Mesos 1.1.1 发布说明

Release Notes - Mesos - Version 1.1.1 (WIP)

  • This is a bug fix release.

Release Notes - Mesos - Version 1.1.0

This release contains the following new features:

  • [MESOS-2449] - Experimental support for launching a group of tasks via a new LAUNCH_GROUP Offer operation. Mesos will guarantee that either all tasks or none of the tasks in the group are delivered to the executor. Executors receive the task group via a new LAUNCH_GROUP event.

  • [MESOS-2533] - Experimental support for HTTP and HTTPS health checks. Executors may now use the updated HealthCheck protobuf to implement HTTP(S) health checks. Both default executors (command and docker) leverage curl binary for sending HTTP(S) requests and connect to, hence a task must listen on all interfaces. On Linux, for BRIDGE and USER modes, docker executor enters the task's network namespace.

  • [MESOS-3421] - Experimental Support sharing of resources across containers. Currently persistent volumes are the only resources allowed to be shared.

  • [MESOS-3567] - Experimental support for TCP health checks. Executors may now use the updated HealthCheck protobuf to implement TCP health checks. Both default executors (command and docker) connect to, hence a task must listen on all interfaces. On Linux, for BRIDGE and USER modes, docker executor enters the task's network namespace.

  • [MESOS-4324] - Allow tasks to access persistent volumes in either a read-only or read-write manner. Using a volume in read-only mode can simplify sharing that volume between multiple tasks on the same agent.

  • [MESOS-5275] - Experimental support for linux capabilities. Frameworks or operators now have fine-grained control over the capabilities that a container may have. This allows a container to run as root, but not have all the privileges associated with the root user (e.g., CAP_SYS_ADMIN).

  • [MESOS-5344] - Experimental support for partition-aware Mesos frameworks. In previous Mesos releases, when an agent is partitioned from the master and then reregisters with the cluster, all tasks running on the agent are terminated and the agent is shutdown. In Mesos 1.1, partitioned agents will no longer be shutdown when they reregister with the master. By default, tasks running on such agents will still be killed (for backward compatibility); however, frameworks can opt-in to the new PARTITION_AWARE capability. If they do this, their tasks will not be killed when a partition is healed. This allows frameworks to define their own policies for how to handle partitioned tasks. Enabling the PARTITION_AWARE capability also introduces a new set of task states: TASK_UNREACHABLE, TASK_DROPPED, TASK_GONE, TASK_GONE_BY_OPERATOR, and TASK_UNKNOWN. These new states are intended to eventually replace the TASK_LOST state.

  • [MESOS-5788] - Experimental support for Java scheduler adapter. This adapter allows framework developers to toggle between the old/new API (driver/scheduler library) implementations, thereby allowing them to easily transition their frameworks to the new v1 Scheduler API.

  • [MESOS-6014] - Experimental A new port-mapper CNI plugin, the mesos-cni-port-mapper has been introduced. For Mesos containers, with the CNI port-mapper plugin, users can now expose container ports through host ports using DNAT. This is especially useful when Mesos containers are attached to isolated CNI networks such as private bridge networks, and the services running in the container needs to be exposed outside these isolated networks.

  • [MESOS-6077] - Experimental A new default executor is introduced which frameworks can use to launch task groups as nested containers. All the nested containers share resources likes cpu, memory, network and volumes.


  • The following metrics are deprecated and will be removed in Mesos 1.4: master/slave_shutdowns_scheduled, master/slave_shutdowns_canceled, slave_shutdowns_completed. As of Mesos 1.1.0, these metrics will always be zero. The following new metrics have been introduced as replacements: master/slave_unreachable_scheduled, master/slave_unreachable_canceled, master/slave_unreachable_completed.

  • [MESOS-5955] - Health check binary "mesos-health-check" is removed.

  • [MESOS-6371] - Remove the 'recover()' interface in 'ContainerLogger'.

Additional API Changes:

  • [MESOS-6204] - A new agent flag called --runtime_dir. Unlike --work_dir which persists data across reboots, --runtime_dir is designed to checkpoint state that should persist across agent restarts, but not across reboots. By default this flag is set to /var/run/mesos when run as root and os::temp/mesos/runtime/ when run as non-root.

