Web开发系列 - Web Chart

   整理一些可以在Web开发中使用的图表控件, 主要为客户端实现方式, 如Flash, JavaScript, Silverlight; 如果是GDI+方式生成统计图表可以看我前几天整理的另外一篇博文 C# WinForm开发系列 - Chart Controls .



FusionCharts Free

Open Flash Chart

Open Flash Chart

10 Free Chart Scripts 转载自 S.Sams 博文

This week I’ve been working on a project that required data to be shown visually. I needed a Chart Script that was attractive yet gets the data across. The Charts scripts below are built using JavaScript, Flash, Silverlight, and Java.

  • Flot - Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. The focus is on easy usage , attractive plots and interactive features. With Flot you can interact with the data, look at specific data by zooming in, plot a time series, and other various options.
  • Open Flash Chart - Open Flash Chart is a Flash charting component. It is fairly easy to setup and has classes written in PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails, and .Net to connect to the Chart. You can create some really nice looking Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Area Charts and etc…
  • AmCharts - AmCharts are animated interactive flash charts. The charts include Pie Charts, Line Charts, Scatter/Bubble Charts, Bar/Column Charts, and even a stock chart. AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl and ColdFusion. All the charts are free but they have a link to AmCharts on the upper left.
  • Emprise JavaScript Charts - Emprise JavaScript Charts is a 100% Pure JavaScript Charting Solution that requires no JavaScript frameworks. Emprise JavaScript Charts include Line, Area, Scatter, Pie, Bar charts with zooming, scaling and scrolling ability. Tested and works with all major browsers.
  • PlotKit - PlotKit is a Chart and Graph Plotting Library for Javascript. PlotKit works with MochiKit javascript library. It has support for HTML Canvas and also SVG via Adobe SVG Viewer and native browser support. PlotKit also has great documentation.
  • Flotr - Flotr is a javascript plotting library based on the Prototype Framework version Flotr lets you create graphs in modern browsers with features like legend support, negative value support, mouse tracking, selection support, zoom support, event hooks, CSS styling support and much more.
  • PHP/SWF Charts - PHP/SWF Charts is simple yet powerful tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. You use PHP to gather the data and put it into flash. It supports many charts types, Line, Column, Stacked column, Floating column, 3D column, Stacked 3D column, Parallel 3D column, Pie, 3D Pie, Bar, Stacked bar, Floating bar, Area, Stacked area, Candlestick, Scatter, Polar, Mixed, Composite and Joined. These Charts have some great features like Animated transitions, Printable charts, and more.
  • Visifire - Visifire (Powered by Silverlight) is a set of open source data visualization components. With Visifire you can create animated Silverlight Charts with ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails or just simple HTML.
  • FusionCharts - FusionCharts is a cross-browser and cross-platform flash charting component that can be used with ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, simple HTML pages or even PowerPoint Presentations. All you need to know is the language you’re programming in.
  • JFreeChart - JFreeChart is an open source Java chart library that makes it easy for developers to display quality charts in their applications. The JFreeChart project was founded seven years ago, in February 2000, by David Gilbert and is used by approximately 40,000 to 50,000 developers. JFreeChart supports many different output types that includes JPEG, GIF, PDF, EPS and SVG. This is a great resource for Java developers.

If you know of any other Charting Scripts please post below.

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另外附上C# WinForm开发系列相关文章如下:

C# WinForm开发系列 - GDI+

C# WinForm开发系列 - ZedGraph

C# WinForm开发系列 - Report

C# WinForm开发系列 – Print

C# WinForm开发系列 - Controls

C# WinForm开发系列 - 文章索引

分类:  VB/VB.NET, Java, ASP.NET
标签:  Asp.NetJavaChartVB/VB.NetUIWebJavaScriptFlashWPF

Web Chart Flot - Flot 为 jQuery 提供的javascript代码库. 容易使用,有特色的图表,提供交互功能(能够放大缩小数据区域等)。 Open Flash Chart - Open Flash Chart 是一个 Flash 图表组件,很容易安装,提供以下语言的API: PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails, and .Net 来控制图表。 ? AmCharts - AmCharts 是一个动画交互Flash图表。支持: Pie Charts, Line Charts, Scatter/Bubble Charts, Bar/Column Charts, 甚至股票图表。 ? Emprise JavaScript Charts - Emprise 是一个100% 纯 JavaScript 图表解决方案,并不需要任何 JavaScript 框架. ? PlotKit - PlotKit 是一个 图表和图像的Javascript 库. PlotKit 和 MochiKit javascript 库一起工作,支持HTML Canvas 和 Adobe SVG 显示 以及本地浏览器支持。尤其文档非常全。 ? Flotr - Flotr 是Prototype框架的javascript插件库。 Flotr帮助你在浏览器中创建图表,支持鼠标事件响应,放大缩小,CSS类型支持等。 PHP/SWF Charts - PHP/SWF 是一个简单支持web图表的强大工具,你能使用 PHP 来收集数据,并发送给flash,支持很多图表类型: Line, Column, Stacked column, Floating column, 3D column, Stacked 3D column, Parallel 3D column, Pie, 3D Pie, Bar, Stacked bar, Floating bar, Area, Stacked area, Candlestick, Scatter, Polar, Mixed. ? Visifire - Visifire 是用 Silverlight 做的,是一个开源可视化数据组件,使用Visifire你能创建动画 Silverlight 图表,支持 ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails 或者 简单 HTML调用. ? FusionCharts - FusionCharts 是一个跨浏览器和跨平台的flash图表组件,能够被 ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, 简单 HTML 页面 甚至PPT调用. 几乎所有你知道的语言它都支持。 ? JFreeChart - JFreeChart 是一个开源java图表库,让开发者能够很容易在程序里面显示高质量的图表。 JFreeChart 项目从7年前便开始了,起始于 2000 年1月, 已经有四五万开发者已经使用了JFreeChart。JFreeChart 支持很多种图形文件格式: JPEG, GIF, PDF, EPS and SVG. 这对于java开发者是一个很好的资源。




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