MongoDB4.0 配置文件


Core Options

         4.0 新增

                   cloud Options +

                   mongos-only Options +


                            Text Search Options


systemLog Options


   verbosity: <int>

   quiet: <boolean>

   traceAllExceptions: <boolean>

   syslogFacility: <string>

   path: <string>

   logAppend: <boolean>

   logRotate: <string>

   destination: <string>

   timeStampFormat: <string>



         verbosity: <int>


         verbosity: <int>


      # COMMENT additional component verbosity settings omitted for brevity



Type: integer

Default: 0

在 3.0 版更改.

The default log message verbosity level for components. The verbosity level determines the amount of Informational and Debug messages MongoDB outputs.


The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:

0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: boolean




Type: boolean

Print verbose information for debugging. Use for additional logging for support-related troubleshooting.




Type: string

Default: user

The facility level used when logging messages to syslog. The value you specify must be supported by your operating system’s implementation of syslog. To use this option, you must enable the --syslog option.




Type: string

The path of the log file to which mongod or mongos should send all diagnostic logging information, rather than the standard output or the host’s syslog. MongoDB creates the log file at the specified path.

mongodmongos应向其发送所有诊断日志记录信息的日志文件的路径,而不是标准输出或主机的syslog MongoDB在指定的路径上创建日志文件。



Type: boolean

Default: False

When true, mongos or mongod appends new entries to the end of the existing log file when the mongos or mongod instance restarts. Without this option, mongod will back up the existing log and create a new file.




Type: string

Default: rename

3.0.0 新版功能.

The behavior for the logRotate command. Specify either rename or reopen:

rename renames the log file.

reopen closes and reopens the log file following the typical Linux/Unix log rotate behavior. Use reopen when using the Linux/Unix logrotate utility to avoid log loss.

If you specify reopen, you must also set systemLog.logAppend to true.



Type: string

The destination to which MongoDB sends all log output. Specify either file or syslog. If you specify file, you must also specify systemLog.path.

If you do not specify systemLog.destination, MongoDB sends all log output to standard output.





Type: string

Default: iso8601-local

The time format for timestamps in log messages. Specify one of the following values:


Value                           Description

ctime                           Displays timestamps as Wed Dec 31 18:17:54.811.

iso8601-utc                Displays timestamps in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the ISO-8601 format. For example, for New York at the start of the Epoch: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

iso8601-local             Displays timestamps in local time in the ISO-8601 format. For example, for New York at the start of the Epoch: 1969-12-31T19:00:00.000-0500


systemLog.component Options




         verbosity: <int>


         verbosity: <int>


      # COMMENT some component verbosity settings omitted for brevity



         verbosity: <int>


            verbosity: <int>


         verbosity: <int>



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to access control. See ACCESS components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to commands. See COMMAND components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to control operations. See CONTROL components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.2 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to diagnostic data collection operations. See FTDC components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to geospatial parsing operations. See GEO components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to indexing operations. See INDEX components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.

Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to networking operations. See NETWORK components.


The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:

0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to query operations. See QUERY components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to replication. See REPL components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to sharding. See SHARDING components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.

Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to storage. See STORAGE components.

If is unset, level also applies to journaling components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:

0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.

Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to journaling. See JOURNAL components.

If is unset, the journaling components have the same verbosity level as the parent storage components: i.e. either the level if set or the default verbosity level.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:

0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.



Type: integer

Default: 0

3.0 新版功能.

The log message verbosity level for components related to write operations. See WRITE components.

The verbosity level can range from 0 to 5:


0 is the MongoDB’s default log verbosity level, to include Informational messages.

1 to 5 increases the verbosity level to include Debug messages.


processManagement Options


   fork: <boolean>

   pidFilePath: <string>



Type: boolean

Default: False


Enable a daemon mode that runs the mongos or mongod process in the background. By default mongos or mongod does not run as a daemon: typically you will run mongos or mongod as a daemon, either by using processManagement.fork or by using a controlling process that handles the daemonization process (e.g. as with upstart and systemd).



The Linux package init scripts do not expect processManagement.fork to change from the defaults. If you use the Linux packages and change processManagement.fork, you will have to use your own init scripts and disable the built-in scripts.



Type: string

Specifies a file location to hold the process ID of the mongos or mongod process where mongos or mongod will write its PID. This is useful for tracking the mongos or mongod process in combination with the --fork option. Without a specified processManagement.pidFilePath option, the process creates no PID file.



net Options


   port: <int>

   bindIp: <string>

   bindIpAll: <boolean>

   maxIncomingConnections: <int>

   wireObjectCheck: <boolean>

   ipv6: <boolean>


      enabled: <boolean>

      pathPrefix: <string>

      filePermissions: <int>


      sslOnNormalPorts: <boolean>  # deprecated since 2.6

      certificateSelector: <string>

      clusterCertificateSelector: <string>

      mode: <string>

      PEMKeyFile: <string>

      PEMKeyPassword: <string>

      clusterFile: <string>

      clusterPassword: <string>

      CAFile: <string>

      clusterCAFile: <string>

      CRLFile: <string>

      allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: <boolean>

      allowInvalidCertificates: <boolean>

      allowInvalidHostnames: <boolean>

      disabledProtocols: <string>

      FIPSMode: <boolean>


      compressors: <string>

   serviceExecutor: <string>


Type: integer

Default: 27017

The TCP port on which the MongoDB instance listens for client connections.



