就在昨天和今天交界的“0 点”,为IT业界所瞩目的Build 2011大会拉开了帷幕。这个大会的重要内容之一:就是展示并提供微软下一代操作系统“Windows 8”。就在Build 2011大会拉开帷幕的同时,微软Windows高管在官方博客披露了公开提供Windows 8 Developer Preview(即Windows 8开发者预览版)下载的最新资讯。现提供微软官方下载地址 +  安装硬件配置要求如下——
Windows Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64)
Sha 1 hash – 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9
Includes a disk p_w_picpath file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 64-bit PC.
Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)
Sha 1 hash - 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CC
Includes a disk p_w_picpath file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 32-bit PC.
安装Windows 8对于硬件配置的基本要求:
?1GHz 32位或64位处理器
?1GB内存(基于32 位)或2 GB 内存(基于64 位)
?带有WDDM 1.0或更高版本驱动程序的DirectX 9图形设备
微软Windows高管对Windows 8功能解读:
         You probably want to try out the preview release—and you can. Startinglater tonightyou can download the Windows 8 Developer Preview. This includes a64-bit (x64) build with development toolsto build apps, and a32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) build without development tools. The releases also include a suite of sample applications (please note these are merely illustrations of potential apps, not apps that we intend to ship with Windows 8). The ISOs are linked to from
——以上原汁原味原文摘引于微软“ Building Windows 8”官方博客。
        安装Windows 8 Developer Preview,与安装Window 7的操作过程基本一样。安装之后无需进行任何激活操作。请大家下载安装Windows Developer Preview后,对于这个“开发者预览版”的功能、性能以及目前存在的瑕疵,畅所欲言、各抒己见:进行广泛深入的交流和研讨。