书籍:python图像处理 Image Operators - Image Processing in Python - 2019 ...



几十年来,研究人员一直在开发算法来操纵和分析图像。由此,一组通用的图像工具现在出现在许多高级编程语言中。因此,多年来用户所需的编码量显着减少。虽然用于图像分析的库与一个通用工具包合并,但图像分析的语言仍然停滞不前。通常,分析协议的文本描述比执行过程所需的计算机代码消耗更多的空间。此外,文本解释有时模糊或不完整。本书为图像处理领域提供了精确的数学语言。定义的运算符直接对应于标准库例程,极大地方便了数学描述和计算机脚本之间的转换。本文以Python 3示例的形式呈现。本文将为图像处理提供统一的语言为伴随Python(R)脚本提供理论基础,以精确描述图像处理应用程序中的步骤将介绍脚本与通过操作符的理论之间的联系所有章节将包含理论,运算符等价,示例, Python(R)代码和练习

出版社: Productivity Press (2018年10月24日)
精装: 339页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 1498796184
条形码: 9781498796187



Chapter 1, A Taste of Machine Learning, will gently introduce you to the different subfields of machine learning, and explain how to install OpenCV and other essential tools in the Python Anaconda environment. Chapter 2, Working with Data in OpenCV and Python, will show you what a typical machine learning workflow looks like, and where data comes in to play. I will explain the difference between training and test data, and show you how to load, store, manipulate, and visualize data with OpenCV and Python. Chapter 3, First Steps in Supervised Learning, will introduce you to the topic of supervised learning by reviewing some core concepts, such as classification and regression. You will learn how to implement a simple machine learning algorithm in OpenCV, how to make predictions about the data, and how to evaluate your model. Chapter 4, Representing Data and Engineering Features, will teach you how to get a feel for some common and well-known machine learning datasets and how to extract the interesting stuff from your raw data. Chapter 5, Using Decision Trees to Make a Medical Diagnosis, will show you how to build decision trees in OpenCV, and use them in a variety of classification and regression problems. Chapter 6, Detecting Pedestrians with Support Vector Machines, will explain how to build support vector machines in OpenCV, and how to apply them to detect pedestrians in images. Chapter 7, Implementing a Spam Filter with Bayesian Learning, will introduce you to probability theory, and show you how you can use Bayesian inference to classify emails as spam or not. Chapter 8, Discovering Hidden Structures with Unsupervised Learning, will talk about unsupervised learning algorithms such as k-means clustering and Expectation-Maximization, and show you how they can be used to extract hidden structures in simple, unlabeled datasets. Chapter 9, Using Deep Learning to Classify Handwritten Digits, will introduce you to the exciting field of deep learning. Starting with the perceptron and multi-layer perceptrons, you will learn how to build deep neural networks in order to classify handwritten digits from the extensive MNIST database. Chapter 10, Combining Different Algorithms into an Ensemble, will show you how to effectively combine multiple algorithms into an ensemble in order to overcome the weaknesses of individual learners, resulting in more accurate and reliable predictions. Chapter 11, Selecting the Right Model with Hyper-Parameter Tuning, will introduce you to the concept of model selection, which allows you to compare different machine learning algorithms in order to select the right tool for the task at hand. Chapter 12, Wrapping Up, will conclude the book by giving you some useful tips on how to approach future machine learning problems on your own, and where to find information on more advanced topics.




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