Type: string

Default: localhost


Starting in MongoDB 3.6, mongos and mongod bind to localhost by default. See Default Bind to Localhost.

MongoDB 3.6开始,mongosmongod默认绑定到localhost






When possible, use a logical DNS hostname instead of an ip address, particularly when configuring replica set members or sharded cluster members. The use of logical DNS hostnames avoids configuration changes due to ip address changes.



To bind to all IPv4 addresses, enter


To bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, enter ::, or alternatively, use the net.bindIpAll setting.



Type: boolean

Default: False

New in version 3.6.


If true, the mongos and mongod instance binds to all ip addresses. When attaching mongos and mongod to a publicly accessible interface, ensure that you have implemented proper authentication and firewall restrictions to protect the integrity of your database.



Alternatively, set the net.bindIp setting to ::, to bind to all IP addresses.



net.bindIp and net.bindIpAll are mutually exclusive. That is, you can specify one or the other, but not both.




Type: integer

Default: 65536

The maximum number of simultaneous connections that mongos or mongod will accept. This setting has no effect if it is higher than your operating system’s configured maximum connection tracking threshold.



Do not assign too low of a value to this option, or you will encounter errors during normal application operation.


This is particularly useful for a mongos if you have a client that creates multiple connections and allows them to timeout rather than closing them.


In this case, set maxIncomingConnections to a value slightly higher than the maximum number of connections that the client creates, or the maximum size of the connection pool.


This setting prevents the mongos from causing connection spikes on the individual shards. Spikes like these may disrupt the operation and memory allocation of the sharded cluster.




Type: boolean

Default: True

When true, the mongod or mongos instance validates all requests from clients upon receipt to prevent clients from inserting malformed or invalid BSON into a MongoDB database.




Type: boolean

Default: False

Removed in version 3.0.

Enables or disables IPv6 support. mongos or mongod disables IPv6 support by default.


net.unixDomainSocket Options



      enabled: <boolean>

      pathPrefix: <string>

      filePermissions: <int>


Type: boolean

Default: True

Enable or disable listening on the UNIX domain socket. net.unixDomainSocket.enabled applies only to Unix-based systems.



When net.unixDomainSocket.enabled is true, mongos or mongod listens on the UNIX socket.


The mongos or mongod process always listens on the UNIX socket unless one of the following is true:


  1. net.unixDomainSocket.enabled is false
  2. --nounixsocket is set. The command line option takes precedence over the configuration file setting.
  3. net.bindIp is not set
  4. net.bindIp does not specify localhost


2.6 新版功能: mongos or mongod installed from official .deb and .rpm packages have the bind_ip configuration set to by default.



Type: string

Default: /tmp

The path for the UNIX socket. net.unixDomainSocket.pathPrefix applies only to Unix-based systems.



If this option has no value, the mongos or mongod process creates a socket with /tmp as a prefix. MongoDB creates and listens on a UNIX socket unless one of the following is true:

如果此选项没有值,则mongosmongod进程会创建一个以/ tmp作为前缀的套接字。 MongoDBUNIX套接字上创建和侦听,除非满足以下条件之一

  1. net.unixDomainSocket.enabled is false
  2. --nounixsocket is set. 
  3. net.bindIp is not set
  4. net.bindIp does not specify localhost



Type: int

Default: 0700

Sets the permission for the UNIX domain socket file.



net.http Options



      enabled: <boolean>

      JSONPEnabled: <boolean>

      RESTInterfaceEnabled: <boolean>


Ensure that the HTTP status interface, the REST API, and the JSON API are all disabled in production environments to prevent potential data exposure and vulnerability to attackers.

确保在生产环境中禁用HTTP状态界面,REST APIJSON API,以防止潜在的数据暴露和攻击者的漏洞。


net.http Options

Changed in version 3.6: MongoDB 3.6 removes the deprecated net.http options. The options have been deprecated since version 3.2.

在版本3.6中更改:MongoDB 3.6删除了已弃用的net.http选项。自3.2版以来,这些选项已被弃用。

net.ssl Options



      sslOnNormalPorts: <boolean>  # deprecated since 2.6

      mode: <string>

      PEMKeyFile: <string>

      PEMKeyPassword: <string>

      certificateSelector: <string>

      clusterCertificateSelector: <string>

      clusterFile: <string>

      clusterPassword: <string>

      CAFile: <string>

      clusterCAFile: <string>

      CRLFile: <string>

      allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: <boolean>

      allowInvalidCertificates: <boolean>

      allowInvalidHostnames: <boolean>

      disabledProtocols: <string>

      FIPSMode: <boolean>


Type: boolean


Deprecated since version 2.6: Use net.ssl.mode: requireSSL instead.