  • [MESOS-6220] - HTTP handler failures should result in 500 rather than 503 responses. This means that when using the master or agent endpoints, failures will now result in a 500 Internal Server Error rather than a 503 Service Unavailable.

  • [MESOS-6241] - New API calls (LAUNCH_NESTED_CONTAINER, KILL_NESTED_CONTAINER and WAIT_NESTED_CONTAINER) have been added to the v1 Agent API to manage nested containers within an executor container.

Unresolved Critical Issues:

  • [MESOS-3794] - Master should not store arbitrarily sized data in ExecutorInfo.
  • [MESOS-4642] - Mesos Agent Json API can dump binary data from log files out as invalid JSON.
  • [MESOS-5396] - After failover, master does not remove agents with same UPID.
  • [MESOS-5856] - Logrotate ContainerLogger module does not rotate logs when run as root with --switch_user.
  • [MESOS-6142] - Frameworks may RESERVE for an arbitrary role.
  • [MESOS-6327] - Large docker images causes container launch failures: Too many levels of symbolic links.
  • [MESOS-6360] - The handling of whiteout files in provisioner is not correct.
  • [MESOS-6419] - The 'master/teardown' endpoint should support tearing down 'unregistered_frameworks'.
  • [MESOS-6432] - Roles with quota assigned can "game" the system to receive excessive resources.

All Experimental Features:

  • [MESOS-2449] - Support group of tasks (Pod) constructs and API in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-2533] - Support HTTP checks in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-3094] - Mesos on Windows.
  • [MESOS-3421] - Support sharing of resources across task instances.
  • [MESOS-3567] - Support TCP checks in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-4312] - Porting Mesos on Power (ppc64le).
  • [MESOS-4355] - Implement isolator for Docker volume.
  • [MESOS-4641] - Support Container Network Interface (CNI).
  • [MESOS-4791] - Operator API v1.
  • [MESOS-4828] - XFS disk quota isolator.
  • [MESOS-5275] - Add capabilities support for unified containerizer.
  • [MESOS-5344] - Partition-aware Mesos frameworks.
  • [MESOS-5788] - Added JAVA API adapter for seamless transition to new scheduler API.
  • [MESOS-6014] - Added port mapping CNI plugin.
  • [MESOS-6077] - Added a default (task group) executor.

All Issues:

