mydb=# INSERT INTO weather VALUES ('Berkeley', 45, 53, 0.0, '1994-11-28');
閿欒: 鎻掑叆鎴栨洿鏂拌〃 "weather" 杩濆弽澶栭敭绾︽潫 "weather_city_fkey"
描述: Key (city)=(Berkeley) is not present in table "cities".
mydb=# SET client_encoding to utf8;
mydb=# INSERT INTO weather VALUES ('Berkeley', 45, 53, 0.0, '1994-11-28');
閿欒: 鎻掑叆鎴栨洿鏂拌〃 "weather" 杩濆弽澶栭敭绾︽潫 "weather_city_fkey"
描述: Key (city)=(Berkeley) is not present in table "cities".
mydb=# set client_encoding to GBK;
mydb=# INSERT INTO weather VALUES ('Berkeley', 45, 53, 0.0, '1994-11-28');
错误: 插入或更新表 "weather" 违反外键约束 "weather_city_fkey"
描述: Key (city)=(Berkeley) is not present in table "cities".