

 皮肤使用须知  (New)   一文章,有什么好的建议或是意见也希望大家提出来,希望能让更多的人参与的皮肤的设计和开发上。


     我们先看 一下它的布局吧


大家应该能看的出来,左上角是一个      Panel是用来做窗体的标题的,而右面的三个CommandButton是用来实现,最小化,最大化和关闭按钮的,

定部的Panel是工具一栏,而下面而是窗体 的主体部分了


在这里还要感谢一位网友提供的图片素材,在这里谢谢了,最新的皮肤不会带有这些图片,但是上面具有这具功能 ,大家可以直接添加,因是作者留有版权,呵呵

  我们来看实现吧 所用的到图片大家可以在源代码里找到,我这里给出引用的图片代码大家可以根据代码查找

ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
namespace  CRD.WinUI.Forms
partial   class  Main
///   <summary>
///  Required designer variable.
///   </summary>
         private  System.ComponentModel.IContainer components  =   null ;

///   <summary>
///  Clean up any resources being used.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="disposing"> true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. </param>
         protected   override   void  Dispose( bool  disposing)
if  (disposing  &&  (components  !=   null ))
base .Dispose(disposing);

#region  Windows Form Designer generated code

///   <summary>
///  Required method for Designer support - do not modify
///  the contents of this method with the code editor.
///   </summary>
         private   void  InitializeComponent()
this .components  =   new  System.ComponentModel.Container();
this .pnlCaption  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
this .btnClose  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnMaxResore  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnMin  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnMenu  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkin  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .lblText  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this .ptbTopRight  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .ptbTopMiddle  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .ptbTopLeft  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .pnlBottom  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
this .ptbBottomRight  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .ptbBottomMiddle  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .ptbBottomLeft  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .pnlLeft  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
this .ptbLeft  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .pnlRight  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
this .ptbRight  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
this .GCtimer  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Timer( this .components);
this .pnlBackground  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.panel();
this .pnlCaption.SuspendLayout();
this .ptbTopRight)).BeginInit();
this .ptbTopMiddle)).BeginInit();
this .ptbTopLeft)).BeginInit();
this .pnlBottom.SuspendLayout();
this .ptbBottomRight)).BeginInit();
this .ptbBottomMiddle)).BeginInit();
this .ptbBottomLeft)).BeginInit();
this .pnlLeft.SuspendLayout();
this .ptbLeft)).BeginInit();
this .pnlRight.SuspendLayout();
this .ptbRight)).BeginInit();
this .SuspendLayout();
//  pnlCaption
             this .pnlCaption.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .btnClose);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .btnMaxResore);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .btnMin);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .btnMenu);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .btnSkin);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .lblText);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .ptbTopRight);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .ptbTopMiddle);
this .pnlCaption.Controls.Add( this .ptbTopLeft);
this .pnlCaption.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top;
this .pnlCaption.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .pnlCaption.Name  =   " pnlCaption " ;
this .pnlCaption.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 592 112 );
this .pnlCaption.TabIndex  =   0 ;
//  btnClose
             this .btnClose.Anchor  =  ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top  |  System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this .btnClose.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((( int )((( byte )( 255 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 0 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 255 )))));
this .btnClose.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 548 0 );
this .btnClose.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnClose.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnClose.Name  =   " btnClose " ;
this .btnClose.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnClose.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 37 22 );
this .btnClose.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnClose.ToolTip  =   " 关闭 " ;
this .btnClose.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnClose_Click);
//  btnMaxResore
             this .btnMaxResore.Anchor  =  ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top  |  System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this .btnMaxResore.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((( int )((( byte )( 255 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 0 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 255 )))));
this .btnMaxResore.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 516 0 );
this .btnMaxResore.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnMaxResore.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnMaxResore.Name  =   " btnMaxResore " ;
this .btnMaxResore.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnMaxResore.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 32 22 );
this .btnMaxResore.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnMaxResore.ToolTip  =   " 最大化 " ;
this .btnMaxResore.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnMaxResore_Click);
//  btnMin