Enable or disable TLS/SSL for mongos or mongod.


With net.ssl.sslOnNormalPorts, a mongos or mongod requires TLS/SSL encryption for all connections on the default MongoDB port, or the port specified by net.port. By default, net.ssl.sslOnNormalPorts is disabled.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


New in version 2.6.


Enable or disable TLS/SSL or mixed TLS/SSL used for all network connections. The argument to the net.ssl.mode setting can be one of the following:


Value        Description

disabled   The server does not use TLS/SSL.

allowSSL   Connections between servers do not use TLS/SSL. For incoming connections, the server accepts both TLS/SSL and non-TLS/non-SSL.

preferSSL Connections between servers use TLS/SSL. For incoming connections, the server accepts both TLS/SSL and non-TLS/non-SSL.

requireSSL        The server uses and accepts only TLS/SSL encrypted connections.

Starting in version 3.4, if --sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile is not specified and you are not using x.509 authentication, the system-wide CA certificate store will be used when connecting to an TLS/SSL-enabled server.


If using x.509 authentication, --sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using --sslCertificateSelector.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string




Starting in 4.0, on macOS or Windows, you can use a certificate from the operating system’s secure store instead of a PEM key file. See net.ssl.certificateSelector.


The .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificate and key.


On Linux/BSD, you must specify net.ssl.PEMKeyFile when TLS/SSL is enabled.

On Windows or macOS, you must specify either net.ssl.PEMKeyFile or net.ssl.certificateSelector when TLS/SSL is enabled.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


The password to de-crypt the certificate-key file (i.e. PEMKeyFile). Use the net.ssl.PEMKeyPassword option only if the certificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongos or mongod will redact the password from all logging and reporting output.


Starting in MongoDB 4.0:


On Linux/BSD, if the private key in the PEM file is encrypted and you do not specify the net.ssl.PEMKeyPassword option, MongoDB will prompt for a passphrase. See TLS/SSL Certificate Passphrase.

On macOS or Windows, if the private key in the PEM file is encrypted, you must explicitly specify the net.ssl.PEMKeyPassword option. Alternatively, you can use a certificate from the secure system store (see net.ssl.certificateSelector) instead of a PEM key file or use an unencrypted PEM file.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


New in version 4.0: Available on Windows and macOS as an alternative to net.ssl.PEMKeyFile.


net.ssl.PEMKeyFile and net.ssl.certificateSelector options are mutually exclusive. You can only specify one.


Specifies a certificate property in order to select a matching certificate from the operating system’s certificate store.


net.ssl.certificateSelector accepts an argument of the format <property>=<value> where the property can be one of the following:


Property  Value type        Description

subject     ASCII string      Subject name or common name on certificate

thumbprint       hex string

A sequence of bytes, expressed as hexadecimal, used to identify a public key by its SHA-1 digest.


The thumbprint is sometimes referred to as a fingerprint.



Type: string


New in version 4.0: Available on Windows and macOS as an alternative to net.ssl.clusterFile.


net.ssl.clusterFile and net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector options are mutually exclusive. You can only specify one.


Specifies a certificate property in order to select a matching certificate from the operating system’s certificate store to use for internal authentication.


net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector accepts an argument of the format <property>=<value> where the property can be one of the following:


Property  Value type        Description

subject     ASCII string      Subject name or common name on certificate

thumbprint       hex string

A sequence of bytes, expressed as hexadecimal, used to identify a public key by its SHA-1 digest.


The thumbprint is sometimes referred to as a fingerprint.



Type: string




Starting in 4.0, on macOS or Windows, you can use a certificate from the operating system’s secure store instead of a PEM key file. See net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector.


The .pem file that contains the x.509 certificate-key file for membership authentication for the cluster or replica set.


If net.ssl.clusterFile does not specify the .pem file for internal cluster authentication or the alternative net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector, the cluster uses the .pem file specified in the PEMKeyFile setting or the certificate returned by the net.ssl.certificateSelector.


If using x.509 authentication, --sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using --sslCertificateSelector.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


New in version 2.6.


The password to de-crypt the x.509 certificate-key file specified with --sslClusterFile. Use the net.ssl.clusterPassword option only if the certificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongos or mongod will redact the password from all logging and reporting output.


Starting in MongoDB 4.0:


On Linux/BSD, if the private key in the x.509 file is encrypted and you do not specify the net.ssl.clusterPassword option, MongoDB will prompt for a passphrase. See TLS/SSL Certificate Passphrase.

On macOS or Windows, if the private key in the x.509 file is encrypted, you must explicitly specify the net.ssl.clusterPassword option. Alternatively, you can either use a certificate from the secure system store (see net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector) instead of a cluster PEM file or use an unencrypted PEM file.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


The .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.


