

 * misc.c -- Miscellaneous routines.//一些通用的、常规的例程


 * Copyright (c) GoAhead Software Inc., 1995-2010. All Rights Reserved.


 * See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements



/********************************* Includes ***********************************/

#include  "uemf.h"


 * 16 Sep 03 -- added option to use memcpy() instead of strncpy() in the

 * ascToUni and uniToAsc functions.


#define kUseMemcopy

/********************************* Defines ************************************/


 *    Sprintf buffer structure. Make the increment 64 so that

 *    a balloc can use a 64 byte block.


#define STR_REALLOC              0x1                       /* Reallocate the buffer as required */

#define STR_INC                 64                         /* Growth increment */



typedef struct {

       char_t     *s;                                             /* Pointer to buffer */

       int          size;                                    /* Current buffer size */

       int          max;                                          /* Maximum buffer size */

       int          count;                                        /* Buffer count */

       int          flags;                                         /* Allocation flags */

} strbuf_t;


 *    Sprintf formatting flags


enum flag {

       flag_none = 0,

       flag_minus = 1,

       flag_plus = 2,

       flag_space = 4,

       flag_hash = 8,

       flag_zero = 16,

       flag_short = 32,

       flag_long = 64


/************************** Forward Declarations ******************************/

static int        dsnprintf(char_t **s, int size, char_t *fmt, va_list arg,

                            int msize);

static void       put_char(strbuf_t *buf, char_t c);

static void       put_string(strbuf_t *buf, char_t *s, int len,

                            int width, int prec, enum flag f);

static void       put_ulong(strbuf_t *buf, unsigned long int value, int base,

                            int upper, char_t *prefix, int width, int prec, enum flag f);

static int  gstrnlen(char_t *s, unsigned int n);

/************************************ Code ************************************/


 *    "basename" returns a pointer to the last component of a pathname

 *  LINUX, LynxOS and Mac OS X have their own basename function


#if (!defined (LINUX) && !defined (LYNX) && !defined (MACOSX))

#endif /* ! LINUX & ! LYNX & ! MACOSX */



 *    Returns a pointer to the directory component of a pathname. bufsize is

 *    the size of the buffer in BYTES!



char_t *dirname(char_t *buf, char_t *name, int bufsize)


       char_t *cp;

       int          len;



       a_assert(bufsize > 0);

#if (defined (WIN) || defined (NW))


       if ((cp = gstrrchr(name, '/')) == NULL)



              gstrcpy(buf, T("."));

              return buf;


       if ((*(cp + 1) == '\0' && cp == name)) {

              gstrncpy(buf, T("."), TSZ(bufsize));

              gstrcpy(buf, T("."));

              return buf;


       len = cp - name;

       if (len < bufsize) {

              gstrncpy(buf, name, len);

              buf[len] = '\0';

       } else {

              gstrncpy(buf, name, TSZ(bufsize));

              buf[bufsize - 1] = '\0';


       return buf;




 *    sprintf and vsprintf are bad, ok. You can easily clobber memory. Use

 *    fmtAlloc and fmtValloc instead! These functions do _not_ support floating

 *    point, like %e, %f, %g...



int fmtAlloc(char_t **s, int n, char_t *fmt, ...)


       va_list     ap;

       int          result;



       *s = NULL;

       va_start(ap, fmt);

       result = dsnprintf(s, n, fmt, ap, 0);


       return result;




 *    Support a static buffer version for small buffers only!



int fmtStatic(char_t *s, int n, char_t *fmt, ...)


       va_list     ap;

       int          result;



       a_assert(n <= 256);

       if (n <= 0) {

              return -1;


       va_start(ap, fmt);

       result = dsnprintf(&s, n, fmt, ap, 0);


       return result;




 *    This function appends the formatted string to the supplied string,

 *    reallocing if required.



int fmtRealloc(char_t **s, int n, int msize, char_t *fmt, ...)


       va_list     ap;

       int          result;



       if (msize == -1) {

              *s = NULL;


       va_start(ap, fmt);

       result = dsnprintf(s, n, fmt, ap, msize);


       return result;




 *    A vsprintf replacement.



int fmtValloc(char_t **s, int n, char_t *fmt, va_list arg)




       *s = NULL;

       return dsnprintf(s, n, fmt, arg, 0);//调用dsnprintf,这是sprinf的一种动态实现版本




 *    Dynamic sprintf implementation. Supports dynamic buffer allocation.

 *    This function can be called multiple times to grow an existing allocated

 *    buffer. In this case, msize is set to the size of the previously allocated

 *    buffer. The buffer will be realloced, as required. If msize is set, we

 *    return the size of the allocated buffer for use with the next call. For

 *    the first call, msize can be set to -1.


