【MySQL】【翻译】 基于GTID追踪的自适应路由查询

GTID consistent reads 基于GTID的一致性读

作者:René Cannaò ProxySQL的作者




Adaptive query routing based on GTID tracking 基于GTID追踪的自适应路由查询

ProxySQL是一个工作在第七层(应用层)且支持MySQL 协议的的数据库代理,ProxySQL本身自带了高可用和高性能的功能,并且包含了丰富的功能集。在即将到来的2.0版本中的功能将会更加excited!

ProxySQL is a layer 7 database proxy that understands the MySQL Protocol. It provides high availability and high performance out of the box. ProxySQL has a rich set of features, and the upcoming version 2.0 has new exciting features, like the one described in this blog post.


One of the most commonly used feature is query analysis and query routing in order to provide read/write split.

当客户端连接到ProxySQL执行查询时,ProxySQL 会先根据预先设定好的路由规则进行路由检查,并分发到这条语句应该被执行的实例上。最简单的例子就是将所有的读查询全部路由到从库,所有的写查询全部路由到主库。当然,由于读查询有可能在从库上读到非最新的数据,这个案例在生产上并不是实用的。因此,我们建议将所有的请求都发到主库上,同时由于ProxySQL 对SQL统计信息的支持,DBA可以针对性的创建更加精准的路由规则,将特定的查询路由到从库。详细信息和其他案例可以参考之前的文章

When a client connected to ProxySQL executes a query, ProxySQL will first check its rules (configured by a DBA) and determine on which MySQL server the query needs to be executed. A minimalistic example is to send all reads to slaves, and writes to master. Of course, this example is not to be used in production, because sending reads to slaves may return stale data, and while stale data is ok for some queries, it is not ok for other queries. For this reason, we generally suggest to send all traffic to master, and thanks to the statistics that ProxySQL makes available, a DBA can create more precise routing rules in which only specific set of queries are routed to the slaves. More details and examples are available in a previous blog post.


ProxySQL routing can be customized a lot: it is even possible to use next_query_flagIN to specific that after a specific query, the next query (or the next set of queries) should be executed on a determined hostgroup. For example, you can specify that after a specific INSERT, the following SELECT should be executed on the same server. Although this solution is advanced, it is also complex to configure because the DBA should know the application logic to determine which are the read-after-write queries.

Causal consistency reads 上下文一致性读


Some application cannot work properly with stale data, but they can operate properly with causal consistency reads: this happens when a client is able to read the data that has written. Standard MySQL asynchronous replication cannot guarantee that. In fact, if a client writes on master, and immediately tries to read it from a slave, it is possible that the data is yet not replicated to slave.


How can we guarantee that a query is executed on slave only if a certain write event was already replicated?


GTID helps in this.

在MySQL 5.7.5更新后,客户端可以知道其最后写入事务的GTID,而且可以在任何当前GTID代表的事务已经被执行的从库上进行读操作。Lefred 在博客中举例描述了这个过程,如下:MySQL实例服务端开启session_track_gtids参数(这是个覆盖全局和线程级的参数,用于返回当前事务成功执行的标记和GTID编号)后,客户端就可以在从库上使用SELECT WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET('3E11FA47-71CA-11E1-9E33-C80AA9429562:1-5')的函数来判断刚刚在主库执行的写事务是否在从库上已经被执行。

Since MySQL 5.7.5 , a client can know (in the OK packet returned by MySQL Server) which is the GTID of its last write, and can execute a read on any slave where that GTID is already executed. Lefred described the process in a blog post with an example: the server needs to have session_track_gtids enabled, and the client can execute WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET on a slave and wait for the replication to apply the event on slave.


Although this solution works, it is very trivial and not usable in production, mostly for the following reasons/drawbacks:

​ 在从库上执行业务查询时每次都要加上WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET的话,会增加单个查询的响应时间

  • executing a query with WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET before the real query will add latency before any real query


  • the client doesn’t know which slave will be in sync first, so it needs to check many/all slaves


  • it is possible that none of the slaves will be in sync in an acceptable amount of time (will you wait few seconds before running the query?)


That being said, the above solution is not usable in production and is mostly a POC.

Can ProxySQL tracks GTID? ProxySQL 可以追踪GTID吗?

由于ProxySQL饰演着MySQL客户端的角色,当session_track_gtids 开启后,ProxySQL 也可以跟踪所有前端发来的所有请求的GTID,而且可以准确的获知每个前端连接最后的GTID值。这样就可以使用这些信息去路由读请求到正确的从实例(指已经执行完某个线程指定的GTID事务的从实例)上。那么,ProxySQL 怎么追踪指定的GTID是否在从库上已经被执行呢?

ProxySQL acts as client for MySQL . Therefore, if session_track_gtids is enabled, ProxySQL can track the GTID of all the clients’ requests, and know exactly the last GTID for each client’s connection. ProxySQL can then use this information to send a read to the right slave where the GTID was already executed. How can ProxySQL track GTID executed on slaves?


There are mostly two approaches:

​ 主动问询:ProxySQL 定期的查询所有实例的GTID执行情况

  • Pull : at regular interval, ProxySQL queries all the MySQL servers to retrieve the GTID executed set

    聆听告知,每当一个新的写事件产生且GTID编号被生成后,ProxySQL 会立刻接到告知

  • Push : every time a new write event is executed on a MySQL server (master or slave) and a new GTID is generated, ProxySQL is immediately notified


No need to say, the pull method is not very efficient because it will almost surely introduce latency based on how frequently ProxySQL will query the MySQL servers to retrieve the GTID executed set. The less frequent the check, the less accurate it will be. The more frequent the check, the more precise, yet it will cause load on MySQL servers and inefficiently use a lot of bandwidth if there are hundreds of ProxySQL instances. In other words, this solution is not efficient neither scalable.