Starting in 4.0, on macOS or Windows, you can use a certificate from the operating system’s secure store instead of a PEM key file. See net.ssl.certificateSelector. When using the secure store, you do not need to, but can, also specify the net.ssl.CAFile.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


New in version 4.0.3.


The .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority used to validate the certificate presented by a client establishing a connection. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.


If net.ssl.clusterCAFile does not specify the .pem file for validating the certificate from a client establishing a connection, the cluster uses the .pem file specified in the net.ssl.CAFile option.


net.ssl.clusterCAFile lets you use separate Certificate Authorities to verify the client to server and server to client portions of the TLS handshake.


Starting in 4.0, on macOS or Windows, you can use a certificate from the operating system’s secure store instead of a PEM key file. See net.ssl.clusterCertificateSelector. When using the secure store, you do not need to, but can, also specify the net.ssl.clusterCAFile.


Requires that net.ssl.CAFile is set.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


The the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.




Starting in MongoDB 4.0, you cannot specify net.ssl.CRLFile on macOS. Use net.ssl.certificateSelector instead.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: boolean


For clients that do not present certificates, mongos or mongod bypasses TLS/SSL certificate validation when establishing the connection.


For clients that present a certificate, however, mongos or mongod performs certificate validation using the root certificate chain specified by CAFile and reject clients with invalid certificates.


Use the net.ssl.allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates option if you have a mixed deployment that includes clients that do not or cannot present certificates to the mongos or mongod.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: boolean


Enable or disable the validation checks for TLS/SSL certificates on other servers in the cluster and allows the use of invalid certificates to connect.




Starting in MongoDB 4.0, if you specify --sslAllowInvalidCertificates or ssl.allowInvalidCertificates: true when using x.509 authentication, an invalid certificate is only sufficient to establish a TLS/SSL connection but is insufficient for authentication.


When using the net.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates setting, MongoDB logs a warning regarding the use of the invalid certificate.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: boolean


Default: False


New in version 3.0.


When net.ssl.allowInvalidHostnames is true, MongoDB disables the validation of the hostnames in TLS/SSL certificates, allowing mongod to connect to MongoDB instances if the hostname their certificates do not match the specified hostname.


For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .



Type: string


New in version 3.0.7.


Prevents a MongoDB server running with TLS/SSL from accepting incoming connections that use a specific protocol or protocols. To specify multiple protocols, use a comma separated list of protocols.


net.ssl.disabledProtocols recognizes the following protocols: TLS1_0, TLS1_1, TLS1_2, and starting in version 4.0.4 (and 3.6.9), TLS1_3.


On macOS, you cannot disable TLS1_1 and leave both TLS1_0 and TLS1_2 enabled. You must disable at least one of the other two, for example, TLS1_0,TLS1_1.

To list multiple protocols, specify as a comma separated list of protocols. For example TLS1_0,TLS1_1.

Specifying an unrecognized protocol will prevent the server from starting.

The specified disabled protocols overrides any default disabled protocols.

Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB disables the use of TLS 1.0 if TLS 1.1+ is available on the system. To enable the disabled TLS 1.0, specify none to net.ssl.disabledProtocols. See Disable TLS 1.0.


Members of replica sets and sharded clusters must speak at least one protocol in common.




Disallow Protocols



Type: boolean


Enable or disable the use of the FIPS mode of the TLS/SSL library for the mongos or mongod. Your system must have a FIPS compliant library to use the net.ssl.FIPSMode option.




FIPS-compatible TLS/SSL is available only in MongoDB Enterprise. See Configure MongoDB for FIPS for more information.


net.compression Option



      compressors: <string>


Type: <string>

New in version 3.4.

Changed in version 3.6:

Add support for zlib compressor.


Enabled by default. To disable, set to disabled.



Enables network compression for communication between this mongod or mongos instance and:

  1. other members in the deployment, if a member of a replica set or a sharded cluster
  2. a mongo shell
  3. drivers that support the OP_COMPRESSED message format.



Messages are compressed when both parties enable network compression. Otherwise, messages between the parties are uncompressed.



You can specify the following compressors:

  1. snappy (Default)
  2. zlib


If you specify multiple compressors, then the order in which you list the compressors matter as well as the communication initiator. For example, if a mongo shell specifies the following network compressors zlib,snappy and the mongod specifies snappy,zlib, messages between mongo shell and mongod uses zlib.

如果指定多个压缩器,则列出压缩器的顺序以及通信发起者有关。例如,如果mongo shell指定以下网络压缩器zlibsnappymongod指定snappyzlibmongo shellmongod之间的消息使用zlib


If the parties do not share at least one common compressor, messages between the parties are uncompressed. For example, if a mongo shell specifies the network compressor zlib and mongod specifies snappy, messages between mongo shell and mongod are not compressed.




Type: string

Default: synchronous

New in version 3.6.