             this .btnMin.Anchor  =  ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top  |  System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this .btnMin.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .btnMin.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((( int )((( byte )( 255 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 0 )))), (( int )((( byte )( 255 )))));
this .btnMin.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 485 0 );
this .btnMin.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnMin.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnMin.Name  =   " btnMin " ;
this .btnMin.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnMin.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 31 22 );
this .btnMin.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnMin.ToolTip  =   " 最小化 " ;
this .btnMin.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnMin_Click);
//  btnMenu
             this .btnMenu.Anchor  =  ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top  |  System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this .btnMenu.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this .btnMenu.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnMenu.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 428 6 );
this .btnMenu.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnMenu.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnMenu.Name  =   " btnMenu " ;
this .btnMenu.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnMenu.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 40 14 );
this .btnMenu.TabIndex  =   5 ;
this .btnMenu.ToolTip  =   null ;
this .btnMenu.MouseClick  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .btnMenu_MouseClick);
//  btnSkin
             this .btnSkin.Anchor  =  ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top  |  System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this .btnSkin.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this .btnSkin.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkin.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 374 6 );
this .btnSkin.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkin.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkin.Name  =   " btnSkin " ;
this .btnSkin.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkin.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 40 14 );
this .btnSkin.TabIndex  =   5 ;
this .btnSkin.ToolTip  =   null ;
this .btnSkin.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnSkin_Click);
//  lblText
             this .lblText.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this .lblText.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 16 2 );
this .lblText.Name  =   " lblText " ;
this .lblText.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 283 26 );
this .lblText.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .lblText.TextAlign  =  System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
this .lblText.DoubleClick  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .Caption_DouClick);
this .lblText.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .lblText_MouseMove);
this .lblText.MouseUp  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .Caption_MouseUp);
//  ptbTopRight
             this .ptbTopRight.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbTopRight.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right;
this .ptbTopRight.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 584 0 );
this .ptbTopRight.Name  =   " ptbTopRight " ;
this .ptbTopRight.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 8 112 );
this .ptbTopRight.TabIndex  =   2 ;
this .ptbTopRight.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbTopRight.DoubleClick  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .Caption_DouClick);
this .ptbTopRight.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbTopRight_MouseMove);
this .ptbTopRight.MouseUp  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .Caption_MouseUp);
//  ptbTopMiddle
             this .ptbTopMiddle.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control;
this .ptbTopMiddle.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbTopMiddle.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .ptbTopMiddle.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .ptbTopMiddle.Name  =   " ptbTopMiddle " ;
this .ptbTopMiddle.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 592 112 );
this .ptbTopMiddle.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .ptbTopMiddle.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbTopMiddle.DoubleClick  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .Caption_DouClick);
this .ptbTopMiddle.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbTopMiddle_MouseMove);
this .ptbTopMiddle.MouseUp  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .Caption_MouseUp);
//  ptbTopLeft
             this .ptbTopLeft.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbTopLeft.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
this .ptbTopLeft.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .ptbTopLeft.Name  =   " ptbTopLeft " ;
this .ptbTopLeft.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 0 112 );
this .ptbTopLeft.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .ptbTopLeft.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbTopLeft.DoubleClick  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .Caption_DouClick);
this .ptbTopLeft.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbTopLeft_MouseMove);
this .ptbTopLeft.MouseUp  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .Caption_MouseUp);
//  pnlBottom
             this .pnlBottom.Controls.Add( this .ptbBottomRight);
this .pnlBottom.Controls.Add( this .ptbBottomMiddle);
this .pnlBottom.Controls.Add( this .ptbBottomLeft);
