[H3C]dis cur
 version 5.20, Release 2202
 sysname H3C
 clock timezone beijing add 13:01:45
 super password level 3 cipher :Aa.-B3\6E@ZY#9\EO)311!!
 irf mac-address persistent timer
 irf auto-update enable
 undo irf link-delay
 domain default enable system
 telnet server enable
 undo ip ttl-expires
acl number 2000 match-order auto
vlan 1
vlan 1000 to 1010
radius scheme system
 server-type extended
 primary authentication 1645
 primary accounting 1646
 user-name-format without-domain
domain system
 access-limit disable
 state active
 idle-cut disable
 self-service-url disable
traffic classifier ban-gong operator and
 if-match any
traffic classifier bi-sai operator and
 if-match any
traffic classifier zhang-xin-da operator and
 if-match any
traffic behavior ban-gong
 car cir 20480 cbs 4000 ebs 4000 green pass red discard yellow pass
traffic behavior bi-sai
 car cir 40960 cbs 4000 ebs 4000 green pass red discard yellow pass
traffic behavior zhang-xin-da
 car cir 3072 cbs 4000 ebs 4000 green pa