电脑环境:ubuntu kylin 15.04
jre ,version 1.7
ruby:2.1,sudo apt-get install ruby2.1
touch framework:http://cdn.sencha.com/touch/sencha-touch-2.2.1-gpl.zip
sencha touch cmd:http://cdn.sencha.com/cmd/6.0.2/no-jre/SenchaCmd-6.0.2-linux-amd64.sh.zip
touch doc:http://cdn.sencha.com/downloads/docs/touch-docs-2.2.1.zip
ubuntu上的环境变量配置与windows上不同,主要是jre,ruby,sencha cmd的配置,因为一直做开发,所以jre已经配置好,ruby则直接由命令:sudo apt-get install ruby2.1 配置好,主要是sencha cmd 的环境变量的配置:
# sencha
export SENCHA_HOME=/home/your_pc_name/software/SenchaCmd/
~$ java -version
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)
~$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Sencha Cmd v6.0.2.14
Sencha Cmd provides several categories of commands and some global switches. In
most cases, the first step is to generate an application based on a Sencha SDK
such as Ext JS or Sencha Touch:
sencha -sdk /path/to/sdk generate app MyApp /path/to/myapp
Sencha Cmd supports Ext JS 4.1.1a and higher and Sencha Touch 2.1 and higher.
To get help on commands use the help command:
sencha help generate app
For more information on using Sencha Cmd, consult the guides found here:
* --beta, -be - Enable beta package repositories
* --cwd, -cw - Sets the directory from which commands should execute
* --debug, -d - Sets log level to higher verbosity
* --info, -i - Sets log level to default
* --nologo, -n - Suppress the initial Sencha Cmd version display
* --plain, -pl - enables plain logging output (no highlighting)
* --quiet, -q - Sets log level to warnings and errors only
* --sdk-path, -sd - The location of the SDK to use for non-app commands
* --strict, -st - Treats warnings as errors, exiting with error if any warnings are present
* --time, -ti - Display the execution time after executing all commands
* app - Perform various application build processes
* compass - Wraps execution of compass for sass compilation
* compile - Compile sources to produce concatenated output and metadata
* cordova - Quick init Support for Cordova
* diag - Perform diagnostic operations on Sencha Cmd
* fs - Utility commands to work with files
* generate - Generates models, controllers, etc. or an entire application
* manager - Commands for interacting with Sencha Web Application Manager.
* manifest - Extract class metadata
* package - Manages local and remote packages
* phonegap - Quick init support for PhoneGap
* repository - Manage local repository and remote repository connections
* template - Commands for working with templates
* theme - Commands for low-level operations on themes
* web - Manages a simple HTTP file server
* ant - Invoke Ant with helpful properties back to Sencha Cmd
* audit - Search from the current folder for Ext JS frameworks and report their license
* build - Builds a project from a legacy JSB3 file.
* config - Load a properties file or sets a configuration property
* help - Displays help for commands
* js - Executes arbitrary JavaScript file(s)
* switch - Manage the active Sencha Cmd version
* upgrade - Upgrades Sencha Cmd
* which - Displays the path to the current version of Sencha Cmd
至此,Sencha Touch 的环境完全搭建完成了,当然还要配置web服务器了,这个在下一节中创建app中继续