环境:52A AIX7.1 实验目的:




root@testdb:/# lsvg -o

root@testdb:/# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5

root@testdb:/# lspv      //假设hdisk0 损坏了
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    rootvg          active      
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active

1、卸载镜像 unmirrorvg hdisk0

root@testdb:/# unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk0
0516-1246 rmlvcopy: If hd5 is the boot logical volume, please run 'chpv -c <diskname>'
        as root user to clear the boot record and avoid a potential boot
        off an old boot p_w_picpath that may reside on the disk from which this
        logical volume is moved/removed.
0516-1804 chvg: The quorum change takes effect immediately.
0516-1144 unmirrorvg: rootvg successfully unmirrored, user should perform
        bosboot of system to reinitialize boot records.  Then, user must modify
        bootlist to just include:  hdisk1.

root@testdb:/# lsvg -l rootvg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
hd5                 boot       1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A
hd6                 paging     6       6       1    open/syncd    N/A
hd8                 jfs2log    1       1       1    open/syncd    N/A
hd4                 jfs2       82      82      1    open/syncd    /
hd2                 jfs2       9       9       1    open/syncd    /usr
hd9var              jfs2       50      50      1    open/syncd    /var
hd3                 jfs2       5       5       1    open/syncd    /tmp
hd1                 jfs2       37      37      1    open/syncd    /home
hd10opt             jfs2       3       3       1    open/syncd    /opt
hd11admin           jfs2       1       1       1    open/syncd    /admin
lg_dumplv           sysdump    4       4       1    open/syncd    N/A
livedump            jfs2       1       1       1    open/syncd    /var/adm/ras/livedump

2、把HDISK0 移出rootvg

root@testdb:/# reducevg rootvg hdisk0
0516-016 ldeletepv: Cannot delete physical volume with allocated
        partitions. Use either migratepv to move the partitions or
        reducevg with the -d option to delete the partitions.
0516-884 reducevg: Unable to remove physical volume hdisk0.
root@testdb:/# reducevg -d rootvg hdisk0
0516-914 rmlv: Warning, all data belonging to logical volume
        lg_dumplv on physical volume hdisk0 will be destroyed.
rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? y
0516-1251 rmlv: Warning, cannot remove logical volume lg_dumplv.
        This logical volume is also used as the primary dump device.
        Reset the dump device and retry the command.
0516-884 reducevg: Unable to remove physical volume hdisk0.

root@testdb:/# lspv -l hdisk1
LV NAME               LPs     PPs     DISTRIBUTION          MOUNT POINT
hd6                   6       6       00..00..06..00..00    N/A
hd8                   1       1       00..00..01..00..00    N/A
hd5                   1       1       01..00..00..00..00    N/A
hd9var                50      50      00..50..00..00..00    /var
hd3                   5       5       00..00..05..00..00    /tmp
hd4                   82      82      00..00..82..00..00    /
hd2                   9       9       00..00..09..00..00    /usr
hd1                   37      37      00..37..00..00..00    /home
hd10opt               3       3       00..00..03..00..00    /opt
livedump              1       1       00..01..00..00..00    /var/adm/ras/livedump
hd11admin             1       1       00..00..01..00..00    /admin

root@testdb:/# lspv -l hdisk0
LV NAME               LPs     PPs     DISTRIBUTION          MOUNT POINT
lg_dumplv             4       4       00..04..00..00..00    N/A

root@testdb:/# migratepv -l lg_dumplv hdisk0 hdisk1   //移植逻辑卷

root@testdb:/# lspv -l hdisk0
root@testdb:/# lspv -l hdisk1
LV NAME               LPs     PPs     DISTRIBUTION          MOUNT POINT
hd6                   6       6       00..00..06..00..00    N/A
hd8                   1       1       00..00..01..00..00    N/A
hd5                   1       1       01..00..00..00..00    N/A
hd9var                50      50      00..50..00..00..00    /var
hd3                   5       5       00..00..05..00..00    /tmp
hd4                   82      82      00..00..82..00..00    /
hd2                   9       9       00..00..09..00..00    /usr
hd1                   37      37      00..37..00..00..00    /home
hd10opt               3       3       00..00..03..00..00    /opt
livedump              1       1       00..01..00..00..00    /var/adm/ras/livedump
lg_dumplv             4       4       00..04..00..00..00    N/A
hd11admin             1       1       00..00..01..00..00    /admin

