Install Trace32 on Linux Fedora Core 9

1. Trace32 Home Directory
[ ]# mkdir -p /opt/t32/bin
[ ]# cd /opt/t32

2. Copy Trace32 files from CD-ROM to /opt/t32
[ ]# cp -r /home/scottlinux/Trace32/iso/files/* .
[ ]# cp -r /home/scottlinux/Trace32/iso/bin/pc_linux/ bin/
[ ]# cp -r /home/scottlinux/Trace32/iso/bin/pc_linux/config.t32 .
[ ]# chmod -R u+w *
[ ]# /opt/t32/bin/pc_linux/filecvt /opt/t32

3. Download/Install the Acrobat Reader
[ ]# wget [url][/url]
[ ]# rpm -ivh AdobeReader_enu-8.1.2-1.i486.rpm

4. Set the environment variable "ACROBAT_PATH" to the Acrobat installation path
[ ]# export ACROBAT_PATH=/opt/Adobe/Reader8

5. Copy the Trace32 plugin to the plug_ins folder of Acrobat Reader
[ ]# cp -r /home/scottlinux/Trace32/iso/bin/pc_linux/trace32.api /opt/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/plug_ins/

[root@scottshu t32]# t32marm
FATAL ERROR from X-windows: font not found: t32-lsys-16
CONFIG: config.t32

Program stops with message 'font xxxx not found'
Do fonts appear in the 'xlsfonts' command?
Can one font (e.g. t32-lsys-16) be displayed by 'xfd -fn t32-lsys-16'?

# Install fonts (options)
[ ]# yum install xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
[ ]# yum install xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi

[ ]# cd /opt/t32/fonts
[ ]# mkfontdir .
[ ]# xset fp+ /opt/t32/fonts
[ ]# xset fp rehash

[ ]# t32marm

Error messages....
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate
Warning: ... found while parsing 'osfActivate: DialogClientActivateCallback()'
Warning: String to TranslationTable conversion encountered errors
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfCancel
Warning: ... found while parsing 'osfCancel: GenericClientEscapeCallback()'
Warning: String to TranslationTable conversion encountered errors
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp
Warning: ... found while parsing 'osfHelp: DrawClientKeyCallback(0)'

After you select the CPU type, The Trace32 seems hand and not able to use anymore.

[ ]# mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
[ ]# cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
[ ]# ln -s /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB