用卡信息 39 :param current_user: 当前账户名 40 :return: 41 ''' 42 while True: 43 print("\33[32;0m我的信用卡信息\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 44 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_credit_card, current_user), "r+") as f_creditcard_info, \ 45 open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r") as f_user_info: 46 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 47 creditcard = user_info[current_user]["credit_card"] 48 creditcard_info = json.loads(f_creditcard_info.read()) 49 print("卡号:\t\t{}\n消费额度:\t\t{}\n提现额度:\t\t{}\n持卡人:\t\t{}\n".\ 50 format(creditcard,creditcard_info[creditcard]['credit_line'],\ 51 creditcard_info[creditcard]['credit_balance'],\ 52 creditcard_info[creditcard]['account_id'])) 53 54 if_back = input("\33[34;0m是否退出 返回【b】\33[0m:") 55 if if_back == "b": 56 break 57 58 59 '''更新信用卡流水记录''' 60 def Creditcard_record(current_user,creditcard,value): 61 ''' 62 此函数用来更新信用卡流水记录 63 :param current_user: 当前账户名 64 :param creditcard: 账户信用卡号 65 :param value: 消费金额 66 :return: 67 ''' 68 with open('{}\\{}_creditrecord'.format(__db_credit_record, current_user), "r+") as f_credit_record: 69 credit_record = json.loads(f_credit_record.read()) 70 months = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') 71 times = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") 72 if creditcard not in credit_record.keys(): 73 credit_record[creditcard]={months:{times:value}} 74 else: 75 if months not in credit_record[creditcard].keys(): 76 credit_record[creditcard][months] = {times: value} 77 else: 78 credit_record[creditcard][months][times] = value 79 credit_record = json.dumps(credit_record) 80 f_credit_record.seek(0) 81 f_credit_record.truncate(0) 82 f_credit_record.write(credit_record) 83 84 '''查看信用卡流水''' 85 def check_record(current_user): 86 while True: 87 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r") as f_user_info: 88 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 89 creditcard = user_info[current_user]["credit_card"] 90 print("\33[32;0m信用卡{}流水单\33[0m".center(40, "-").format(creditcard)) 91 with open('{}\\{}_creditrecord'.format(__db_credit_record, current_user), "r") as f_card_record: 92 record = json.loads(f_card_record.read()) 93 if creditcard not in record.keys(): 94 print("\33[31;0m信用卡{}还没有进行过消费\33[0m".format(creditcard)) 95 else: 96 datas = sorted(record[creditcard]) 97 for d in datas: 98 times = sorted(record[creditcard][d]) 99 for t in times: 100 print("\33[31;0m【时间】 {} {}\33[0m".format(d, t)) 101 cost = record[creditcard][d][t] 102 print("\33[31;0m【流水】\t\t{}\33[0m".format(cost)) 103 if_back = input("\n\33[34;0m是否返回 返回【b】\33[0m:") 104 if if_back == "b": 105 break 106 107 108 '''定义业务函数''' 109 def make_transaction(current_user,tran_type,amount): 110 ''' 111 此函数用来计算不同业务的账户余额计算 112 :param current_user: 当前用户名 113 :param tran_type: 业务类型 114 :param amount: 业务数额 115 :return: 新的余额 116 ''' 117 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_credit_card, current_user), "r+") as f_creditcard_info,\ 118 open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_user_info, current_user), "r") as f_user_info: 119 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 120 creditcard = user_info[current_user]["credit_card"] 121 creditcard_info = json.loads(f_creditcard_info.read()) 122 amount = int(amount) 123 if tran_type in TRANSACTION_TYPE: 124 interest = amount * TRANSACTION_TYPE[tran_type]['interest'] 125 old_balance = creditcard_info[creditcard]['credit_balance'] 126 if TRANSACTION_TYPE[tran_type]['action'] == 'plus': 127 new_balance = old_balance + amount + interest 128 elif TRANSACTION_TYPE[tran_type]['action'] == 'minus': 129 new_balance = old_balance - amount - interest 130 if new_balance < 0: 131 print('\033[31;1m 您的信用卡余额不足,当前余额为{}.