root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    rootvg          active      
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active      
root@testdb:/# reducevg rootvg hdisk0
root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    None                        
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active  

root@testdb:/# rmdev -dl hdisk0    //删除hdisk0
hdisk0 deleted
root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active   


oot@testdb:/# cfgmgr
root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    None                        
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active      
root@testdb:/# chdev -l hdisk0 -a pv=yes
hdisk0 changed
root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    None                        
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active   

root@testdb:/# extendvg rootvg hdisk0
root@testdb:/# lspv
hdisk0          0007388ca583b447                    rootvg          active      
hdisk1          0007388ca7a889a1                    rootvg          active      
hdisk2          000b0856ec68f5de                    testvg          active      
hdisk3          000b0856eede6bdd                    testvg          active   

root@testdb:/# mirrorvg rootvg
0516-1804 chvg: The quorum change takes effect immediately.
0516-1126 mirrorvg: rootvg successfully mirrored, user should perform
        bosboot of system to initialize boot records.  Then, user must modify
        bootlist to include:  hdisk0 hdisk1.
root@testdb:/# lsvg -l rootvg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
hd5                 boot       1       2       2    closed/syncd  N/A
hd6                 paging     6       12      2    open/syncd    N/A
hd8                 jfs2log    1       2       2    open/syncd    N/A
hd4                 jfs2       82      164     2    open/syncd    /
hd2                 jfs2       9       18      2    open/syncd    /usr
hd9var              jfs2       50      100     2    open/syncd    /var
hd3                 jfs2       5       10      2    open/syncd    /tmp
hd1                 jfs2       37      74      2    open/syncd    /home
hd10opt             jfs2       3       6       2    open/syncd    /opt
hd11admin           jfs2       1       2       2    open/syncd    /admin
lg_dumplv           sysdump    4       4       1    open/syncd    N/A
livedump            jfs2       1       2       2    open/syncd    /var/adm/ras/lived

root@testdb:/# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0

bosboot: Boot p_w_picpath is 53276 512 byte blocks.

root@testdb:/# bootlist -m normal hdisk1 hdisk0
root@testdb:/# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk1 blv=hd5
hdisk0 blv=hd5

#reboot 重启系统 ,

root@testdb:/# lsvg -l rootvg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
hd5                 boot       1       2       2    closed/syncd  N/A
hd6                 paging     6       12      2    open/syncd    N/A
hd8                 jfs2log    1       2       2    open/syncd    N/A
hd4                 jfs2       82      164     2    open/syncd    /
hd2                 jfs2       9       18      2    open/syncd    /usr
hd9var              jfs2       50      100     2    open/syncd    /var
hd3                 jfs2       5       10      2    open/syncd    /tmp
hd1                 jfs2       37      74      2    open/syncd    /home
hd10opt             jfs2       3       6       2    open/syncd    /opt
hd11admin           jfs2       1       2       2    open/syncd    /admin
lg_dumplv           sysdump    4       4       1    open/syncd    N/A
livedump            jfs2       1       2       2    open/syncd    /var/adm/ras/livedump





#chpv -l hdiskn -a pv=yes

#extendvg rootvg hdiskn

#migrate hdisk0 hdiskn

#lspv -M hdisk2

#reducevg rootvg hdisk0

#rmdel -dl hdisk0

注意在migratepv过程中,如果移动的磁盘中包含有启动卷,则需要将要替换的磁盘上的引导记录清除(chpv -c hdiskn),若需要在新的磁盘上建立启动卷,则需要用bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskn 建立启动,并用bootlist -m normal hdisk1 hdiskn 更新启动列表;如果损坏的磁盘上有page 或dump 则需要分别禁用它们,待新的磁盘移植完毕后激活