Exadata测试CELL_FLASH_CACHE KEEP  SMART Flash Cache性能    

Kernel version: 2.6.18- #1 SMP Thu Feb 9 19:07:16 EST 2012 x86_64
Cell version: OSS_11.
Cell rpm version: cell-

Active image version:
Active image activated: 2012-08-13 18:00:09 -0400
Active image status: success
Active system partition on device: /dev/md6
Active software partition on device: /dev/md8

In partition rollback: Impossible

Cell boot usb partition: /dev/sdm1
Cell boot usb version:

Inactive image version:
Inactive image activated: 2012-08-09 15:36:25 -0400
Inactive image status: success
Inactive system partition on device: /dev/md5
Inactive software partition on device: /dev/md7

Boot area has rollback archive for the version:
Rollback to the inactive partitions: Possible

CellCLI> list flashcache detail 
         name:                   dm01cel01_FLASHCACHE
         cellDisk:               FD_15_dm01cel01,FD_11_dm01cel01,FD_09_dm01cel01,FD_14_dm01cel01,FD_00_dm01cel01,FD_12_dm01cel01,FD_03_dm01cel01,FD_01_dm01cel01,FD_13_dm01cel01,FD_07_dm01cel01,FD_04_dm01cel01,FD_08_dm01cel01,FD_05_dm01cel01,FD_10_dm01cel01,FD_02_dm01cel01,FD_06_dm01cel01
         creationTime:           2012-08-13T17:58:02-04:00
         effectiveCacheSize:     365.25G
         id:                     f7118853-fd8d-4df4-917e-738c093530a7
         size:                   365.25G
         status:                 normal

         FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR                FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB
         FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR_SEC            FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_BYKEEP_USED                  FLASHCACHE      8,350 MB
         FC_BY_USED                      FLASHCACHE      8,518 MB
         FC_IO_BYKEEP_R                  FLASHCACHE      8,328 MB
         FC_IO_BYKEEP_R_SEC              FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_IO_BYKEEP_W                  FLASHCACHE      8,201 MB
         FC_IO_BYKEEP_W_SEC              FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_IO_BY_R                      FLASHCACHE      8,700 MB
         FC_IO_BY_R_MISS                 FLASHCACHE      8,704 MB
         FC_IO_BY_R_MISS_SEC             FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_IO_BY_R_SEC                  FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP                 FLASHCACHE      69,824 MB
         FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_SEC             FLASHCACHE      0.001 MB/sec
         FC_IO_BY_W                      FLASHCACHE      9,783 MB
         FC_IO_BY_W_SEC                  FLASHCACHE      0.000 MB/sec
         FC_IO_ERRS                      FLASHCACHE      0
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R                  FLASHCACHE      8,340 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_MISS             FLASHCACHE      8,340 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_MISS_SEC         FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SEC              FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SKIP             FLASHCACHE      15 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SKIP_SEC         FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_W                  FLASHCACHE      8,343 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQKEEP_W_SEC              FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQ_R                      FLASHCACHE      38,219 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS                 FLASHCACHE      19,694 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS_SEC             FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQ_R_SEC                  FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP                 FLASHCACHE      246,344 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP_SEC             FLASHCACHE      0.1 IO/sec
         FC_IO_RQ_W                      FLASHCACHE      137,932 IO requests
         FC_IO_RQ_W_SEC                  FLASHCACHE      0.0 IO/sec


         name:                   FC_BY_USED
         description:            "Number of megabytes used on FlashCache"
         metricType:             Instantaneous
         objectType:             FLASHCACHE
         unit:                   MB

SQL> alter table larget storage (cell_flash_cache keep);

Table altered.

SQL> select a.name,b.value 
  2      from v$sysstat a , v$mystat b
  3    where
and (a.name in ('physical read total bytes','physical write total bytes',
'cell IO uncompressed bytes') or a.name like 'cell phy%'
or a.name like '%flash cache read hits');   4    5    6    7  

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
physical read total bytes                                            114688
physical write total bytes                                                0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes                                  114688
cell physical IO bytes pushed back due to excessive CPU on cell           0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation               0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized RMAN file restore           0
cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload                     0
cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index                             0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan                0
cell IO uncompressed bytes                                                0
cell flash cache read hits                                                0

11 rows selected.

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

System altered.