** Bug

  • [MESOS-1653] - HealthCheckTest.GracePeriod is flaky.
  • [MESOS-2346] - Docker tasks exiting normally, but returning TASK_FAILED.
  • [MESOS-3471] - Disable perf test when perf version is not support.
  • [MESOS-3760] - Remove fragile sleep() from ProcessManager::settle().
  • [MESOS-3959] - Executor page of mesos ui does not show slave hostname.
  • [MESOS-4070] - numify() handles negative numbers inconsistently.
  • [MESOS-4638] - versioning preprocessor macros.
  • [MESOS-4668] - Agent's /state endpoint does not include full reservation information.
  • [MESOS-4948] - Move maintenance tests to use the new scheduler library interface.
  • [MESOS-4973] - Duplicates in 'unregistered_frameworks' in /state
  • [MESOS-4975] - mesos::internal::master::Slave::tasks can grow unboundedly.
  • [MESOS-5276] - HTTPCommandExecutor should terminate after it receives an ACK from the agent.
  • [MESOS-5290] - WebUI shows the active task is launched 46 years ago.
  • [MESOS-5320] - SSL related error messages can be misguiding or incomplete.
  • [MESOS-5448] - Persistent volume deletion on the agent should survive slave restart.
  • [MESOS-5481] - PerfFilter disable Registrar_BENCHMARK test cases incorrectly.
  • [MESOS-5613] - mesos-local fails to start if MESOS_WORK_DIR isn't set.
  • [MESOS-5701] - Add benchmark for sorter performance.
  • [MESOS-5752] - ROOT_GarbageCollectorUndeletableFilesTest.BusyMountPoint is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5759] - ProcessRemoteLinkTest.RemoteUseStaleLink and RemoteStaleLinkRelink are flaky.
  • [MESOS-5812] - MasterAPITest.Subscribe is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5846] - AgentAPITest.GetState is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5852] - CMake build needs to generate protobufs before building libmesos.
  • [MESOS-5860] - MasterAPITest.GetTasks is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5864] - Document MESOS_SANDBOX executor env variable.
  • [MESOS-5867] - Operator ReadFile API read file bugs.
  • [MESOS-5869] - Disable resources validation for += and -=.
  • [MESOS-5875] - Scalar resource output operator doesn't print full significant digits.
  • [MESOS-5878] - Strict/RegistrarTest.UpdateQuota/0 is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5888] - SlaveAuthorizerTest/ViewFlags is flaky.
  • [MESOS-5891] - /help endpoint does not set Content-Type to HTML.
  • [MESOS-5907] - ExamplesTest.DiskFullFramework fails on Arch.
  • [MESOS-5909] - Stout "OsTest.User" test can fail on some systems.
  • [MESOS-5917] - All actors should have a distinguishable ID.
  • [MESOS-5919] - Improve performance for Resources.contains and Resources.filter.
  • [MESOS-5921] - validate is a bit heavy to check negative scalar resource.
  • [MESOS-5922] - mesos-agent --help exit status is 1.
  • [MESOS-5928] - Agent's '--version' flag doesn't work.
  • [MESOS-5930] - Orphan tasks can show up as running after they have finished.
  • [MESOS-5942] - Windows implementation of os::rmdir is not compliant with POSIX version.
  • [MESOS-5958] - Reviewbot failing due to python files not being cleaned up after distclean.
  • [MESOS-5972] - SharedResourcesTest failing.
  • [MESOS-5979] - elfio-3.1.patch is actually not applied.
  • [MESOS-5981] - task failed in windows Server 2012 client, test-framwork example.
  • [MESOS-5985] - Fix broken link in
  • [MESOS-5996] - Windows mesos-containerizer crashes.