What about pull method?

Real time retrieval of GTID executed set 实时获取已经执行过的GTID值

从技术上来说获取当前已经执行过的GTID 值很简单,只要实时消费(分析)binlog即可。但是这种方法需要把ProxySQL实例所在的机器模拟成一个从库,如若单个ProxySQL负载了很多个MySQL实例,那么势必会对提升CPU的消耗。更进一步,如果一个机柜或者交换机上部署了很多ProxySQL 实例,那么传输binlog也会对整个网络的带宽带来考验。举个例子,现有4个集群,每个集群中的主库每天产生40GB的binlog并且挂了5个从库,附加30个ProxySQL实例,那么,每个ProxySQL实例需要把自己模拟成24个主从实例的从库。总计每天要消耗30TB的网络带宽。对自建机房的话或许可以直接纵向或者横向加硬件解决,但对云主机来说,每天将会无法避免巨额的流量费用。

Real time retrieval of GTID executed set is technically simple: consume and parse binlog in real time! Although, if ProxySQL becomes a slave of every MySQL server, it is easy to conclude that this solution will consume CPU resources on ProxySQL instance. To make things worse, in a setup with a lot of ProxySQL instances, if each ProxySQL instance needs to get replication events via replication from every MySQL server, network bandwidth will soon become a bottleneck. For example, think what will happen if you have 4 clusters, and each cluster has 1 master generating 40GB of binlog per day and 5 slaves, and a total of 30 proxysql instances. If each proxysql instance needs to become a slave of the 24 MySQL servers, this solution will consume nearly 30TB of network bandwidth in 1 day (and you don’t want this if you pay for bandwidth usage).

ProxySQL Binlog Reader

主动问询GTID执行情况在上个段落中被认为是没有扩展性,且消耗较大的资源的方法。ProxySQL Binlog Reader工具应运而生:

The pull method described above doesn’t scale and it consumes too many resources. For this reason, a new tool was implemented: ProxySQL Binlog Reader.

​ ProxySQL Binlog Reader是一个轻型,运行在MySQL实例机器上,且通过把自己模拟成一个从实例连接到MySQL实例的跟踪所有GTID事件的进程。

  • ProxySQL Binlog Reader is a lightweight process that run on the MySQL server, it connects to the MySQL server as a slave, and tracks all the GTID events.

    ProxySQL Binlog Reader 本身就是一个服务器,每当前端连接进入时,就会开始以一个高效节省带宽的方式进行Binlog的流传输。

  • ProxySQL Binlog Reader is itself a server: when a client connects to it, it will start streaming GTID in a very efficient format to reduce bandwidth.

说到这里,我想聪明的您应该猜到了ProxySQL实例饰演着ProxySQL Binlog Reader服务的客户端的角色。

By now you can easily guess who will be the clients of ProxySQL Binlog Reader: all the ProxySQL instances.

ProxySQL Binlog Reader

Real time routing 实时路由

ProxySQL Binlog Reader 让ProxySQL 可以知道每个MySQL实例当前GTID 的执行情况。那么,当客户端执行一条读写分离查询时,ProxySQL就会马上知道这个请求该被路由到哪台从服务器上。退一步说,即使当前所有的从实例都没有完成该GTID的执行,那么ProxySQL 也会明白这是个主写,从读的查询。

ProxySQL Binlog Reader allows ProxySQL to know in real time which GTID was been executed on every MySQL server, slaves and master itself. Thanks to this, when a client executes a reads that needs to provide causal consistency reads, ProxySQL immediately knows on which server the query can be executed. If for whatever reason the writes was not executed on any slave yet, ProxySQL will know that the write was executed on master and send the read there.

ProxySQL GTID Consistency

Advanced configuration, and support for many clusters 细致的设置项,支持多集群


ProxySQL is extremely configurable, and this is true also for this feature. The most important tuning is that you can configure if a read should provide causal consistency or not, and if causal consistency is required you need to specify to which hostgroup should be consistent. This last detail is very important: you don’t simply enable causal consistency, but you need to specify that a read to hostgroup B should be causal consistent to hostgroup A. This allows ProxySQL to implement the algorithm on any number of hostgroups and clusters, and also allows a single client to execute queries on multiple clusters (sharding) knowing that the causal consistency read will be executed on the right cluster.

Requirements 要求


Casual reads using GTID is only possible if:

​ ProxySQL 2.0 以后的版本

  • ProxySQL 2.0 is used (older versions do not support it)

    后端使用MySQL 5.7.5以上的版本,老版本不支持session_track_gtids

  • the backend is MySQL version 5.7.5 or newer. Older versions of MySQL do not have capability to use this functionality.


  • replication binlog format is ROW


  • GTID is enabled (that sounds almost obvious).


  • backends are either Oracle’s or Percona’s MySQL Server: MariaDB Server does not support session_track_gtids, but I hope it will be available soon.

Conclusion 结论

马上就要发布的ProxySQL 2.0版本可以实时追踪复制架构中中各个实例当前的GTID执行情况。基于GITD的自适应查询路由可以满足上下文一致性读,ProxySQL 可以路由查询请求到指定的GTID已经被执行的从实例。本解决方案扩展性极佳,网络资源占用低,且已经在实际环境中进行验证。

The upcoming release of ProxySQL 2.0 is able to track executed GTID in real-time from all the MySQL servers in a replication topology. Adaptive query routing based on GTID tracking allows to provide causal reads, and ProxySQL can route reads to the slave where the needed GTID event was already executed. This solutions scales very well with limited network usage, and is being already tested in production environments.


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