1.在项目下,进入source/checkout ,提示:


Command-line access

Option 1: Get a local copy of the fujuecom-apps-for-android repository with this command:

git clone https://fujue.com@code.google.com/r/fujuecom-apps-for-android/ 

To push your changes, authenticate with your Google Account and your generated googlecode.com password.

Option 2: Stay authenticated with .netrc:

Add the following to your .netrc. 
machine code.google.com login fujue.com@gmail.com password [generated googlecode.com password] 

Make sure the clone URL doesn't contain your username: 
git clone https://code.google.com/r/fujuecom-apps-for-android/


2.在本地目标文件路径中输入git clone https://fujue.com@code.google.com/r/fujuecom-apps-for-android/

提示:error: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to code.google.com:443  while accessing https://fujue.com@code.google.com/r/fujuecom-apps-for-android/info/refs

fatal: HTTP request failed

3. 本地启动goagent


git config --global http.proxy ""


4.重新下载, git clone https://fujue.com@code.google.com/r/fujuecom-apps-for-android/