  • [MESOS-6000] - Overlayfs backend cannot support the image with numerous layers.
  • [MESOS-6005] - Support docker registry running non-https on localhost:<non-80-port>.
  • [MESOS-6013] - Use readdir instead of readdir_r.
  • [MESOS-6026] - Tasks mistakenly marked as FAILED due to race b/w sendExecutorTerminatedStatusUpdate() and _statusUpdate().
  • [MESOS-6031] - Collect throttle related metrics for DockerContainerizer.
  • [MESOS-6041] - Stream ID mismatch should print out expected and received stream ID.
  • [MESOS-6049] - XFS disk isolator doesn't handle old containers correctly.
  • [MESOS-6052] - Unable to launch containers on CNI networks on CoreOS.
  • [MESOS-6057] - docker isolator does not overwrite Dockerfile ENV.
  • [MESOS-6059] - Allow clean up unknown container during the clean up phase of the container.
  • [MESOS-6069] - Misspelled TASK_KILLED in mesos slave.
  • [MESOS-6074] - Master check failure if the metrics endpoint is polled soon after it starts.
  • [MESOS-6085] - Agent's /state endpoint does not include total resources.
  • [MESOS-6087] - Add master tests for TaskGroup.
  • [MESOS-6100] - Make fails compiling 1.0.1.
  • [MESOS-6104] - Potential FD double close in libevent's implementation of sendfile.
  • [MESOS-6110] - Deprecate using health checks without setting the type.
  • [MESOS-6118] - Agent would crash with docker container tasks due to host mount table read.
  • [MESOS-6122] - Mesos slave throws systemd errors even when passed a flag to disable systemd.
  • [MESOS-6131] - Improved performance for resource flatten.
  • [MESOS-6141] - Some tests do not properly set 'flags.launcher' with the correct value.
  • [MESOS-6144] - Validate that TaskGroup executor and tasks do not use DOCKER ContainerInfo.
  • [MESOS-6145] - Isolator namespaces/pid is leaking mounts.
  • [MESOS-6152] - Resource leak in libevent_ssl_socket.cpp.
  • [MESOS-6153] - Resource leak in slave.cpp.
  • [MESOS-6154] - Clean up queued tasks if a task group is killed before launch.
  • [MESOS-6157] - ContainerInfo is not validated.
  • [MESOS-6159] - Remove stout's Set type.
  • [MESOS-6167] - CgroupsIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_RevocableCpu is flaky.
  • [MESOS-6170] - Health check grace period covers failures happening after first success.
  • [MESOS-6173] - Authentication in v2 protobuf should not be required.
  • [MESOS-6176] - CpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_SystemCpuUsage is flaky.
  • [MESOS-6181] - The logic for BadACLNoPrincipal and BadACLDropCreateAndDestroy is not correct.
  • [MESOS-6207] - Python bindings fail to build with custom SVN installation path.
  • [MESOS-6208] - Containers that use the Mesos containerizer but don't want to provision a container image fail to validate.
  • [MESOS-6210] - Master redirect with suffix gets in redirect loop.
  • [MESOS-6216] - LibeventSSLSocketImpl::create is not safe to call concurrently with os::getenv.
  • [MESOS-6217] - PAGE_SIZE was not declared in PPC64LE.
  • [MESOS-6226] - Master crashes while transitioning tasks to 'TASK_UNREACHABLE'.
  • [MESOS-6233] - Master CHECK fails during recovery while relinking to other masters.
  • [MESOS-6234] - Potential socket leak during Zookeeper network changes.
  • [MESOS-6245] - Driver based schedulers performing explicit acknowledgements cannot acknowledge updates from HTTP based executors.