this .pnlBottom.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom;
this .pnlBottom.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 413 );
this .pnlBottom.Name  =   " pnlBottom " ;
this .pnlBottom.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 592 10 );
this .pnlBottom.TabIndex  =   2 ;
//  ptbBottomRight
             this .ptbBottomRight.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbBottomRight.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right;
this .ptbBottomRight.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 584 0 );
this .ptbBottomRight.Name  =   " ptbBottomRight " ;
this .ptbBottomRight.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 8 10 );
this .ptbBottomRight.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .ptbBottomRight.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbBottomRight.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbBottomRight_MouseMove);
//  ptbBottomMiddle
             this .ptbBottomMiddle.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbBottomMiddle.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .ptbBottomMiddle.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 8 0 );
this .ptbBottomMiddle.Name  =   " ptbBottomMiddle " ;
this .ptbBottomMiddle.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 584 10 );
this .ptbBottomMiddle.TabIndex  =   2 ;
this .ptbBottomMiddle.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbBottomMiddle.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbBottomMiddle_MouseMove);
//  ptbBottomLeft
             this .ptbBottomLeft.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbBottomLeft.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
this .ptbBottomLeft.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .ptbBottomLeft.Name  =   " ptbBottomLeft " ;
this .ptbBottomLeft.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 8 10 );
this .ptbBottomLeft.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .ptbBottomLeft.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbBottomLeft.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbBottomLeft_MouseMove);
//  pnlLeft
             this .pnlLeft.Controls.Add( this .ptbLeft);
this .pnlLeft.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
this .pnlLeft.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 112 );
this .pnlLeft.Name  =   " pnlLeft " ;
this .pnlLeft.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 6 301 );
this .pnlLeft.TabIndex  =   3 ;
//  ptbLeft
             this .ptbLeft.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbLeft.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .ptbLeft.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .ptbLeft.Name  =   " ptbLeft " ;
this .ptbLeft.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 6 301 );
this .ptbLeft.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .ptbLeft.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbLeft.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbLeft_MouseMove);
//  pnlRight
             this .pnlRight.Controls.Add( this .ptbRight);
this .pnlRight.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right;
this .pnlRight.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 587 112 );
this .pnlRight.Name  =   " pnlRight " ;
this .pnlRight.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 5 301 );
this .pnlRight.TabIndex  =   4 ;
//  ptbRight
             this .ptbRight.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .ptbRight.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .ptbRight.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .ptbRight.Name  =   " ptbRight " ;
this .ptbRight.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 5 301 );
this .ptbRight.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .ptbRight.TabStop  =   false ;
this .ptbRight.MouseMove  +=   new  System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this .ptbRight_MouseMove);
//  GCtimer
             this .GCtimer.Interval  =   6000 ;
this .GCtimer.Tick  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .GCtimer_Tick);
//  pnlBackground
             this .pnlBackground.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;
this .pnlBackground.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .pnlBackground.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .pnlBackground.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 6 112 );
this .pnlBackground.Name  =   " pnlBackground " ;
this .pnlBackground.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 581 301 );
this .pnlBackground.TabIndex  =   5 ;
//  Main
             this .AutoScaleDimensions  =   new  System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
this .AutoScaleMode  =  System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this .ClientSize  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 592 423 );
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlBackground);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlRight);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlLeft);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlBottom);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlCaption);
this .Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .Name  =   " Main " ;
this .StartPosition  =  System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
this .Text  =   " MainForm " ;
this .ResizeEnd  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .MainForm_ResizeEnd);
this .pnlCaption.ResumeLayout( false );
this .ptbTopRight)).EndInit();
this .ptbTopMiddle)).EndInit();
this .ptbTopLeft)).EndInit();
this .pnlBottom.ResumeLayout( false );
this .ptbBottomRight)).EndInit();
this .ptbBottomMiddle)).EndInit();
this .ptbBottomLeft)).EndInit();
this .pnlLeft.ResumeLayout( false );
this .ptbLeft)).EndInit();
this .pnlRight.ResumeLayout( false );
this .ptbRight)).EndInit();
this .ResumeLayout( false );