//个已经存在的缓冲区。在这种情况下,msize设置为前一次分配的缓冲区的大小。如果msize //被设置,函数返回这次执行后分配的缓冲区的大小,以便下次调用dsnprintf时使用。当第//一次调用dsnprintf时,msize可以被置为-1.

//int sprintf(char *buffer,char const *format,…);sprintf把它的结果作为一个NUL结尾的字符串//存储到指定的buffer缓冲区而不是写入到流中。Sprintf是一个潜在的错误根源。缓冲区的//大小并不是sprintf函数的一个参数,所以如果输出结果很长溢出缓冲区时,就可能改写缓//冲区后面内存位置中的数据。


static int dsnprintf(char_t **s, int size, char_t *fmt, va_list arg, int msize)


       strbuf_t   buf;

       char_t            c;



       memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

       buf.s = *s;

       if (*s == NULL || msize != 0) {

              buf.max = size;

              buf.flags |= STR_REALLOC;

              if (msize != 0) {

                     buf.size = max(msize, 0);


              if (*s != NULL && msize != 0) {

                     buf.count = gstrlen(*s);


       } else {

              buf.size = size;


       while ((c = *fmt++) != '\0') {

              if (c != '%' || (c = *fmt++) == '%') {

                     put_char(&buf, c);

              } else {

                     enum flag f = flag_none;

                     int width = 0;

                     int prec = -1;

                     for ( ; c != '\0'; c = *fmt++) {

                            if (c == '-') {

                                   f |= flag_minus;

                            } else if (c == '+') {

                                   f |= flag_plus;

                            } else if (c == ' ') {

                                   f |= flag_space;

                            } else if (c == '#') {

                                   f |= flag_hash;

                            } else if (c == '0') {

                                   f |= flag_zero;

                            } else {





                     if (c == '*') {

                            width = va_arg(arg, int);

                            if (width < 0) {

                                   f |= flag_minus;

                                   width = -width;


                            c = *fmt++;

                     } else {

                            for ( ; gisdigit((int)c); c = *fmt++) {

                                   width = width * 10 + (c - '0');



                     if (c == '.') {

                            f &= ~flag_zero;

                            c = *fmt++;

                            if (c == '*') {

                                   prec = va_arg(arg, int);

                                   c = *fmt++;

                            } else {//计算精度

                                   for (prec = 0; gisdigit((int)c); c = *fmt++) {

                                          prec = prec * 10 + (c - '0');




h代表short,l代表long.《C和指针》P314:当字符或者短整数值作为printf函数的参数时,它们在传递给函数之前先转换为整数。有时候转换可以影响函数产生的输出。同样,在一个长整数的长度大于普通整数的环境里,当一个长整数作为参数传递给函数时,printf必须知道这个参数是个长整数。详见《C和指针》表15.7.在有些环境里,int和short int的长度相等,此时h修改符就没有效果。否则,当short int作为参数传递给函数时,这个被转换的值将升级为(无符号)int类型。这个修改符在转换发生之前使它被裁减回原先的short形式。在十进制转换中,一般并不需要进行裁减。但在有些八进制数或十六进制数的转换中,h修改符将保证适当位数的数字被打印。在int和long int 长度相同的机器中,l修改符并无效果。在所有其他机器上,需要使用l修改符,因为这些机器上的长整型分为两部分传递到运行时堆栈。如果这个修改符并未给出,那就只有第1个部分被提取用于转换。这样,不仅转换将产生不正确的结果,而且这个值的第二部分将被解释为一个单独的参数,这样破坏了后续参数和他们的格式代码之间的对应关系。

                     if (c == 'h' || c == 'l') {

                            f |= (c == 'h' ? flag_short : flag_long);

                            c = *fmt++;


                     if (c == 'd' || c == 'i') {//参数作为一个十进制整数打印

                            long int value;

                            if (f & flag_short) {//短整型

                                   value = (short int) va_arg(arg, int);

                            } else if (f & flag_long) {//长整型

                                   value = va_arg(arg, long int);

                            } else {//一般整型

                                   value = va_arg(arg, int);


                            if (value >= 0) {

                                   if (f & flag_plus) {


                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 10, 0, T("+"), width, prec, f);

                                   } else if (f & flag_space) {


                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 10, 0, T(" "), width, prec, f);

                                   } else {

                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 10, 0, NULL, width, prec, f);


                            } else {

                                   put_ulong(&buf, -value, 10, 0, T("-"), width, prec, f);


                     } else if (c == 'o' || c == 'u' || c == 'x' || c == 'X') {


                            unsigned long int value;

                            if (f & flag_short) {//短整型

                                   value = (unsigned short int) va_arg(arg, unsigned int);

                            } else if (f & flag_long) {//长整型

                                   value = va_arg(arg, unsigned long int);

                            } else {//一般整数

                                   value = va_arg(arg, unsigned int);


                            if (c == 'o') {

                                   if (f & flag_hash && value != 0) {


                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 8, 0, T("0"), width, prec, f);

                                   } else {

                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 8, 0, NULL, width, prec, f);


                            } else if (c == 'u') {

                                   put_ulong(&buf, value, 10, 0, NULL, width, prec, f);

                            } else {

                                   if (f & flag_hash && value != 0) {

                                          if (c == 'x') {


                                                 put_ulong(&buf, value, 16, 0, T("0x"), width,

                                                        prec, f);

                                          } else {

                                                 put_ulong(&buf, value, 16, 1, T("0X"), width,

                                                        prec, f);


                                   } else {

                  /* 04 Apr 02 BgP -- changed so that %X correctly outputs

                   * uppercase hex digits when requested.