  • [MESOS-6246] - Libprocess links will not generate an ExitedEvent if the socket creation fails.
  • [MESOS-6248] - mesos-slave cannot start , Assertion `isError()' failed.
  • [MESOS-6257] - Resources not recovered after rescinding an offer on DESTROY on shared volumes.
  • [MESOS-6259] - CNI isolator should not CHECK for resolv.conf under rootContainerDir.
  • [MESOS-6260] - Composing containerizer needs to properly handle nested container launch.
  • [MESOS-6262] - Default executor should kill all other tasks in a task group if any task exits with a non-zero exit status.
  • [MESOS-6263] - Mesos containerizer should figure out the correct sandbox directory for nested launch.
  • [MESOS-6269] - CNI isolator doesn't activate loopback interface.
  • [MESOS-6270] - Agent crashes when trying to recover pods.
  • [MESOS-6274] - Agent should not allow HTTP executors to re-subscribe before containerizer recovery is done.
  • [MESOS-6283] - Fix the Web UI allowing access to the task sandbox for nested containers.
  • [MESOS-6289] - Pass the 'user' into nested container launch.
  • [MESOS-6290] - Support nested containers for logger in Mesos Containerizer.
  • [MESOS-6295] - Excessive logging on agent when oversubscription modules are attached.
  • [MESOS-6300] - A destroyed nested container is not reflected in the parent container's children map.
  • [MESOS-6301] - Recursive destroy in MesosContainerizer is problematic.
  • [MESOS-6302] - Agent recovery can fail after nested containers are launched.
  • [MESOS-6308] - CHECK failure in DRF sorter.
  • [MESOS-6317] - Race in master/allocator when updating oversubscribed resources of an agent.
  • [MESOS-6319] - ContentType/AgentAPITest.NestedContainerLaunch/1 is flaky.
  • [MESOS-6321] - CHECK failure in HierarchicalAllocatorTest.NoDoubleAccounting.
  • [MESOS-6322] - Agent fails to kill empty parent container.
  • [MESOS-6323] - 'mesos-containerizer launch' should inherit agent environment variables.
  • [MESOS-6324] - CNI should not use ifconfig in executors pre_exec_command.
  • [MESOS-6363] - Default executor should not crash with a failed assertion if it notices a disconnection from the agent for non checkpointed frameworks.
  • [MESOS-6370] - The executor library does not invoke the shutdown callback upon recovery timeout.
  • [MESOS-6386] - "Reached unreachable statement" in LinuxCapabilitiesIsolatorTest.
  • [MESOS-6391] - Command task's sandbox should not be owned by root if it uses container image.
  • [MESOS-6393] - Deprecated SSL_ environment variables are non functional already.
  • [MESOS-6420] - Mesos Agent leaking sockets when port mapping network isolator is ON.
  • [MESOS-6445] - Reconciliation for unreachable agent after master failover is incorrect.
  • [MESOS-6446] - WebUI redirect doesn't work with stats from /metric/snapshot.
  • [MESOS-6457] - Tasks shouldn't transition from TASK_KILLING to TASK_RUNNING.
  • [MESOS-6461] - Duplicate framework ids in /master/frameworks endpoint 'unregistered_frameworks'.
  • [MESOS-6482] - Master check failure when marking an agent unreachable.
  • [MESOS-6483] - Check failure when a 1.1 master marking a 0.28 agent as unreachable.
  • [MESOS-6497] - Java Scheduler Adapter does not surface MasterInfo.
  • [MESOS-6502] - version uses incorrect MESOS{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH}_VERSION in libmesos java binding.
  • [MESOS-6527] - Memory leak in the libprocess request decoder.