internal  System.Windows.Forms.Panel pnlCaption;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbTopRight;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbTopMiddle;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.Panel pnlBottom;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbBottomMiddle;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbBottomRight;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbBottomLeft;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.Panel pnlLeft;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbLeft;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.Panel pnlRight;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbRight;
internal  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton btnClose;
internal  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton btnMaxResore;
internal  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton btnMin;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.Timer GCtimer;
internal  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton btnMenu;
internal  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton btnSkin;
protected  CRD.WinUI.Misc.panel pnlBackground;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.Label lblText;
internal  System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox ptbTopLeft;



ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
  this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer  |  ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,  true );
this .Controls.Remove( this .pnlBackground);
this .Controls.Remove( this .pnlRight);
this .Controls.Remove( this .pnlLeft);
this .Controls.Remove( this .pnlBottom);
this .Controls.Remove( this .pnlCaption);


在这里我实现 了一个接口IMainForm 用来定义窗体的规范,


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
  // 窗体接口
     public   interface  IMainForm
void  PerformChangeSkinColor();
void  PerformChangeSkinColor(SkinColor skinColor);
void  PerformChangeBackgroundStripe(BackgroundStripe backgroundStripe);
void  PerformAllFormChangeSkinColor(SkinColor skinColor);

        SkinColor CurrentSkinColor {
get ; set ;}

        Color MainFormBackGroundColor { 
get ; }
        Color MainFormBackGroundColor2 { 
get ; }
        Color ControlBackColor { 
get ; }
        Color ControlBorderBackColor { 
get ; }



ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
  public   override   string  Text
return   base .Text;
base .Text  =  value;
if  (lblText  !=   null )
this .lblText.Text  =  value;



ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
   public  Color ControlBackColor
if  ( this .pnlBackground.BackgroundImage  !=   null )
                    Bitmap bitmap 
=   new  Bitmap( this .pnlBackground.BackgroundImage);
return  bitmap.GetPixel( 20 30 );
return  SystemColors.Control;

public  Color ControlBorderBackColor
if  ( this .ptbTopMiddle.BackgroundImage  !=   null )
                    Bitmap bitmap 
=   new  Bitmap( this .ptbTopMiddle.BackgroundImage);
return  bitmap.GetPixel( 1 80 );
return  SystemColors.Control;

public  Color MainFormBorderColor
if  ( this .ptbTopLeft.BackgroundImage  !=   null )
                    Bitmap bitmap 
=   new  Bitmap( this .ptbTopLeft.BackgroundImage);
return  bitmap.GetPixel( 1 20 );
return  SystemColors.Control;



ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
protected   override   void  WndProc( ref  Message m)
switch  (m.Msg)
case  Win32.WM_COMMAND:
                    Win32.SendMessage(Handle, Win32.WM_SYSCOMMAND, (
int )m.WParam, ( int )m.LParam);
break ;
case  Win32.WM_SYSCOMMAND:
base .WndProc( ref  m);

if  (m.WParam.ToInt64()  ==  Win32.SC_RESTORE)
this .Height  +=   6 ;
this .Width  +=   6 ;
this .btnMaxResore.NormalImage  =  maxBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 0 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.MouseMoveImage  =  maxBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 32 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.MouseDownImage  =  maxBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 64 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.ToolTip  =   " 还原 " ;

this .btnMaxResore,  true );
else   if  (m.WParam.ToInt64()  ==  Win32.SC_MAXIMIZE)
this .btnMaxResore.NormalImage  =  resoreBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 0 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.MouseMoveImage  =  resoreBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 32 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.MouseDownImage  =  resoreBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 64 0 32 22 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnMaxResore.ToolTip  =   " 最大化 " ;

this .btnMaxResore,  true );

break ;
default :
base .WndProc( ref  m);
break ;

public  Color MainFormBackGroundColor
if  ( this .ptbTopLeft.BackgroundImage  !=   null )
                    Bitmap bitmap 
=   new  Bitmap( this .ptbTopLeft.BackgroundImage);
this .BackColor  =  bitmap.GetPixel( 20 15 );
return   this .BackColor;
return  SystemColors.Control;

 OnLoad方法这里加载 了一些默认要显示的图片

ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
  protected   override   void  OnLoad(EventArgs e)
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlBackground);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlRight);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlLeft);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlBottom);
this .Controls.Add( this .pnlCaption);

if  ( ! DesignMode)
this .Hide();

=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.MainWin.Button.RestrBtn.bmp " )));
=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.MainWin.Button.MaxBtn.bmp " )));

