













@echo off


set dt=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%

set batpath=%~dp0

set dname=


rem Turn to batfile's path


cd %batpath%

mkdir bak >nul 2>nul


rem Re-upload bak log directory and file to NMS Server


type %batpath%Evtlog.txt | find "Ftpfailed" >nul 2>nul 


if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto reupload 

if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto reupend



echo ----------%dt% Re-upload bak Log------------ 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

%BatPath%ncftpput -u administrator -p password  -r 5 -z -R -DD / %batpath%bak\* 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto cleanrelog

if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto reupfailed




for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s %batpath%bak\^|sort /r') do rd "%%a" /q 2>nul

goto reupend



echo %dt%:Ftpfailed Reupload files the day before yesterday failed! 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto reupend




rem Get the yesterday date

for /d %%i in (20*) do if %%i LSS %dt% set dname=%%i

if exist %dname% goto ncftp

if not exist %dname% goto :eof



rem Transfer yesterday log file and folder to NMS Server

echo ----------%dt% Ftp Log------------  2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

%BatPath%ncftpput -u administrator -p password  -r 5 -z -R -DD / %batpath%%dname% 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

if %errorlevel% EQU 11 goto session

if %errorlevel% EQU 10 goto library

if %errorlevel% EQU 9 goto error

if %errorlevel% EQU 8 goto usage

if %errorlevel% EQU 7 goto url

if %errorlevel% EQU 6 goto directorytimeout

if %errorlevel% EQU 5 goto directory

if %errorlevel% EQU 4 goto transfertimeout

if %errorlevel% EQU 3 goto transfer

if %errorlevel% EQU 2 goto connecttimeout

if %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto connect

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto success



echo ncFtp:0Success. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto exit



echo Ftpfailed:1Could not connect to remote host. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:2Could not connect to remote host - timed out. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:3Transfer failed. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:4Transfer failed - timed out. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:5Directory change failed. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:6Directory change failed - timed out. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:7Malformed URL. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:8Usage error. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:9Error in login configuration file. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:10Library initialization failed. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



echo Ftpfailed:11Session initialization failed. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto movefile



rem Move yesterday log directory trees and files to the destination directory bak 

move /y %batpath%%dname% %batpath%bak\%dname%  2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo Moveerror:A duplicate file name exists, or the file cannot be found. 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 echo Move finish! 2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2

goto exit




rd %batpath%%dname% /q >nul 2>nul

echo ----------%dt% Ftp Log------------  2>>%batpath%Evtlog.txt 1>&2