** Documentation

  • [MESOS-5221] - Add Documentation for Nvidia GPU support.
  • [MESOS-5808] - Elasticsearch misspelled on homepage.
  • [MESOS-6028] - mesos-execute has a typo in volume help.
  • [MESOS-6103] - Mesos version is not uptodate in getting-started page.
  • [MESOS-6343] - Documentation Error: Default Executor does not implicitly construct resources.

** Epic

  • [MESOS-2449] - Support group of tasks (Pod) constructs and API in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-3421] - Support sharing of resources across task instances.
  • [MESOS-4312] - Porting Mesos on Power (ppc64le).
  • [MESOS-4791] - Operator API v1.
  • [MESOS-5344] - Partition-aware Mesos frameworks.
  • [MESOS-6014] - Added port mapping CNI plugin.

** Improvement

  • [MESOS-2533] - Support HTTP checks in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-3567] - Support TCP checks in Mesos.
  • [MESOS-4049] - Allow user to control behavior of partitioned agents/tasks.
  • [MESOS-4155] - Speed up ExamplesTest.*.
  • [MESOS-4172] - GarbageCollectorIntegrationTest.Restart is slow.
  • [MESOS-4324] - Allow access to shared persistent volumes as read only or read write by tasks.
  • [MESOS-4325] - Offer shareable resources to frameworks only if it is opted in.
  • [MESOS-4431] - Support sharing of persistent volumes via shared resources.
  • [MESOS-4663] - Speed up ExamplesTest.PersistentVolumeFramework.
  • [MESOS-4694] - DRFAllocator takes very long to allocate resources with a large number of frameworks.
  • [MESOS-4892] - Support arithmetic operations for shared resources with consumer counts.
  • [MESOS-5038] - Added a any mechanism for futures.
  • [MESOS-5070] - Introduce more flexible subprocess interface for child options.
  • [MESOS-5425] - Consider using IntervalSet for Port range resource math.
  • [MESOS-5464] - The max number of completed executors for a mesos slave should be configurable.
  • [MESOS-5565] - Add logging when Offer::Operation::Launch message has no tasks.
  • [MESOS-5716] - Document docker private registry with authentication support in Unified Containerizer.
  • [MESOS-5732] - MasterAPITest.UnreserveResources is slow.
  • [MESOS-5756] - Cmake build system needs to regenerate protobufs when they are updated.
  • [MESOS-5790] - Ensure all examples in Scheduler HTTP API docs are valid JSON.
  • [MESOS-5822] - Add a build script for the Windows CI.
  • [MESOS-5870] - Fix the large preview logo in Slack.
  • [MESOS-5901] - Make the command executor unversioned.
  • [MESOS-5936] - Operator SUBSCRIBE api should provdide more task metadata than just state changes.
  • [MESOS-5944] - Remove O_SYNC from StatusUpdateManager logs.
  • [MESOS-5949] - Allow frameworks to learn the time when an agent became unreachable.
  • [MESOS-5951] - Remove "strict registry" code.
  • [MESOS-5954] - Docker executor does not use HealthChecker library.
  • [MESOS-5955] - The "mesos-health-check" binary is not used anymore.
  • [MESOS-5961] - HTTP and TCP health checks should support docker executor and bridged mode.
  • [MESOS-5965] - Implement garbage collection for unreachable agent lists in registry.
  • [MESOS-5978] - Improve run time for arithmetic operators for Resources.
  • [MESOS-5983] - Number of libprocess worker threads is not configurable for log-rotation module.
  • [MESOS-6006] - Abstract to allow future linters to be added more easily.
  • [MESOS-6008] - Add the infrastructure for a new python-based CLI.
  • [MESOS-6025] - Validate health check protobuf in the master.
  • [MESOS-6037] - Offer::Operation.type should be optional.
  • [MESOS-6039] - Update elfio to version 3.2.
  • [MESOS-6050] - Add an agent flag for 'runtime_dir'.
  • [MESOS-6051] - Add functions to the 'Launcher' abstraction to aid in checkpointing the exit status of containers.
  • [MESOS-6060] - Add MOUNT or PATH disk type in logging resources.
  • [MESOS-6063] - Track recovered and prepared subsystems for a container.
  • [MESOS-6065] - Support provisioning image volumes in an isolator.
  • [MESOS-6075] - Avoid libprocess functions in mesos-containerizer launch.
  • [MESOS-6080] - Expose metrics in scheduler library.
  • [MESOS-6088] - Update launch helper to checkpoint exit status of launched process.
  • [MESOS-6090] - Change master to always update registry before in-memory state.
  • [MESOS-6096] - Update mesos-execute to support launching task groups.
  • [MESOS-6098] - Frameworks UI shows metrics for used resources plus offers.
  • [MESOS-6140] - Add a parallel test runner.
  • [MESOS-6218] - Avoided to concat cgroup internally in subsystems.
  • [MESOS-6220] - HTTP handler failures should result in 500 response rather than 503 response.
  • [MESOS-6242] - Expose unknown container case on Containerizer::wait.
  • [MESOS-6243] - Expose failures and unknown container cases from Containerizer::destroy.
  • [MESOS-6282] - CNI isolator should print plugin's stderr.
  • [MESOS-6299] - Master doesn't remove task from pending when it is invalid.
  • [MESOS-6310] - Remove or define non-POSIX function.
  • [MESOS-6371] - Remove the 'recover()' interface in 'ContainerLogger'.