=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.MainWin.Button.ColorBtn.png " )));
=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.MainWin.Button.MenuBtn.png " )));

this .lblText.Text  =   this .Text;


base .OnLoad(e);

if  ( ! DesignMode)
int  maxWidth  =  Screen.GetWorkingArea( this ).Width  +   15 ;
int  maxHeight  =  Screen.GetWorkingArea( this ).Height  +   8 ;
this .MaximumSize  =   new  Size(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size.Width  +   15 , SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size.Height  +   8 );

this .Show();

因为我们是窗体 是没有标题栏的,所 以我们要处理一个当拖动上面Panel时要让窗体要着移动,还有就 是在移动的过程中要刷新一下皮肤


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
  private   void  ptbTopLeft_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog  ||
this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)
=  Cursors.Default;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left  &&  e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)
274 61440   +   9 0 );
return ;

if  (e.X  <=   8   &&  e.Y  <=   8 )
=  Cursors.SizeNWSE;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left) { Win32.ReleaseCapture(); Win32.SendMessage(Handle,  274 61440   +   4 0 ); }
else   if  (e.X  <=   4 )
=  Cursors.SizeWE;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   1 0 );

else   if  (e.Y  <=   4 )
=  Cursors.SizeNS;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   3 0 );
=  Cursors.Default;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left  &&  e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)
274 61440   +   9 0 );

private   void  ptbTopMiddle_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog  ||
this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)
=  Cursors.Default;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   9 0 );
return ;

if  (e.Y  <=   2 )
=  Cursors.SizeNS;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   3 0 );
=  Cursors.Default;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left  &&  e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)
274 61440   +   9 0 );

private   void  ptbTopRight_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

if  (e.Y  >   8 )
=  Cursors.SizeWE;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   2 0 );
else   if  (e.X  >   5 )
=  Cursors.SizeNESW;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   5 0 );
=  Cursors.Default;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left  &&  e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)
274 61440   +   9 0 );

private   void  Caption_MouseUp( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Right  &&  ((Control)sender).Cursor  ==  Cursors.Default  &&  e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)

if  (e.Y  <=  SystemInformation.CaptionHeight)
=  e.Location;
=  Point.Empty;

if  ( this ._skinForm  !=   null   &&   ! this ._skinForm.IsDisposed  &&   this ._skinForm.Visible)
this ._skinForm.Close();

private   void  Caption_DouClick( object  sender, EventArgs e)
if  (((Control)sender).Cursor  !=  Cursors.Default)  return ;
if  (_captionMouseUp  ==  Point.Empty)  return ;

if  (WindowState  !=  FormWindowState.Maximized)
this .Handle,  273 , Win32.SC_MAXIMIZE,  0 );

this .Handle,  273 , Win32.SC_RESTORE,  0 );

private   void  ptbLeft_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

if  (e.Y  >   this .ptbLeft.Height  -   5 )
this .ptbBottomLeft.Cursor  =  Cursors.SizeNESW;

=  Cursors.SizeWE;

if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   7 0 );

private   void  ptbRight_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)

if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

this .ptbRight.Cursor  =  Cursors.SizeWE;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   2 0 );

private   void  ptbBottomLeft_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

this .ptbRight.Cursor  =  Cursors.SizeNESW;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   7 0 );


private   void  ptbBottomMiddle_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

=  Cursors.SizeNS;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)
274 61440   +   6 0 );

private   void  ptbBottomRight_MouseMove( object  sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D)  return ;
if  ( this .FormStyle  ==  FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog)  return ;

if  (WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Maximized)  return ;

=  Cursors.SizeNWSE;
if  (e.Button  ==  MouseButtons.Left)

274 61440   +   8 0 );

private   void  btnMin_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
this .Handle,  274 , Win32.SC_MINIMIZE,  0 );

private   void  btnMaxResore_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
if  ( this .WindowState  ==  FormWindowState.Normal)
this .Handle,  274 , Win32.SC_MAXIMIZE,  0 );
this .Handle,  274 , Win32.SC_RESTORE,  0 );

强说这个窗体是很重要的一个,但是说白了这个窗体很简单,只要看代码应该都 能明白是什么意思了,大家如果有什么不懂的地方可以用源代码调试一下,或者给我留言;下周开始升级解决的一些问题,这周忙于工作,有空整合一下希望大家多多提建议






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