1. In Cisco’s Unified Wireless Solution, what is the split-MAC architecture?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

A. The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses to create a forward/filter table and break

up collision domains.

B. The split-MAC architecture allows the splitting of 802.11 protocol packets between the AP

and the controller to allow processing by both devices.

C. The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses on the wireless network and IP addresses

on the wired network.

D. The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses to create a forward/filter table and break

up broadcast domains.

2. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11b standard?

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />A. 2.4Gbps

B. 5Gbps

C. 2.4GHz

D. 5GHz

3. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11a standard?

A. 2.4Gbps

B. 5Gbps

C. 2.4GHz

D. 5GHz

4. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11g standard?

A. 2.4Gbps

B. 5Gbps

C. 2.4GHz

D. 5GHz

5. How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11h?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 23

D. 40

6. How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11g?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 23

D. 40

7. How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11b?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 23

D. 40

8. How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11a?

A. 3

B. 12

C. 23

D. 40

9. What is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard?

A. 6Mbps

B. 11Mbps

C. 22Mbps

D. 54Mbps

10. What is the maximum data rate for the 802.11g standard?

A. 6Mbps

B. 11Mbps

C. 22Mbps

D. 54Mbps

11. What is the maximum data rate for the 802.11b standard?

A. 6Mbps

B. 11Mbps

C. 22Mbps

D. 54Mbps

12. What is the maximum distance with maximum data rate for 802.11a?

A. About 65–75 feet

B. About 90–100 feet

C. About 150 feet

D. Over 200 feet

13. What is the maximum distance with maximum data rate for 802.11g?

A. About 65–75 feet

B. About 90–100 feet

C. About 150 feet

D. Over 200 feet

14. What is the maximum distance with maximum data rate for 802.11b?

A. About 65–75 feet

B. About 90–100 feet

C. About 150 feet

D. Over 200 feet

15. What is the maximum distance running the lowest data rate for 802.11b?

A. About 100 feet

B. About 175 feet

C. About 300 feet

D. About 350 feet

16. What is the maximum distance running the lowest data rate for 802.11a?

A. About 100 feet

B. About 175 feet

C. About 300 feet

D. About 350 feet

17. What is the maximum distance running the lowest data rate for 802.11g?

A. About 100 feet

B. About 175 feet

C. About 300 feet

D. About 350 feet

18. Cisco’s Unified Wireless Solution provides a mesh solution. What devices do you absolutely

need to purchase to run a Cisco solution? (Choose two.)


B. Controller

C. Access point

D. Bridge

19. You are connecting your access point and it is set to root. What does Extended Service Set

ID mean?

A. That you have more than one access point and they are in the same SSID connected by a

distribution system

B. That you have more than one access point and they are in separate SSIDs connected by a

distribution system

C. That you have multiple access points, but they are placed physically in different buildings

D. That you have multiple access points, but one is a repeater access point

20. You have a Cisco mesh network. What protocol allows multiple APs to connect with many

redundant connections between nodes?