                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 16, 0, NULL, width, prec, f);


                                          put_ulong(&buf, value, 16, ('X' == c) , NULL, width, prec, f);



                     } else if (c == 'c') {//参数被裁减为unsigned char类型并作为字符进行打印

                            char_t value = va_arg(arg, int);

                            put_char(&buf, value);

                     } else if (c == 's' || c == 'S') {//打印一个字符串

                            char_t *value = va_arg(arg, char_t *);

                            if (value == NULL) {

                                   put_string(&buf, T("(null)"), -1, width, prec, f);

                            } else if (f & flag_hash) {


                                          value + 1, (char_t) *value, width, prec, f);

                            } else {

                                   put_string(&buf, value, -1, width, prec, f);


                     } else if (c == 'p') {


                            void *value = va_arg(arg, void *);


                                   (unsigned long int) value, 16, 0, T("0x"), width, prec, f);

                     } else if (c == 'n') {


                            if (f & flag_short) {

                                   short int *value = va_arg(arg, short int *);

                                   *value = buf.count;

                            } else if (f & flag_long) {

                                   long int *value = va_arg(arg, long int *);

                                   *value = buf.count;

                            } else {

                                   int *value = va_arg(arg, int *);

                                   *value = buf.count;


                     } else {

                            put_char(&buf, c);




       if (buf.s == NULL) {

              put_char(&buf, '\0');



 *    If the user requested a dynamic buffer (*s == NULL), ensure it is returned.


       if (*s == NULL || msize != 0) {

              *s = buf.s;


       if (*s != NULL && size > 0) {

              if (buf.count < size) {

                     (*s)[buf.count] = '\0';

              } else {

                     (*s)[buf.size - 1] = '\0';



       if (msize != 0) {

              return buf.size;


       return buf.count;




 *    Return the length of a string limited by a given length



static int gstrnlen(char_t *s, unsigned int n)


       unsigned int   len;

       len = gstrlen(s);

       return min(len, n);




 *    Add a character to a string buffer


//将一个字符放c放进字符串缓冲区buf中。该字符串缓冲区是strbuf_t类型的。在该strbuf_t                                                                                                                        //类型的对象buf中,其count表征了缓冲区中有效字符串的最后一个字符(不算nul)在缓//冲区中的字节偏移量加1,即为下一个有效字符即将放入的位置。总体思路就是把输入参//数c放到缓冲区中count偏移处,然后再把count增加,使其仍然指向下一输入字符要放入//的字节处,为了保证缓冲区内最多只有一个有效的字符串,如果加入的字符是nul,则count   //不加1,以便下次接收新字符时将其覆盖。但是如果//count已经是缓冲区最后一个字节处   //了,即再接受一个字符缓冲区就满了,则要从新分配缓//冲区的大小。

static void put_char(strbuf_t *buf, char_t c)


       if (buf->count >= (buf->size - 1)) {

              if (! (buf->flags & STR_REALLOC)) {



              buf->size += STR_INC;

              if (buf->size > buf->max && buf->size > STR_INC) {


 *                  Caller should increase the size of the calling buffer


                     buf->size -= STR_INC;



              if (buf->s == NULL) {

                     buf->s = balloc(B_L, buf->size * sizeof(char_t));

              } else {

                     buf->s = brealloc(B_L, buf->s, buf->size * sizeof(char_t));



       buf->s[buf->count] = c;

       if (c != '\0') {








 *    Add a string to a string buffer


static void put_string(strbuf_t *buf, char_t *s, int len, int width,

              int prec, enum flag f)


       int          i;


       if (len < 0) {

              len = gstrnlen(s, prec >= 0 ? prec : ULONG_MAX);



       } else if (prec >= 0 && prec < len) {

              len = prec;



       if (width > len && !(f & flag_minus)) {

              for (i = len; i < width; ++i) {

                     put_char(buf, ' ');



       for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {

              put_char(buf, s[i]);


       if (width > len && f & flag_minus) {

              for (i = len; i < width; ++i) {

                     put_char(buf, ' ');