\033[0m'.format(old_balance)) 132 else: 133 creditcard_info[creditcard]['credit_balance'] = new_balance 134 creditcard_info = json.dumps(creditcard_info) 135 f_creditcard_info.seek(0) 136 f_creditcard_info.truncate(0) 137 f_creditcard_info.write(creditcard_info) 138 return new_balance 139 else: 140 print("\033[31;1m 您输入的交易模式不存在!\033[0m".format(tran_type)) 141 142 143 '''还款''' 144 def repay(current_user): 145 ''' 146 此函数用来实现还款功能 147 :param current_user: 当前账户名 148 :return: 149 ''' 150 while True: 151 print("\33[32;0m还款\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 152 if_repay = input("\33[34;0m是否要还款 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 153 if if_repay == 'y': 154 repay_amount = input("\033[33;1m请输入还款金额.\033[0m").strip() 155 if len(repay_amount) >0 and repay_amount.isdigit(): 156 new_balance = make_transaction(current_user,'repay',repay_amount) 157 if new_balance: 158 print('\033[42;1m 还款成功,当前余额为{} \033[0m'.format(new_balance)) 159 else: 160 print('\033[31;1m 请检查输入金额!\033[0m') 161 if if_repay == 'b': 162 break 163 164 '''取现''' 165 def withdraw(current_user): 166 ''' 167 此函数用来实现取现功能 168 :param current_user: 当前账户名 169 :return: 170 ''' 171 while True: 172 print("\33[32;0m取现\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 173 if_withdraw = input("\33[34;0m是否要取现 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 174 if if_withdraw == 'y': 175 withdraw_amount = input("\033[33;1m请输入取现金额.\033[0m").strip() 176 if len(withdraw_amount) >0 and withdraw_amount.isdigit(): 177 new_balance = make_transaction(current_user,'withdraw',withdraw_amount) 178 if new_balance: 179 print('\033[42;1m 取现成功,当前余额为{} \033[0m'.format(new_balance)) 180 else: 181 print('\033[31;1m 请检查输入金额!\033[0m') 182 if if_withdraw == 'b': 183 break 184 185 '''转账''' 186 def transfor(current_user): 187 ''' 188 此函数用来实现转账功能 189 :param current_user: 当前账户名 190 :return: 191 ''' 192 while True: 193 print("\33[32;0m转账\33[0m".center(40, "-")) 194 if_transfor = input("\33[34;0m是否要转账 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 195 if if_transfor == 'y': 196 current_user1 = input("\033[33;1m请输入转账账户.\033[0m").strip() 197 transfor_amount = input("\033[33;1m请输入转账金额.\033[0m").strip() 198 if len(transfor_amount) >0 and transfor_amount.isdigit(): 199 new_balance = make_transaction(current_user,'transfor',transfor_amount) 200 new_balance1 = make_transaction(current_user1,'repay',transfor_amount) 201 if new_balance: 202 print('\033[42;1m 转账成功,当前余额为{}. \033[0m'.format(new_balance)) 203 else: 204 print('\033[31;1m 请检查输入金额!\033[0m') 205 if if_transfor == 'b': 206 break
1 #!/user/bin/env ptyhon 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: VisonWong 4 5 import os,json 6 7 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 8 9 '''数据库文件相对路径''' 10 __db_users_info = BASE_DIR + r"\database\users_dicts" #添加用户信息路径 11 __db_creditcard_dict = BASE_DIR + r"\database\creditcard_dicts" #添加信用卡路径 12 13 '''创建用户''' 14 def User_create(address="None",locked=0,creditcard=0): 15 while True: 16 print("开始创建用户".center(50,"-")) 17 with open('{}\\users'.format(__db_users_info), "r+") as f_users_info: 18 users_info = json.loads(f_users_info.read()) 19 print("系统已有用户 【{}】".format(users_info.keys())) 20 if_create = input("\n\33[34;0m是否创建新的用户 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 21 if if_create == "y": 22 username = input("\33[34;0m输入要添加账户的用户名:\33[0m") 23 password = input("\33[34;0m输入添加账户的密码:\33[0m") 24 if username not in users_info: 25 users_info[username] = 0 26 users_info = json.dumps(users_info) 27 f_users_info.seek(0) 28 f_users_info.truncate(0) 29 f_users_info.write(users_info) 30 31 f_user_info = open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_users_info, username),'w') 32 json.dump({}, f_user_info) 33 34 if len(username.strip()) > 0 and