增加 tmp_table_size 值。mysql 的配置文件中,tmp_table_size 的默认大小是 32M。如果一张临时表超出该大小,MySQL产生一个 The table tbl_name is full 形式的错误,如果你做很多高级 GROUP BY 查询,增加 tmp_table_size 值。这是 mysql 官方关于此选项的解释: 

This variable determines the maximum size for atemporary table in memory. If the table becomes too large, a MYISAM table iscreated on disk. Try to avoid temporary tables by optimizing the queries wherepossible, but where this is not possible, try to ensure temporary tables arealways stored in memory. Watching the processlist for queries with temporarytables that take too long to resolve can give you an early warning thattmp_table_size needs to be upped. Be aware that memory is also allocatedper-thread. An example where upping this worked for more was a server where Iupped this from 32MB (the default) to 64MB with immediate effect. The quickerresolution of queries resulted in less threads being active at any one time,with all-round benefits for the server, and available memory. 

WHERE, JOIN,MAX(), MIN(), ORDER BY 等子句中的条件判断中用到的字段,应该根据其建立索引 INDEX。索引被用来快速找出在一个列上用一特定值的行。没有索引,MySQL不得不首先以第一条记录开始并然后读完整个表直到它找出相关的行。表越大,花费时间越多。如果表对于查询的列有一个索引,MySQL能快速到达一个位置去搜寻到数据文件的中间,没有必要考虑所有数据。如果一个表有1000行,这比顺序读取至少快100倍。所有的MySQL索引(PRIMARYUNIQUEINDEX)B树中存储。 

根据 mysql 的开发文档

索引 index 用于: 

如果排序或分组在一个可用键的最左面前缀上进行(例如,ORDER BYkey_part_1,key_part_2),排序或分组一个表。如果所有键值部分跟随DESC,键以倒序被读取。 



mysql> SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE col1=val1AND col2=val2; 