 *    Add a long to a string buffer 讲一个长整数放到字符串缓冲区中


static void put_ulong(strbuf_t *buf, unsigned long int value, int base,

              int upper, char_t *prefix, int width, int prec, enum flag f)


       unsigned long x, x2;

       int                        len, zeros, i;


       for (len = 1, x = 1; x < ULONG_MAX / base; ++len, x = x2) {

              x2 = x * base;

              if (x2 > value) {




       zeros = (prec > len) ? prec - len : 0;


       width -= zeros + len;

       if (prefix != NULL) {

              width -= gstrnlen(prefix, ULONG_MAX);


       if (!(f & flag_minus)) {

              if (f & flag_zero) {

                     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {

                            put_char(buf, '0');


              } else {

                     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {

                            put_char(buf, ' ');




       if (prefix != NULL) {

              put_string(buf, prefix, -1, 0, -1, flag_none);

//put_string原型:static void put_string(strbuf_t *buf, char_t *s, int len, int width,

//            int prec, enum flag f)


       for (i = 0; i < zeros; ++i) {

              put_char(buf, '0');



       for ( ; x > 0; x /= base) {

              int digit = (value / x) % base;

              put_char(buf, (char) ((digit < 10 ? '0' : (upper ? 'A' : 'a') - 10) +



       if (f & flag_minus) {

              for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {

                     put_char(buf, ' ');






 *    Convert an ansi string to a unicode string. On an error, we return the

 *   original ansi string which is better than returning NULL. nBytes is the

 *    size of the destination buffer (ubuf) in _bytes_.



char_t *ascToUni(char_t *ubuf, char *str, int nBytes)


#ifdef UNICODE

       if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, nBytes / sizeof(char_t), ubuf,

                     nBytes / sizeof(char_t)) < 0) {

              return (char_t*) str;



#ifdef kUseMemcopy

   memcpy(ubuf, str, nBytes);


       strncpy(ubuf, str, nBytes);

#endif /*kUseMemcopy*/


       return ubuf;




 *    Convert a unicode string to an ansi string. On an error, return the

 *    original unicode string which is better than returning NULL.

 *    N.B. nBytes is the number of _bytes_ in the destination buffer, buf.



char *uniToAsc(char *buf, char_t *ustr, int nBytes)


#ifdef UNICODE

   if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ustr, nBytes, buf, nBytes,

    NULL, NULL) < 0)


      return (char*) ustr;



#ifdef kUseMemcopy

   memcpy(buf, ustr, nBytes);


   strncpy(buf, ustr, nBytes);

#endif /* kUseMemcopy */


   return (char*) buf;




 *    allocate (balloc) a buffer and do ascii to unicode conversion into it.

 *    cp points to the ascii buffer.  alen is the length of the buffer to be

 *    converted not including a terminating NULL.  Return a pointer to the

 *    unicode buffer which must be bfree'd later.  Return NULL on failure to

 *    get buffer.  The buffer returned is NULL terminated.



char_t *ballocAscToUni(char *cp, int alen)


       char_t *unip;

       int ulen;

       ulen = (alen + 1) * sizeof(char_t);

       if ((unip = balloc(B_L, ulen)) == NULL) {

              return NULL;


       ascToUni(unip, cp, ulen);

       unip[alen] = 0;

       return unip;




 *    allocate (balloc) a buffer and do unicode to ascii conversion into it.

 *    unip points to the unicoded string. ulen is the number of characters

 *    in the unicode string not including a teminating null.  Return a pointer

 *    to the ascii buffer which must be bfree'd later.  Return NULL on failure

 *    to get buffer.  The buffer returned is NULL terminated.



char *ballocUniToAsc(char_t *unip, int ulen)


       char * cp;

       if ((cp = balloc(B_L, ulen+1)) == NULL) {

              return NULL;


       uniToAsc(cp, unip, ulen);

       cp[ulen] = '\0';

       return cp;




 *    convert a hex string to an integer. The end of the string or a non-hex

 *    character will indicate the end of the hex specification.



unsigned int hextoi(char_t *hexstring)


       register char_t               *h;

       register unsigned int      c, v;

       v = 0;

       h = hexstring;

       if (*h == '0' && (*(h+1) == 'x' || *(h+1) == 'X')) {

              h += 2;


       while ((c = (unsigned int)*h++) != 0) {

              if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {

                     c -= '0';

              } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {

                     c = (c - 'a') + 10;

              } else if (c >=  'A' && c <= 'F') {

                     c = (c - 'A') + 10;

              } else {



              v = (v * 0x10) + c;


       return v;




 *    convert a string to an integer. If the string starts with "0x" or "0X"

 *    a hexidecimal conversion is done.



unsigned int gstrtoi(char_t *s)


       if (*s == '0' && (*(s+1) == 'x' || *(s+1) == 'X')) {

              s += 2;

              return hextoi(s);


       return gatoi(s);




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