Android PDF Library


  Part 01: Android PDF Library, Android PDF Writer 和Android PFD SDK的区别

  Part 02: Top 5 Android PDF Library/SDK

Part 01: Android PDF Library, Android PDF Writer 和Android PFD SDK的区别

Android PDF Library是一个高质量的Android创新产物,使用Java API,使开发者和用户在安卓平台上无缝地集成PDF的生成,注释,搜索,处理,阅读,渲染和打印等功能。

与复杂的Android PDF Library不同, Android PDF writer (APW) 是一种简单的java库, 开源的BSD license解放了安卓设备的用户们,使之可以轻松生成简单的PDF文档。它是免费开源的软件,你可以下载并用于个人或组织机构使用。


Android PDF Library 和 Android PDF writer 有什么联系?

那么两者又有什么联系呢? Android PDF writer 只能执行一些简单的操作,而Anrdoid PDF library则能承担更高水平的操作,拥有更多的其他功能。比如他们都能生成PDF文档,而PDF library可以做编辑,注释,处理,阅读和渲染。

Android PDF Library 和 Android PDF SDK 有什么区别?

Android PDF Library和Android PDF SDK 之间的区别很小,他们在Android 平台上提供了几乎相同的PDF功能。

Part 02: Top 5 Android PDF Library/SDK  

01 PDFTron Mobile PDF SDK

android pdf library

  • 安卓平台上出色的渲染功能:渲染PDF准确,优化,可信,品质高,速度快。 这些优点都来自于著名的先进pdf引擎:PDFNet PDF 库。

  • Java 绑定:完全的java绑定,可以完美集成于安卓应用。是用户友好型java接口。

  • 出色的性能:Android PDF library提供了高至500倍的缩放比例,在连续模式下都能很好的阅读复杂的PDF文档。

  • 丰富健壮的图形支持:支持各种形式的PDF文档。

  • 为创新和开发提供方便即用的工具:Android PDF 库还提供对高级功能的支持,比如:全文本搜索,链接,文字选中,修改,书签导航,交互表单,注释,还有一些PDF标记,像下划线,删除线,矩形,直线,箭头,手型工具,切割和便签。

  • 自定义安卓控件:PDF控件源码也是开放的

  • 完全遵循质量标准:支持各种版本的pdf格式,包括IOS32000.

  • 支持低至Android 2.2的各版本。


02 qPDF Toolkit- PDF SDK for Android

PDF SDK for Android adds viewer and reader support to any of your Android applications. You are able to create an application by an integrated PDF reader. For now, PDF SDK is under very active development and is in beta form. The developers are currently focusing on implementing rendering and parsing components that are missing currently on the Android PDF SDK. They are also working on the reader UX and UI. On a good note, developers of Android PDF SDK want to incorporate features that users have requested for.

Android PDF SDK has managed to implement the following features;

  • Browsing PDF pages

  • Zooming in and out

  • Very high optimized rendering and parsing performance

  • Very highly optimized memory management.

Challenges of Android PDF SDK

  • Not all shader types can be used at the moment.

  • Files with a password cannot be used on the Android PDF SDK.

  • Android PDF SDK does not render filing and gradient painting.

  • With the exception of Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, ICC color spaces are not yet implemented.

  • The JPEG 2000 image decoder is not also implemented.

pdf library android


android pdf viewer library example

PDF JET is an extremely powerful tool that provides for complete PDF generation library for any of your needs and allows for creation of very complex PDF documents by the advanced features of drawing and text classes. This is much more intuitive than other product. It is dynamic and very flexible in handling very simple reports to such highly complex work like dynamic brochures with lots of graphics. The customer care of PDF Jet is on point. You could have features that you need incorporated just overnight. The other advantage of PDF Jet is that it allows for writing PDF to a stream. It has very, simple, logical, clean and easy PDFjet source Code. It also has a liberal open source license with no royalties.

04 FOXIT Embedded PDF SDK for Android

FOXIT Embedded PDF SKD is a fast, secure and affordable PDF solution. With this toolkit, PDF Android platform developers will be able to create PDF apps for uses to view, annotation and search of documents and filling in of PDF forms. With a modular package, users will be able to get all advanced PDF features. FOXIT has a cross platform library through which you can easily extend support to other platforms like iOS. This FOXIT PDF SDK is mainly used for Android. Users can also get an account to learn all the features easily. Sample codes enable developers to see how to setup FOXIT Embedded PDF SDK for Android. Its Java user interface as well as the user-friendly utility make it easy to use.

android pdf library open source

05 Apache PDFBox

Apache PDFBox is an open source Android PDF library tool that enables users to create new documents, manipulate PDF documents and also allows for extraction content from PDF documents.

Some of the highlight features for Apache PDFBox include;

  • Apache PDFBox allows for developers to extract text from all PDF files.

  • With PDFBox, a developer is able to either split existing single PDF document into two or multiple documents or better still merge the existing PDF documents into one document.

  • It allows conversion of PDFs form images

  • With a PDFBox, a developer can insert Java printing API to enable users finally print from Android phones.

  • The forms filling feature allows users to either extract data from forms or prefill a PDF form.

  • It has solid validation against the ISO PDF/A standard.

  • After developed with this SDK, end users will be able to sign on PDF.

pdf android library



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优看PDFSDK For Android是优看科技出品的Android平台下PDF底层程序库,提供PDF及TXT阅读器最基础的功能,适合需要高级定制功能的开发者。优看PDF SDK For Android提供Android java接口,允许开发人员将PDF显示、TXT显示、导航、搜索、笔记、平滑翻页等功能无缝地集成到Android应用程序中。如果需要iOS版PDFSDK请访问。 此外,我们还提供基于以上核心技术的定制开发服务,开发人员可通过所提供的示例代码快速上手,更专注于程序开发而不是PDF及TXT,让您的应用快速投入市场。 以下简单介绍优看PDFSDK For AndroidAndroid平台上的具体应用实例: - 支持PDF及TXT基本阅读功能(缩放、目录跳转、指定页跳转、搜索、记录阅读进度等) - 支持文字选择,添加笔记,显示书签等操作 - 支持画线,箭头,椭圆等功能(PDF文件) - 支持翻页动画:滑动 - 支持夜间模式 - 支持设置背景色,字体大小,行间距(TXT文件) - 支持打开受标准密码保护的PDF文件 优看PDF SDK Android版本支持下列操作环境: - 运行环境:Android4.0或更高版本 - 支持的语言:Java 本公司经过近几年的持续的技术积累,产品线有了较大拓展,除了原有的PDF在线阅读有了较大优化和更新(目前已经能够支持Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、苹果Safari、Opera等几乎所有主流的浏览器)以外,还推出了以下几款新产品: 1、移动端阅读系列:包含PDF、EPUB、TXT等格式的阅读器和SDK,支持安卓和IOS两个平台; 2、网上书城、网上党员(公职人员)教育学习平台,同时支持PC、安卓、IOS,支持DRM(数字版权保护)功能; 3、PDF类转换控件、PDF电子签章控件等PDF扩展应用。 商务代理/合作联系方式: 联系电话:400-092-1680 029-88869745 QQ:1003059540


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