
November 2007, to be published in Physical Review Letters

Demonstration of a compiled version of Shor's quantum factoring

algorithm using photonic qubits

Chao-Yang Lu, Daniel E. Browne, Tao Yang, and Jian-Wei Pan

We report an experimental demonstration of a complied version of Shor's

algorithm using four photonic qubits. We choose the simplest instance of

this algorithm, that is, factorization of $N=15$ in the case that the period

$r=2$ and exploit a simplified linear optical network to coherently

implement the quantum circuits of the modular exponential execution and semi

-classical quantum Fourier transformation. During this computation, genuine

multiparticle entanglement is observed which well supports its quantum

nature. This experiment represents an essential step toward full realization

of Shor's algorithm and scalable linear optics quantum computation.

2007 The American Physical Society.

中国科技大学的这篇prl 似乎很有分量。两个月前,这篇论文还仅仅是预印本的时

候,《新科学家》(new scientist)就报道了


Quantum threat to our secret data

* 13 September 2007

* Saswato Das

* Magazine issue 2621

IT MIGHT seem like an esoteric achievement of interest to only a handful

of computer scientists, but the advent of quantum computers that can run a

routine called Shor's algorithm could have profound consequences. It means

the most dangerous threat posed by quantum computing - the ability to break

the codes that protect our banking, business and e-commerce data - is now a

step nearer reality.

Adding to the worry is the fact that this feat has been performed by not

one but two research groups, independently of each other. One team is led

by Andrew White at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and

the other by Chao-Yang Lu (USTC的,第一作者;潘建伟是通信作者) of the

University of Science and Technology of China, in Hefei. Both groups have

built rudimentary laser-based quantum

computers that can implement Shor's algorithm - a mathematical routine

capable of defeating today's most common encryption ...


http://www.innovations-report.de ... /bericht-99247.html

A quantum computer breakthrough and dark matter stars


Highlights in this issue: A quantum computer breakthrough and dark

matter stars.


Quantum Computer Breakthrough

Chao-Yang Lu, Daniel E. Browne, Tao Yang, and Jian-Wei Pan

Physical Review Letters (forthcoming) &

B. P. Lanyon, T. J. Weinhold, N. K. Langford, M. Barbieri, D. F. V.

James , A. Gilchrist, and A. G. White

Physical Review Letters (forthcoming)

Two research groups have independently managed to experimentally solve a

mathematical problem with light-based quantum computers. The simultaneous

achievements appear to be the first experimental demonstrations of true (

though rudimentary) quantum mechanical computations. Both groups manipulated

quantum mechanically entangled photons to calculate the prime factors of

the number 15.

Although the physicists could have gotten the answer to the problem much

more easily by querying an average elementary school child, the method both

groups used involved a quantum mechanical approach commonly known as Shor's

algorithm. Previous theoretical work has shown that the algorithm could

potentially crack cryptographic codes that are practically unbreakable with

non-quantum mechanical (classical) computers.

While there's no great need to factor numbers as small as 15, the

research demonstrates that quantum computation is feasible with existing

technology and could in principle be scaled up to tackle problems that would

take longer than the age of the universe to solve with any classical

computer, but would require only minutes on a quantum computer.

In addition to factoring large numbers and solving other challenging

mathematical problems, quantum computers based on the work of these two

groups could help model quantum mechanical problems in physics and chemistry

(sehttp://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/arxiv/papers/0710/0710.0278.pdf for an example of a q

uantum simulator experiment by C.-Y. Lu et al.), and lead to ultra high speed se

arching algorithms.

Chao-Yang Lu (USTC的,第一作者;潘建伟是通信作者)and his group are

currently expanding on their work by trying to manipulate larger numbers of

quantum bits. In the long run, they plan to add quantum memory to their

quantum computers, which could further increase the number of photons they

can control. In addition, because the loss of photons is a huge problem for

light-based quantum computation, they are working on some basic quantum

codes that can protect the quantum information from photon loss error. These

sorts of issues are crucial in the effort to scale up photonic quantum

computation. - JR



Both groups have built rudimentary laser-based quantum

computers that can implement Shor's algorithm - a mathematical routine

capable of defeating today's most common encryption .

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