活动目录数据库: Ntds.dit - AD数据库文件  Edbxxxxx.log - 事务日志  Edb.chk - 检查点文件  Res1.log and Res2.log - 保留日志文件  日志文件尺寸是固定的(10mb for AD)      Domain date(账户信息...)  Configuration date(list of domains...)  Schema date(definition of all objects...)-->这三种数据是在DC直接被复制的   系统状态数据包括: 系统启动文件(boot files)  本机注册表  COM+类库注册信息  SYSVOL信息  备份时应该考虑的问题: System State,system disk contents,and the SYSVOL folder   活动目录的失效期: 默认60 days  如果使用超过60天的备份来做恢复,是不可能成功的   Backup date from a DC can only be used to restore that DC
如何进行AD的恢复(参考): Determine the type of disaster: Database corruption: Damaged disks  DC hardware failure  Software failure - server cannot boot   Data corruption: Accidentally deleted object from directory
                                  Methods to restore Windows 2003 DC: Re-installation  Backup
Exchange的相关信息都保存在那里?  注册表和IIS的metabase: System state backup   活动目录中的用户数据: Users,Groups,and Contacts  Replicated to GCs  Most Exchange information placed on existing objects are replicated between Global Catalogs   活动目录中的Exchange配置信息: Exchange System Objects  Public Folder Directory entries  Active Directory Connector (ADC)settings
单一邮件或邮箱的恢复: 如果是Exchange 2000,需要搭建专用的Recovery Server : 在孤立的网络环境中安装Windows 2000  创建一个森林  运行ForestPrep,创建跟之前的环境相同的组织  安装Exchange System 管理工具  使用ESM创建跟之前的环境相同的管理组  安装Exchange 2000和所有的必需补丁(跟之前环境保持一致)  把数据库和存储组改为跟之前环境相同的名称  Dismount数据库,准备进行恢复  从磁带进行恢复  导出邮件 
如果是Exchange 2003,可以使用Recovery storage group ->http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;824126
Recovery Storage Group: RSG per Server/Information Store  Restore mailbox DBs from same SG  Restore SG/DBs from same AG  User mailboxes remain disconnected  Only MAPI protocol supported  Restores default into RSG  Active/Passive one restore storage group per EVS  ONE recovery storage group per cluster supported
受损数据库的恢复: 常见的数据库损坏症状: 硬件故障  在事件日志中的-1080错误   Three layers of corruption that can occur : Page level  ESE level  Store level   To remove corruption : Restore an uncorrupted backup of the database  Repair the database  Expunge the corrupted pages from the database  Salvage data and generate a new database
Errors 1018 and 1019 ->Error 1018: JET_errReadVerifyFailure: Bad checksum/Wrong page number  Hardware/Firmware  File system corruption  How serious are 1018 Errors? During normal operation (somewhat serious) During startup(likely fatal)  During backup (may be minor)   Error 1019: JET_errPageNotlnitialized ->What causes Error 1019? Special case of error 1018(page is replaced with zeroes)  Bad page links ---->Event ID: 23  Source: EDB  Type: Error  Category: Database Page Cache  Description: MSExchangeIS((455))Direct read found corrupted page error -1018((1:251563)(0-2295758),251563 379225672 381322824).Please restore the database from a previous backup
  Errors 1022 and 1216 ->Error 1022:JET_errDiskIO: Disk I/O failure  File damage or truncation  File locked by another process  Anti-virus software   Error 1216(Q296843)files in the database's running set are missing or have been replaced : When storage group starts system analyses header information   If logs are missing: Restore the database from backup  Repair the database by using -->ESEUTIL/P followed by  ESEUTIL /D and  ISINTEG-fix  Q296843 -more details
受损数据库的恢复: 恢复的步骤和注意事项: NTBackup  Eseutil /cc  Eseutil /p  XADM: Offline Backup and Restore Procedures for Exchange 2000 Q296788  XADM: How Log Files Are Replayed During Exchange 2000 Restore Q232922
ESEUtil: ESE level maintenance utility: Dumping information -> /m  Offline Degragmentation -> /d  Integrity Check -> /g  Database Repair -> /p  Hard Recovery -> /c  Soft Recovery -> /r  Checksum -> /k
ESEUTIL /m: Dumping Information --> /mh database_filename: Dump EDB header  /ml log_filename: Dump log header  /mk checkpoint_filename: Dump checkpoint header  /ms database_filename: Dump space usage  /m database_filename /pnnn: Dump Page number nnn
ESEUTIL /c: Hard Recovery --> ESEUTIL /cc : Start hard recovery  ESEUTIL /cc/t: Start hard recovery and only play logs in temp folder  ESEUTIL /cm restore.env: Dump restore .env file
服务器重建: 使用/disasterrecovery模式进行安装  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;257415   避免把Exchange和DC安装在同一台服务器上 
MUST READ -> Disaster Recovery for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.pdf  Exchange 2000 Disaster Recovery Best Practices : http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Content/628/05/1.html