** Task

  • [MESOS-3370] - Deprecate the external containerizer.
  • [MESOS-4390] - Shared Volumes Design Doc.
  • [MESOS-5039] - Add Subsystem abstraction for cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5040] - Add cgroups_subsystems flag for cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5041] - Add cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5042] - Add cpu subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5043] - Add cpuacct subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5045] - Add memory subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5046] - Add net_cls subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5047] - Add perf_event subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5051] - Create helpers for manipulating Linux capabilities.
  • [MESOS-5144] - Cleanup memory leaks in libprocess finalize().
  • [MESOS-5228] - Add tests for Capability API.
  • [MESOS-5232] - Add capability information to ContainerInfo protobuf message.
  • [MESOS-5275] - Add capabilities support for unified containerizer.
  • [MESOS-5488] - Implement READ_FILE Call in v1 master API.
  • [MESOS-5515] - Implement READ_FILE Call in v1 agent API.
  • [MESOS-5516] - Implement GET_STATE Call in v1 agent API.
  • [MESOS-5651] - Add devices subsystem support in cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5652] - Enable cgroups unified isolator.
  • [MESOS-5788] - Added JAVA API adapter for seamless transition to new scheduler API.
  • [MESOS-5809] - Implement GET_FRAMEWORKS Call in v1 agent API.
  • [MESOS-5810] - Implement GET_EXECUTORS Call in v1 agent API.
  • [MESOS-5811] - Implement GET_TASKS Call in v1 agent API.
  • [MESOS-5855] - Create a 'Disk (not) full' example framework.
  • [MESOS-5970] - Remove HTTP_PARSER_VERSION_MAJOR < 2 code in decoder.
  • [MESOS-5973] - Remove CgroupsCpushareIsolator.
  • [MESOS-5974] - Remove CgroupsMemIsolator.
  • [MESOS-5975] - Remove CgroupsPerfEventIsolator.
  • [MESOS-5976] - Remove CgroupsNetClsIsolator.
  • [MESOS-5977] - Remove CgroupsDevicesIsolator.
  • [MESOS-5987] - Update health check protobuf for HTTP and TCP health check.
  • [MESOS-6017] - Introduce PortMapping protobuf.
  • [MESOS-6020] - Remove slavePid from the Containerizer::launch API.
  • [MESOS-6021] - Consolidate two Containerizer::launch methods into one.
  • [MESOS-6023] - Create a binary for the port-mapper plugin.
  • [MESOS-6036] - Define the Framework API protobufs required for TaskGroups.
  • [MESOS-6042] - Validate TaskGroup launch in the master.
  • [MESOS-6043] - Add interface for launching nested containers in Containerizer.
  • [MESOS-6045] - Implement LAUNCH_GROUP operation in master.
  • [MESOS-6067] - Support provisioner to be nested aware for Mesos Pods.
  • [MESOS-6068] - Refactor MesosContainerizer::launch to prepare for nesting support.
  • [MESOS-6070] - Renamed containerizer::Termination to ContainerTermination.
  • [MESOS-6071] - Validate that an explicitly specified DEFAULT executor has disk resources.
  • [MESOS-6073] - Update the streaming function for ContainerID to be nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6076] - Implement RunTaskGroup handler on the agent.
  • [MESOS-6077] - Added a default (task group) executor.
  • [MESOS-6102] - Add event for agent added in master operator API.
  • [MESOS-6130] - Make the disk usage isolator nesting-aware.
  • [MESOS-6150] - Introduce the new isolator recover interface for nested container support.
  • [MESOS-6151] - Populate CommandInfo correctly for default executors.
  • [MESOS-6156] - Make the network/cni isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6160] - Add protobuf definition for a Volume::Source that specifies a path from parent contianer's sandbox.
  • [MESOS-6186] - Make the generic cgroups isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6188] - Make the gpu/nvidia isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6189] - Add a virtual method to Isolator to indicate if it supports nesting.
  • [MESOS-6190] - Make the docker/runtime isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6191] - Make the filesystem/linux isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6192] - Make the appc/runtime isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6194] - Make the disk/du isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6199] - Make the volume/image isolator nesting aware.
  • [MESOS-6204] - Introduce a "runtime" directory owned by the containerizer for checkpointing container information.
  • [MESOS-6227] - Update the default executor to launch/wait/destroy child containers.
  • [MESOS-6230] - Add support for health checks to the default executor.
  • [MESOS-6235] - Add 'argv' variant of 'os::system'.
  • [MESOS-6241] - Add agent::Call / agent::Response API for managing nested containers.
  • [MESOS-6258] - Add volume/sandbox_path isolator to support Volume::Source::SANDBOX_PATH.
  • [MESOS-6265] - Adjust cgroups layout for nested containers.
  • [MESOS-6272] - Allow WebUI/other tools to access the task sandbox for a nested container.
  • [MESOS-6284] - MesosContainerizer should skip non-nesting aware isolators for nested container.
  • [MESOS-6287] - MesosContainer should allow 'wait' on terminated nested container.
  • [MESOS-6312] - Update CHANGELOG to mention addition of agent '--runtime_dir' flag.
  • [MESOS-6344] - Allow network/cni isolator to take a search path for CNI plugins instead of single directory.
  • [MESOS-6408] - Changelog for mesos-cni-port-mapper to 1.1.0.

** Wish

  • [MESOS-5929] - Total cluster resources on master Mesos UI should have better spacing.


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