SQL> select count(*) from larget;


SQL> set timing on;
SQL> select a.name,b.value 
  2      from v$sysstat a , v$mystat b
  3    where
and (a.name in ('physical read total bytes','physical write total bytes',
'cell IO uncompressed bytes') or a.name like 'cell phy%'
or a.name like '%flash cache read hits');   4    5    6    7  

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
physical read total bytes                                        2.6262E+10
physical write total bytes                                                0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes                              3018270928
cell physical IO bytes pushed back due to excessive CPU on cell           0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation               0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized RMAN file restore           0
cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload            2.6262E+10
cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index                             0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan       3018090704
cell IO uncompressed bytes                                       2.6284E+10
cell flash cache read hits                                               55

11 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> select count(*) from larget;


Elapsed: 00:00:06.83
SQL> select a.name,b.value 
  2      from v$sysstat a , v$mystat b
  3    where
and (a.name in ('physical read total bytes','physical write total bytes',
'cell IO uncompressed bytes') or a.name like 'cell phy%'
or a.name like '%flash cache read hits');   4    5    6    7  

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
physical read total bytes                                        5.2525E+10
physical write total bytes                                                0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes                              6036394312
cell physical IO bytes pushed back due to excessive CPU on cell           0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation               0
cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized RMAN file restore           0
cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload            5.2524E+10
cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index                             0
cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan       6036214088
cell IO uncompressed bytes                                       5.2570E+10
cell flash cache read hits                                            27999

11 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

cell server IO calibrate 

ellCLI> calibrate force;
Calibration will take a few minutes...
Aggregate random read throughput across all hard disk LUNs: 1936 MBPS
Aggregate random read throughput across all flash disk LUNs: 4148.56 MBPS
Aggregate random read IOs per second (IOPS) across all hard disk LUNs: 4906
Aggregate random read IOs per second (IOPS) across all flash disk LUNs: 142303
Controller read throughput: 1939.98 MBPS
Calibrating hard disks (read only) ...
LUN 0_0  on drive [28:0     ] random read throughput: 168.39 MBPS, and 419 IOPS
LUN 0_1  on drive [28:1     ] random read throughput: 165.32 MBPS, and 412 IOPS
LUN 0_10 on drive [28:10    ] random read throughput: 170.72 MBPS, and 421 IOPS
LUN 0_11 on drive [28:11    ] random read throughput: 169.51 MBPS, and 412 IOPS
LUN 0_2  on drive [28:2     ] random read throughput: 171.15 MBPS, and 421 IOPS
LUN 0_3  on drive [28:3     ] random read throughput: 170.58 MBPS, and 413 IOPS
LUN 0_4  on drive [28:4     ] random read throughput: 166.37 MBPS, and 413 IOPS
LUN 0_5  on drive [28:5     ] random read throughput: 167.69 MBPS, and 424 IOPS
LUN 0_6  on drive [28:6     ] random read throughput: 171.89 MBPS, and 427 IOPS
LUN 0_7  on drive [28:7     ] random read throughput: 167.78 MBPS, and 425 IOPS
LUN 0_8  on drive [28:8     ] random read throughput: 170.74 MBPS, and 423 IOPS
LUN 0_9  on drive [28:9     ] random read throughput: 168.56 MBPS, and 420 IOPS
Calibrating flash disks (read only, note that writes will be significantly slower) ...
LUN 1_0  on drive [FLASH_1_0] random read throughput: 272.06 MBPS, and 19867 IOPS
LUN 1_1  on drive [FLASH_1_1] random read throughput: 272.06 MBPS, and 19892 IOPS
LUN 1_2  on drive [FLASH_1_2] random read throughput: 271.68 MBPS, and 19869 IOPS
LUN 1_3  on drive [FLASH_1_3] random read throughput: 272.40 MBPS, and 19875 IOPS
LUN 2_0  on drive [FLASH_2_0] random read throughput: 272.54 MBPS, and 20650 IOPS
LUN 2_1  on drive [FLASH_2_1] random read throughput: 272.67 MBPS, and 20683 IOPS
LUN 2_2  on drive [FLASH_2_2] random read throughput: 271.98 MBPS, and 20693 IOPS
LUN 2_3  on drive [FLASH_2_3] random read throughput: 272.48 MBPS, and 20683 IOPS
LUN 4_0  on drive [FLASH_4_0] random read throughput: 271.85 MBPS, and 19932 IOPS
LUN 4_1  on drive [FLASH_4_1] random read throughput: 272.22 MBPS, and 19924 IOPS
LUN 4_2  on drive [FLASH_4_2] random read throughput: 272.38 MBPS, and 19908 IOPS
LUN 4_3  on drive [FLASH_4_3] random read throughput: 271.73 MBPS, and 19901 IOPS
LUN 5_0  on drive [FLASH_5_0] random read throughput: 271.61 MBPS, and 19906 IOPS
LUN 5_1  on drive [FLASH_5_1] random read throughput: 271.39 MBPS, and 19897 IOPS
LUN 5_2  on drive [FLASH_5_2] random read throughput: 270.85 MBPS, and 19901 IOPS
LUN 5_3  on drive [FLASH_5_3] random read throughput: 270.99 MBPS, and 19884 IOPS
CALIBRATE results are within an acceptable range.
Calibration has finished.