Determines the threading and execution model mongos or mongod uses to execute client requests. The --serviceExecutor option accepts one of the following values:

确定mongosmongod用于执行客户端请求的线程和执行模型。 --serviceExecutor选项接受以下值之一:


Value                                    Description

synchronous                       The mongos or mongod uses synchronous networking and manages its networking thread pool on a per connection basis. Previous versions of MongoDB managed threads in this way.



adaptive                              The mongos or mongod uses the new experimental asynchronous networking mode with an adaptive thread pool which manages threads on a per request basis. This mode should have more consistent performance and use less resources when there are more inactive connections than database requests.




security Options


   keyFile: <string>

   clusterAuthMode: <string>

   authorization: <string>

   transitionToAuth: <boolean>

   javascriptEnabled:  <boolean>

   redactClientLogData: <boolean>


      hostName: <string>

      serviceName: <string>

      saslauthdSocketPath: <string>

   enableEncryption: <boolean>

   encryptionCipherMode: <string>

   encryptionKeyFile: <string>


      keyIdentifier: <string>

      rotateMasterKey: <boolean>

      serverName: <string>

      port: <string>

      clientCertificateFile: <string>

      clientCertificatePassword: <string>

      clientCertificateSelector: <string>

      serverCAFile: <string>


      servers: <string>


         method: <string>

         saslMechanisms: <string>

         queryUser: <string>

         queryPassword: <string>

         useOSDefaults: <boolean>

      transportSecurity: <string>

      timeoutMS: <int>

      userToDNMapping: <string>


         queryTemplate: <string>


setParameter Option

Set MongoDB parameter or parameters described in MongoDB Server Parameters


To set parameters in the YAML configuration file, use the following format:


   <parameter1>: <value1>

   <parameter2>: <value2>


storage Options


   dbPath: <string>

   indexBuildRetry: <boolean>

   repairPath: <string>


      enabled: <boolean>

      commitIntervalMs: <num>

   directoryPerDB: <boolean>

   syncPeriodSecs: <int>

   engine: <string>


      preallocDataFiles: <boolean>

      nsSize: <int>


         enforced: <boolean>

         maxFilesPerDB: <int>

      smallFiles: <boolean>


         debugFlags: <int>

         commitIntervalMs: <num>



         cacheSizeGB: <number>

         journalCompressor: <string>

         directoryForIndexes: <boolean>


         blockCompressor: <string>


         prefixCompression: <boolean>



         inMemorySizeGB: <number>



Type: string

Default: /data/db on Linux and macOS, \data\db on Windows

The directory where the mongod instance stores its data.




Type: boolean

Default: True

Specifies whether mongod rebuilds incomplete indexes on the next start up. This applies in cases where mongod restarts after it has shut down or stopped in the middle of an index build. In such cases, mongod always removes any incomplete indexes, and then, by default, attempts to rebuild them. To stop mongod from rebuilding indexes, set this option to false.



Changed in version 4.0: The setting storage.indexBuildRetry cannot be used in conjunction with replication.replSetName.


The storage.indexBuildRetry setting is available only for mongod.


Not available for mongod instances that use the in-memory storage engine.




Type: string

Default: A _tmp_repairDatabase_<num> directory under the dbPath.

Only available for the MMAPv1 storage engine.



The working directory that MongoDB will use during the --repair operation. When --repair completes, the storage.repairPath directory is empty, and dbPath contains the repaired files.

The storage.repairPath setting is available only for mongod.



Type: boolean

Default: true on 64-bit systems, false on 32-bit systems


Enable or disable the durability journal to ensure data files remain valid and recoverable. This option applies only when you specify the storage.dbPath setting. mongod enables journaling by default.

启用或禁用持久性日志以确保数据文件保持有效和可恢复。仅当您指定storage.dbPath设置时,此选项才适用。 mongod默认启用日记功能。


Not available for mongod instances that use the in-memory storage engine.



Starting in MongoDB 4.0, you cannot specify --nojournal option or storage.journal.enabled: false for replica set members that use the WiredTiger storage engine.

MongoDB 4.0开始,您不能为使用WiredTiger存储引擎的副本集成员指定--nojournal选项或storage.journal.enabledfalse




Type: number

Default: 100 or 30

New in version 3.2.

The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the mongod process allows between journal operations. Values can range from 1 to 500 milliseconds. Lower values increase the durability of the journal, at the expense of disk performance. The default journal commit interval is 100 milliseconds.



On WiredTiger, the default journal commit interval is 100 milliseconds. Additionally, a write with j:true will cause an immediate sync of the journal.



Not available for mongod instances that use the in-memory storage engine.




Type: boolean

Default: False

When true, MongoDB uses a separate directory to store data for each database. The directories are under the storage.dbPath directory, and each subdirectory name corresponds to the database name.



Changed in version 3.0: To change the storage.directoryPerDB option for existing deployments, you must restart the mongod instances with the new storage.directoryPerDB value and a new data directory (storage.dbPath value), and then repopulate the data.



  1. For standalone instances, you can use mongodump on the existing instance, stop the instance, restart with the new storage.directoryPerDB value and a new data directory, and use mongorestore to populate the new data directory.