len(password.strip()) > 0: 35 user_info = {} 36 user_info[username] = {"credit_card":creditcard,"pass_word":password,"state_lock":locked,"address":address,} 37 user_info = json.dumps(user_info) 38 f_user_info.seek(0) 39 f_user_info.truncate(0) 40 f_user_info.write(user_info) 41 f_user_info.close() 42 print("\33[31;1m创建用户 %s 成功\33[0m\n"%(username)) 43 else: 44 print("\33[31;0m输入的用户名或密码为空\33[0m\n") 45 else: 46 print("\33[31;0m用户名 %s 已经存在\33[0m\n"%(username)) 47 if if_create == "b": 48 break 49 50 51 '''发行信用卡''' 52 def Creditcard_create(limit=15000,locked=0,balance =0): 53 while True: 54 print("发行信用卡".center(50, "-")) 55 with open('{}\\creditcards'.format(__db_creditcard_dict), "r+") as f_creditcard_dicts: 56 creditcards_info = json.loads(f_creditcard_dicts.read()) 57 for key in creditcards_info: 58 print("系统已有信用卡 【%s】 \t持卡人 【%s】" % (key,creditcards_info[key])) 59 if_create = input("\n\33[34;0m是否发行新的信用卡 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 60 if if_create == "y": 61 creditcard = input("\33[34;0m输入要发行信用卡卡号(6位数字):\33[0m") 62 if creditcard not in creditcards_info.keys(): 63 if creditcard.isdigit() and len(creditcard) == 6: 64 password = input("\33[34;0m输入要发行信用卡的密码:\33[0m") 65 if len(password.strip()) > 0: 66 username = input("\33[34;0m输入要发行信用卡申请人:\33[0m") 67 if len(username.strip()) > 0: 68 creditcards_info[creditcard]=username 69 creditcards_info = json.dumps(creditcards_info) 70 f_creditcard_dicts.seek(0) 71 f_creditcard_dicts.truncate(0) 72 f_creditcard_dicts.write(creditcards_info) 73 74 f_credit_info = open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict, username), 'w') 75 json.dump({}, f_credit_info) 76 77 creditcard_info = {} 78 creditcard_info[creditcard] = {"account_id":username, "pay_word":password, 79 "state_lock":locked,"credit_line":limit, 80 "credit_balance":balance} 81 creditcard_info = json.dumps(creditcard_info) 82 f_credit_info.seek(0) 83 f_credit_info.truncate(0) 84 f_credit_info.write(creditcard_info) 85 86 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_users_info, username), "r+") as f_user_info: 87 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 88 user_info[username]["credit_card"] = creditcard 89 user_info = json.dumps(user_info) 90 f_user_info.seek(0) 91 f_user_info.truncate(0) 92 f_user_info.write(user_info) 93 94 print("\33[31;0m发行信用卡 %s 成功 额度 %s\33[0m\n"%(creditcard,limit)) 95 else: 96 print("\33[31;0m信用卡申请人不能为空\33[0m\n") 97 else: 98 print("\33[31;0m输入的密码为空\33[0m\n") 99 else: 100 print("\33[31;0m信用卡 %s 卡号不符合规范\33[0m\n" % (creditcard)) 101 else: 102 print("\33[31;0m信用卡 %s 已经存在\33[0m\n" % (creditcard)) 103 if if_create == "b": 104 break 105 106 '''锁定用户''' 107 def Lock_user(): 108 while True: 109 print("\33[32;0m锁定用户\33[0m".center(50, "-")) 110 with open('{}\\users'.format(__db_users_info), "r+") as f_users_info: 111 users_info = json.loads(f_users_info.read()) 112 for key in users_info: 113 if users_info[key] == 0: 114 print("系统用户 【%s】\t\t锁定状态:【未锁定】"%(key)) 115 else: 116 print("系统用户 【%s】\t\t锁定状态:\33[7m【已锁定】\33[0m" % (key)) 117 if_lock = input("\n\33[34;0m是否进行用户锁定 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 118 if if_lock == "y": 119 lock_user = input("\33[34;0m输入要锁定的用户名\33[0m:") 120 if lock_user in users_info.keys(): 121 if users_info[lock_user] == 0: 122 123 users_info[lock_user] = 1 124 users_info = json.dumps(users_info) 125 f_users_info.seek(0) 126 f_users_info.truncate(0) 127 f_users_info.write(users_info) 128 129 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_users_info,lock_user),"r+") as f_user_info: 130 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 131 user_info[lock_user]["state_lock"] = 1 132 user_info = json.dumps(user_info) 133 f_user_info.seek(0) 134 f_user_info.truncate(0) 135 f_user_info.write(user_info) 136 137 if os.path.exists('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict,lock_user)): 138 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict, lock_user), "r+") as f_credit_info: 139 credit_info = json.loads(f_credit_info.read()) 140 key = ''.join(credit_info.keys()) 141 credit_info[key]["state_lock"] = 1 142 credit_info = json.dumps(credit_info) 143 f_credit_info.seek(0) 144 f_credit_info.truncate(0) 145 f_credit_info.write(credit_info) 146 print("\33[31;1m用户 %s 锁定成功\33[0m\n" % (lock_user)) 147 else: 148 print("\33[31;0m用户 %s 锁定失败 之前已经被锁定\33[0m\n" % (lock_user)) 149 else: 150 print("\33[31;0m用户 %s 不存在\33[0m\n"%(lock_user)) 151 if if_lock == "b": 152 break 153 154 '''解锁用户''' 155 def Unlock_user(): 156 while True: 157 print("\33[32;0m解锁用户\33[0m".center(50, "-")) 158 with open('{}\\users'.format(__db_users_info), "r+") as f_users_info: 159 users_info = json.loads(f_users_info.read()) 160 for key in users_info: 161 if users_info[key] == 0: 162 print("系统用户 【%s】\t\t锁定状态:【未锁定】"%(key)) 163 else: 164 print("系统用户 【%s】\t\t锁定状态:\33[7m【已锁定】\33[0m" % (key)) 165 if_lock = input("\n\33[34;0m是否进行用户解锁 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 166 if if_lock == "y": 167 unlock_user = input("\33[34;0m输入要解锁的用户名\33[0m:") 168 if unlock_user in users_info.keys(): 169 if users_info[unlock_user] == 1: 170 171 users_info[unlock_user] = 0 172 users_info = json.dumps(users_info) 173 f_users_info.seek(0) 174 f_users_info.truncate(0) 175 f_users_info.write(users_info) 176 177 with open('{}\\{}_info'.format(__db_users_info,unlock_user),"r+") as f_user_info: 178 user_info = json.loads(f_user_info.read()) 179 user_info[unlock_user]["state_lock"] = 0 180 user_info = json.dumps(user_info) 181 f_user_info.seek(0) 182 f_user_info.truncate(0) 183 f_user_info.write(user_info) 184 185 if os.path.exists('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict,unlock_user)): 186 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict, unlock_user), "r+") as f_credit_info: 187 credit_info = json.loads(f_credit_info.read()) 188 key = ''.join(credit_info.keys()) 189 credit_info[key]["state_lock"] = 0 190 credit_info = json.dumps(credit_info) 191 f_credit_info.seek(0) 192 f_credit_info.truncate(0) 193 f_credit_info.write(credit_info) 194 print("\33[31;1m用户 %s 解锁成功\33[0m\n" % (unlock_user)) 195 else: 196 print("\33[31;0m用户 %s 解锁失败 用户未被锁定\33[0m\n" % (unlock_user)) 197 else: 198 print("\33[31;0m用户 %s 不存在\33[0m\n"%(unlock_user)) 199 if if_lock == "b": 200 break 201 202 203 204 '''修改信用卡额度''' 205 def Updata_limit(): 206 while True: 207 print("\33[32;0m修改信用卡额度\33[0m".center(70, "-")) 208 with open('{}\\creditcards'.format(__db_creditcard_dict), "r+") as f_creditcard_dicts: 209 creditcards_info = json.loads(f_creditcard_dicts.read()) 210 for key in creditcards_info: 211 print("系统已有信用卡 【%s】 \t持卡人 【%s】" % (key,creditcards_info[key])) 212 if_Updata = input("\n\33[34;0m是否进行信用卡额度调整 确定【y】/返回【b】\33[0m:") 213 if if_Updata == "y": 214 creditcard = input("\33[34;0m输入要修改额度的信用卡卡号\33[0m:") 215 if creditcard in creditcards_info.keys(): 216 limit = input("\33[34;0m输入额度修改后的金额(至少¥10000)\33[0m:") 217 if limit.isdigit() and int(limit)>= 10000: 218 limit = int(limit) 219 with open('{}\\{}_creditcard'.format(__db_creditcard_dict, 220 creditcards_info[creditcard]), "r+") as f_credit_info: 221 credit_info = json.loads(f_credit_info.read()) 222 credit_info[creditcard]["credit_line"] = limit 223 credit_info = json.dumps(credit_info) 224 f_credit_info.seek(0) 225 f_credit_info.truncate(0) 226 f_credit_info.write(credit_info) 227 228 print("\33[31;1m信用卡 %s 额度修改成功 额度 %s \33[0m\n" % (creditcard,limit)) 229 else: 230 print("\33[31;0m输入金额 ¥%s 格式错误或者小于¥10000\33[0m\n" % (limit)) 231 else: 232 print("\33[31;0m信用卡 【%s】 不存在\33[0m\n" % (creditcard)) 233 if if_Updata == "b": 234 break