SQL> Select data_object_id from dba_objects where  object_name='LARGET';


SELECT statistic_name, value   
     WHERE dataobj#= 17425 AND ts#=7 AND
     statistic_name='optimized physical reads';

STATISTIC_NAME                                                        VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
optimized physical reads                                              43687

CellCLI> LIST FLASHCACHECONTENT where objectnumber=17425 detail
         cachedKeepSize:         8755838976
         cachedSize:             8757706752
         dbID:                   2080757153
         dbUniqueName:           DBM
         hitCount:               12940
         hoursToExpiration:      23
         missCount:              78488
         objectNumber:           17425
         tableSpaceNumber:       7

      V$SYSSTAT视图中累计性地记录了从flash cache中获益的I/O request数目,这些累计数目来自于所有的CELL存储服务器, 相关的统计名字叫做'cell flash cache read hits',相似的统计信息在V$SESSTAT和V$MYSTAT中都有。 另一个统计值‘physical read requests optimized’ 反映了Exadata storage index与cell flash cache一起获益的磁盘IO数目。 在11g的AWR报告中出现了新的段落来描述数据库对象和SQL分别体现的高和低的Smart flash cache命中率。这些段落是: Segment by unoptimized reads Segment by Optimized reads SQL ordered by Physical Reads (Unoptimized) 在 AWR报告中I/O读取请求收益于Smart flash cache的被称作"Optimized reads", 仅仅是从普通SAS DISK读取的称作"Unoptimized Reads"  

Segments by UnOptimized Reads

  • Total UnOptimized Read Requests: 66,587
  • Captured Segments account for 86.9% of Total
OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypeUnOptimized Reads%Total
Segments by Optimized Reads
  • Total Optimized Read Requests: 207,547
  • Captured Segments account for 88.9% of Total
OwnerTablespace NameObject NameSubobject NameObj. TypeOptimized Reads%Total
  • 0
  • 0
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Exadata核心技术是指Oracle公司独有的数据库服务器解决方案。该技术是通过将存储和计算资源紧密地集成在一起,以提供高性能、高可用性、可扩展性和可管理性的数据处理能力。 Exadata核心技术的关键组成部分包括: 1. 存储服务器:Exadata服务器中的存储服务器采用了Oracle ASM(Automatic Storage Management)技术,可以提供高性能和可靠性的存储服务。它具有大容量和高速度的固态介质盘(SSD),可以快速处理和存储大量的数据。 2. 计算服务器:Exadata服务器中的计算服务器采用了Oracle数据库软件,可以通过利用多个CPU核心和并行处理的能力来加速数据处理任务。同时,计算服务器还可以通过InfiniBand网络与存储服务器之间实现高速的数据传输和通信。 3. 混合存储:Exadata服务器支持混合存储技术,这意味着可以同时使用固态硬盘和传统硬盘来存储数据。这种存储架构可以同时提供高速度的访问和较大容量的数据存储,以满足不同类型的数据处理需求。 4. 数据压缩:Exadata服务器采用了高效的数据压缩技术,可以将数据在存储和传输过程中进行压缩,从而节省存储和网络带宽,并提高数据处理和查询性能。 5. 自动化管理:Exadata服务器内置了自动化管理功能,可以自动监控和优化数据库性能,自动进行备份和恢复操作,并提供灾难恢复和高可用性的保护措施。这些功能极大地简化了数据库管理的工作量。 总之,Exadata核心技术是Oracle公司推出的一种高性能、高可用性、可扩展性和可管理性的数据库服务器解决方案。它通过集成存储和计算资源,采用混合存储、数据压缩和自动化管理等技术,为企业提供了强大的数据处理和管理能力。


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