  1. For replica sets, you can update in a rolling manner by stopping a secondary member, restart with the new storage.directoryPerDB value and a new data directory, and use initial sync to populate the new data directory. To update all members, start with the secondary members first. Then step down the primary, and update the stepped-down member.



Not available for mongod instances that use the in-memory storage engine.



Type: number

Default: 60

The amount of time that can pass before MongoDB flushes data to the data files via an fsync operation.



Do not set this value on production systems. In almost every situation, you should use the default setting.




If you set storage.syncPeriodSecs to 0, MongoDB will not sync the memory mapped files to disk.



The mongod process writes data very quickly to the journal and lazily to the data files. storage.syncPeriodSecs has no effect on the journal files or journaling, but if storage.syncPeriodSecs is set to 0 the journal will eventually consume all available disk space. If you set storage.syncPeriodSecs to 0 for testing purposes, you should also set --nojournal to true.

mongod进程非常快速地将数据写入日志,并且懒洋洋地将数据写入数据文件。 storage.syncPeriodSecs对日志文件或日记功能没有影响,但如果storage.syncPeriodSecs设置为0,则日志将最终消耗所有可用磁盘空间。如果将storage.syncPeriodSecs设置为0以进行测试,则还应将--nojournal设置为true


The serverStatus command reports the background flush thread’s status via the backgroundFlushing field.


Not available for mongod instances that use the in-memory storage engine.



Default: wiredTiger

Changed in version 4.0: MongoDB deprecates the MMAPv1 storage engine.


The storage engine for the mongod database. Available values include:


Value                                                                         Description

wiredTiger                                                                To specify the WiredTiger Storage Engine.

inMemory                                                                 To specify the In-Memory Storage Engine.    

New in version 3.2: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

mmapv1 (Deprecated in MongoDB 4.0)    To specify the MMAPv1 Storage Engine.

storage.mmapv1 Options


MongoDB 4.0 deprecates the MMAPv1 Storage Engine and will remove MMAPv1 in a future release. To change your MMAPv1 storage engine deployment to WiredTiger Storage Engine, see:

storage.wiredTiger Options




         cacheSizeGB: <number>

         journalCompressor: <string>

         directoryForIndexes: <boolean>


         blockCompressor: <string>


         prefixCompression: <boolean>



Type: float

The maximum size of the internal cache that WiredTiger will use for all data.


Changed in version 3.4: Values can range from 256MB to 10TB and can be a float. In addition, the default value has also changed.


Starting in 3.4, the WiredTiger internal cache, by default, will use the larger of either:


    1. 50% of (RAM - 1 GB), or
    2. 256 MB.

For example, on a system with a total of 4GB of RAM the WiredTiger cache will use 1.5GB of RAM (0.5 * (4 GB - 1 GB) = 1.5 GB). Conversely, a system with a total of 1.25 GB of RAM will allocate 256 MB to the WiredTiger cache because that is more than half of the total RAM minus one gigabyte (0.5 * (1.25 GB - 1 GB) = 128 MB < 256 MB).

例如,在总共4GB RAM的系统上,WiredTiger缓存将使用1.5GBRAM0.5 *4 GB - 1 GB= 1.5 GB)。相反,一个总共1.25 GB RAM的系统将为WiredTiger缓存分配256 MB,因为这超过总RAM的一半减去1 GB0.5 *1.25 GB - 1 GB= 128 MB <256 MB


Avoid increasing the WiredTiger internal cache size above its default value.

With WiredTiger, MongoDB utilizes both the WiredTiger internal cache and the filesystem cache.

Via the filesystem cache, MongoDB automatically uses all free memory that is not used by the WiredTiger cache or by other processes.





The storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB limits the size of the WiredTiger internal cache. The operating system will use the available free memory for filesystem cache, which allows the compressed MongoDB data files to stay in memory. In addition, the operating system will use any free RAM to buffer file system blocks and file system cache.


To accommodate the additional consumers of RAM, you may have to decrease WiredTiger internal cache size.



The default WiredTiger internal cache size value assumes that there is a single mongod instance per machine. If a single machine contains multiple MongoDB instances, then you should decrease the setting to accommodate the other mongod instances.



If you run mongod in a container (e.g. lxc, cgroups, Docker, etc.) that does not have access to all of the RAM available in a system, you must set storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB to a value less than the amount of RAM available in the container. The exact amount depends on the other processes running in the container.



Default: snappy

New in version 3.0.0.

The type of compression to use to compress WiredTiger journal data.


Available compressors are:


    1. none
    2. snappy
    3. zlib



Type: boolean

Default: false

New in version 3.0.0.

When storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.directoryForIndexes is true, mongod stores indexes and collections in separate subdirectories under the data (i.e. storage.dbPath) directory. Specifically, mongod stores the indexes in a subdirectory named index and the collection data in a subdirectory named collection.



By using a symbolic link, you can specify a different location for the indexes. Specifically, when mongod instance is not running, move the index subdirectory to the destination and create a symbolic link named index under the data directory to the new destination.




