System summary(系统总结)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The System Summary screen displays the router's current status and settings. This information is read only. If you click the button with underline, it will hyperlink to related setup pages. On the right side of the screen and all other screens in the Utility will be a link to the Site Map, which has links to all of the Utility's tabs.
Serial Number: The serial number of the RV082 unit.
System up time: The length of time in Days, Hours, and Minutes that the RV082 is active.
Firmware version: The current version number of the firmware installed on this unit.
CPU: The type of the RV082 processor. It is Intel IXP425.
DRAM: The size of DRAM on the board. It is 32MB.
Flash: The size of Flash on the board. It is 16MB.
Configuration: If you need guideline to re-configure the router, you may launch Wizard.
Port Statistics: Users can click the port number from port diagram to see the status of the selected port

The Setup screen contains all of the router's basic setup functions. The device can be used in most network settings without changing any of the default values. Some users may need to enter additional information in order to connect to the Internet through an ISP (Internet Service Provider) or broadband (DSL, cable modem) carrier.
Host Name & Domain Name:
Enter a host and domain name for the Router. Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) may require these names as identification, and these settings can be obtained from your ISP. In most cases, leaving these fields blank will work.
LAN Setting:
This is the Router's LAN IP Address and Subnet Mask. The default value is for IP address and for the Subnet Mask.



The Router can be used as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on your network. A DHCP server assigns available IP addresses to each computer on your network automatically
System management(系统管理)

There are two functions provided for users - Smart Link Backup and Load Balance. If users select DMZ in setup page, users could not do the Dual WAN setting here.  
If Load Balance (Auto Mode) is selected, it will be automatically computing the max bandwidth of WAN1 and WAN2 by using Weighted Round Robin to balance the loading.
Network Service Detection
This tool can detect the network connection status of ISP by pinging Default Gateway, ISP Host, Remote Host or DNS Lookup Host.
Retry count: The count of ping. The default is 5.
Retry timeout: The interval between two ping actions. The default is 30 seconds.
When Fail:
Generate the Error Condition in the System Log: The Router will generate the System Log when ping fail to inform users that the ISP connection is disconnected.
Remove the Connection: This WAN Interface will be suspended when the network connection to ISP is not active. The traffic on this WAN will be dispatched to the other WAN port. Once ISP returns to c
port management (端口管理
In this router, users can configure the connection status for each port, such as Priority, Speed, Duplex, Auto-Negotiation and VLAN.
Basic Per Port Config.
Port ID: They are port 1~8, DMZ/Internet and Internet.
Interface: They are LAN, WAN2 or DMZ, WAN1.
Disable: Check the box, the port will be disabled. It is a per-port setting.
Priority: Select High or <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Normal for Port-based QoS (Quality of Service). QoS is used to maximize a network’s performance and this setting allows you to prioritize performance on eight LAN ports.
Speed: Users can manually config the per-port speed as 10Mbps or 100Mbps.
Duplex: Users can manually config the per-port duplex as half-duplex or full-duplex.
Auto-negotiation: Users can configure the per-port mode as Auto-negotiation, so Users will not need to setup speed and duplex.
VLAN (Virtual LAN): A VLAN Group is a broadcast domain, and the stations on the same VLAN group can communicate with each other, and the stations on the separate VLAN groups
 firewall (防火墙)

From the Firewall Tab, you can configure the Router to deny or allow specific internal users from accessing the Internet. You can also configure the Router to deny or allow specific Internet users from accessing the internal servers. You can set up different packet filters for different users that are located on internal (LAN) side or external (WAN) side based on their IP addresses or their network Port number.
The default is enabled. If users disable the Firewall function, SPI, DoS, Block WAN Request will be disabled, Remote Management will be enabled and Access Rules and Content Filter will be disabled.
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
The Router's Firewall uses Stateful Packet Inspection to maintain connection information that passes through the firewall. It will inspect all packets based on the established connection, prior to passing the packets for processing through a higher protocol layer.
Denial of Service (DoS)
Protect internal networks from Internet att
Protectlink (防护连接)

Trend Micro™ ProtectLink Gateway is a hosted security service that stops spam and filters URLs

to prevent unwanted content from passing through your Linksys router. ProtectLink stops over 97%

of spam and controls access to Web sites based on the categories you select.


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趋势科技™ ProtectLink 网关是一项托管安全服务,停止垃圾邮件和过滤器的网址

防止通过 Linksys 路由器通过不想要的内容。 ProtectLink 停止超过 97


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