GoldenGate的官方文档明确表示,GoldenGate需要将MySQL的日志格式(binlog_format)设置为ROW,其他两种格式(MIXED or STATEMENT)是不支持。


binlog_format: This parameter sets the format of the logs. It must be set to the value of ROW, which directs the database to log DML statements in binary format. Any other log format (MIXED or STATEMENT) causes Extract to abend.




但是MySQL在版本5.1.5之前是不支持ROWMIXED格式(MySQL 5.1.5引入ROW5.1.8引入MIXED

####  官方描述如下:

Support for row-based logging was added in MySQL 5.1.5. Mixed logging is available beginning with MySQL 5.1.8. In MySQL 5.1.12, MIXED become the default logging mode; in 5.1.29, the default was changed back to STATEMENT for compatibility with MySQL 5.0.




D:\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysql -u root -p

Enter password: *****

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 111 to server version: 5.0.6-beta-nt-log


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> select version();


| version()         |


| 5.0.6-beta-nt-log|


1 row in set (0.02 sec)




2014-09-16 16:55:16  ERROR   OGG-00146  VAM function VAMRead returned unexpected result: error 600 - VAM Client Report <CAUSE OF FAILURE : STATEMENT or MIXED level logging found so abending

WHEN FAILED : While reading log event from binary log

WHERE FAILED : MySQLBinLog Reader Module

CONTEXT OF FAILURE : No Information Available!>