Default: snappy

New in version 3.0.0.


The default type of compression to use to compress collection data. You can override this on a per-collection basis when creating collections.



Available compressors are:

    1. none
    2. snappy
    3. zlib


storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor affects all collections created. If you change the value of storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor on an existing MongoDB deployment, all new collections will use the specified compressor. Existing collections will continue to use the compressor specified when they were created, or the default compressor at that time.

storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor 会影响所有创建的集合。如果在现有MongoDB部署中更改storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor的值,则所有新集合都将使用指定的压缩器。现有集合将继续使用创建时指定的压缩器,或当时的默认压缩器。



Default: true

New in version 3.0.0.

Enables or disables prefix compression for index data.



The storage.wiredTiger.indexConfig.prefixCompression setting affects all indexes created. If you change the value of storage.wiredTiger.indexConfig.prefixCompression on an existing MongoDB deployment, all new indexes will use prefix compression. Existing indexes are not affected.



storage.inmemory Options




         inMemorySizeGB: <number>


Type: float

Default: 50% of physical RAM less 1 GB


Changed in version 3.4: Values can range from 256MB to 10TB and can be a float.


Maximum amount of memory to allocate for in-memory storage engine data, including indexes, oplog if the mongod is part of replica set, replica set or sharded cluster metadata, etc.


By default, the in-memory storage engine uses 50% of physical RAM minus 1 GB.

默认情况下,内存存储引擎使用50%的物理RAM减去1 GB



Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.



operationProfiling Options


   mode: <string>

   slowOpThresholdMs: <int>

   slowOpSampleRate: <double>


Type: string

Default: off

Specifies which operations should be profiled. The following profiler levels are available:


Level                                     Description

off                                         The profiler is off and does not collect any data. This is the default profiler level. 不收集

slowOp                                 The profiler collects data for operations that take longer than the value of slowms.收集慢查询

all                                          The profiler collects data for all operations. 收集所有操作



Profiling can impact performance and shares settings with the system log. Carefully consider any performance and security implications before configuring and enabling the profiler on a production deployment.




Type: integer

Default: 100


The slow operation time threshold, in milliseconds. Operations that run for longer than this threshold are considered slow.



When logLevel is set to 0, MongoDB records slow operations to the diagnostic log at a rate determined by slowOpSampleRate. At higher logLevel settings, all operations appear in the diagnostic log regardless of their latency.



Changed in version 4.0: The slowOpThresholdMs setting is available for mongod and mongos. In earlier versions, slowOpThresholdMs is available for mongod only.


For mongod instances, the setting affects both the diagnostic log and, if enabled, the profiler.

For mongos instances, the setting affects the diagnostic log only and not the profiler since profiling is not available on mongos.



Type: double

Default: 1.0


The fraction of slow operations that should be profiled or logged. operationProfiling.slowOpSampleRate accepts values between 0 and 1, inclusive.



Changed in version 4.0: The slowOpSampleRate setting is available for mongod and mongos. In earlier versions, slowOpSampleRate is available for mongod only.


For mongod instances, the setting affects both the diagnostic log and, if enabled, the profiler.

For mongos instances, the setting affects the diagnostic log only and not the profiler since profiling is not available on mongos.


replication Options


   oplogSizeMB: <int>

   replSetName: <string>

   secondaryIndexPrefetch: <string>

   enableMajorityReadConcern: <boolean>



Type: integer

The maximum size in megabytes for the replication operation log (i.e., the oplog).




Starting in MongoDB 4.0, the oplog can grow past its configured size limit to avoid deleting the majority commit point.

MongoDB 4.0开始,oplog可以超过其配置的大小限制,以避免删除多数提交点


By default, the mongod process creates an oplog based on the maximum amount of space available. For 64-bit systems, the oplog is typically 5% of available disk space.



Once the mongod has created the oplog for the first time, changing the replication.oplogSizeMB option will not affect the size of the oplog.


To change the oplog size of a running replica set member, use the replSetResizeOplog administrative command. replSetResizeOplog enables you to resize the oplog dynamically without restarting the mongod process.
要更改正在运行的副本集成员的oplog大小,请使用replSetResizeOplog管理命令。 replSetResizeOplog使您可以动态调整oplog的大小,而无需重新启动mongod进程。

See Oplog Size for more information.



Type: string

The name of the replica set that the mongod is part of. All hosts in the replica set must have the same set name.



Starting in MongoDB 4.0:

The setting replication.replSetName cannot be used in conjunction with storage.indexBuildRetry.



For the WiredTiger storage engine, storage.journal.enabled: false cannot be used in conjunction with replication.replSetName.




Type: string

Default: all



replication.secondaryIndexPrefetch is only available with the mmapv1 storage engine.




Default: True

Starting in MongoDB 3.6, MongoDB enables support for "majority" read concern by default.


For MongoDB 4.0.3+ and 3.6.1+, you can disable read concern "majority" to prevent the storage cache pressure from immobilizing a deployment with a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture. For more information about disabling read concern "majority", see Disable Read Concern Majority.



In general, avoid disabling "majority" read concern unless necessary. However, if you have a three-member replica set with a primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture or a sharded cluster with a three-member PSA shards, disable to prevent the storage cache pressure from immobilizing the deployment.


Disabling "majority" read concern disables support for Change Streams.


Disabling "majority" does not affect multi-document transactions; i.e. you can specify read concern “majority” for multi-document transactions even if read concern “majority” is disabled.


replication.enableMajorityReadConcern has no effect for MongoDB versions: 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 3.6.0.


sharding Options


   clusterRole: <string>

   archiveMovedChunks: <boolean>



Type: string

The role that the mongod instance has in the sharded cluster. Set this setting to one of the following:


Value                                             Description

Configsvr                                       Start this instance as a config server. The instance starts on port 27019 by default.

Shardsvr                                        Start this instance as a shard. The instance starts on port 27018 by default.



Type: boolean

Changed in version 3.2: Starting in 3.2, MongoDB uses false as the default.


During chunk migration, a shard does not save documents migrated from the shard.


auditLog Options


   destination: <string>

   format: <string>

   path: <string>

   filter: <string>


Type: string

New in version 2.6.


When set, auditLog.destination enables auditing and specifies where mongos or mongod sends all audit events.



auditLog.destination can have one of the following values:

Value                          Description

syslog                          Output the audit events to syslog in JSON format. Not available on Windows. Audit messages have a syslog severity level of info and a facility level of user.


The syslog message limit can result in the truncation of audit messages. The auditing system will neither detect the truncation nor error upon its occurrence



console                        Output the audit events to stdout in JSON format.

File                               Output the audit events to the file specified in auditLog.path in the format specified inauditLog.format.

Available only in MongoDB Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas.




Type: string

New in version 2.6.


The format of the output file for auditing if destination is file. The auditLog.format option can have one of the following values:

Value        Description

JSON         Output the audit events in JSON format to the file specified in auditLog.path.

BSON        Output the audit events in BSON binary format to the file specified in auditLog.path.


Printing audit events to a file in JSON format degrades server performance more than printing to a file in BSON format.




Available only in MongoDB Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas.



Type: string

New in version 2.6.


The output file for auditing if destination has value of file. The auditLog.path option can take either a full path name or a relative path name.

如果destination具有file值,则用于审计的输出文件。 auditLog.path选项可以采用完整路径名或相对路径名。



Available only in MongoDB Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas.



Type: string representation of a document

New in version 2.6.


The filter to limit the types of operations the audit system records. The option takes a string representation of a query document of the form:


{ <field1>: <expression1>, ... }


The <field> can be any field in the audit message, including fields returned in the param document. The<expression> is a query condition expression.


To specify an audit filter, enclose the filter document in single quotes to pass the document as a string.



To specify the audit filter in a configuration file, you must use the YAML format of the configuration file.




Available only in MongoDB Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas.


snmp Options


   subagent: <boolean>

   master: <boolean>


mongos-only Options

Changed in version 3.4: MongoDB 3.4 removes sharding.chunkSize and sharding.autoSplit settings.


   localPingThresholdMs: <int>



   configDB: <string>


Type: integer

Default: 15

The ping time, in milliseconds, that mongos uses to determine which secondary replica set members to pass read operations from clients. The default value of 15 corresponds to the default value in all of the client drivers.



When mongos receives a request that permits reads to secondary members, the mongos will:

    1. Find the member of the set with the lowest ping time.
    2. Construct a list of replica set members that is within a ping time of 15 milliseconds of the nearest suitable member of the set.
    3. If you specify a value for the replication.localPingThresholdMs option, mongos will construct the list of replica members that are within the latency allowed by this value.
    4. Select a member to read from at random from this list.


       找出复制集中ping值最小的member。

       将延迟值被此值允许的members,构建一个列表

       从列表中随机选择一个member。


The ping time used for a member compared by the replication.localPingThresholdMs setting is a moving average of recent ping times, calculated at most every 10 seconds. As a result, some queries may reach members above the threshold until the mongos recalculates the average.


See the Read Preference for Replica Sets section of the read preference documentation for more information.


Type: string

Changed in version 3.2.


The configuration servers for the sharded cluster.



Starting in MongoDB 3.2, config servers for sharded clusters can be deployed as a replica set. The replica set config servers must run the WiredTiger storage engine. MongoDB 3.2 deprecates the use of three mirrored mongod instances for config servers.

从MongoDB 3.2开始,可以将分片群集的配置服务器部署为副本集。副本集配置服务器必须运行WiredTiger存储引擎。 MongoDB 3.2不赞成为配置服务器使用三个镜像mongod实例


Specify the config server replica set name and the hostname and port of at least one of the members of the config server replica set.


  configDB: <configReplSetName>/,,...


The mongos instances for the sharded cluster must specify the same config server replica set name but can specify hostname and port of different members of the replica set.




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