[Windows Azure] How to Configure Cloud Services

How to Configure Cloud Services

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You can configure the most commonly used settings for a cloud service in the Windows Azure Management Portal. Or, if you like to update your configuration files directly, download a service configuration file to update, and then upload the updated file and update the cloud service with the configuration changes. Either way, the configuration updates are pushed out to all role instances.

You can also enable a Remote Desktop connection to one or all roles running in your cloud service. Remote Desktop allows you to access the desktop of your application while it is running and troubleshoot and diagnose problems. You can enable a Remote Desktop connection to your role even if you did not configure the service definition file (.csdef) for Remote Desktop during application development. There is no need to redeploy your application in order to enable a Remote Desktop connection.

Windows Azure can only ensure 99.95 percent service availability during the configuration updates if you have at least two role instances (virtual machines) for every role. That enables one virtual machine to process client requests while the other is being updated. For more information, see Service Level Agreements.

Table of Contents

How to: Update the cloud service configuration

  1. In the Windows Azure Management Portal, click Cloud Services. Then click the name of the cloud service to open the dashboard.

  2. Click Configure.

    On the Configure page, you can configure monitoring, update role settings, and choose the guest operating system and family for role instances (virtual machines).

    Configuration Page

  3. In monitoring settings, set the monitoring level to Verbose or Minimal, and configure the diagnostics connection strings that are required for verbose monitoring. For instructions, see How to Monitor Cloud Services.

  4. For service roles (grouped by role), you can update the following settings:

    • Settings Modify the values of miscellaneous configuration settings that are specified in the ConfigurationSettings elements of the service configuration (.cscfg) file.

    • Certificates Change the certificate thumbprint that's being used in SSL encryption for a role. To change a certificate, you must first upload the new certificate (on the Certificates page). Then update the thumbprint in the certificate string displayed in the role settings.

  5. In operating system settings, you can change the operating system family or version for role instances (virtual machines), or choose Automatic to resume automatic updates of the current operating system version. The operating system settings apply to web roles and worker roles, but do not affect VM roles that were added to hosted services in the previous Windows Azure Management Portal.

    When you deploy a new cloud service, you can choose either the Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (SP2), or Windows Server 2012 operating system. During deployment, the most recent operating system version is installed on all role instances, and the operating systems are updated automatically by default.

    If you need for your cloud service to run on a different operating system version because of compatibility requirements in your code, you can choose an operating system family and version. When you choose a specific operating system version, automatic operating system updates for the cloud service are suspended. You will need to ensure the operating systems receive updates.

    If you resolve all compatibility issues that your apps have with the most recent operating system version, you can resume automatic operating system updates by setting the operating system version to Automatic.

    OS Settings

  6. To save your configuration settings, and push them to the role instances, click Save. (Click Discard to cancel the changes.) Save and Discard are added to the command bar after you change a setting.

To update a cloud service configuration file manually

  1. Download a cloud service configuration file (.cscfg) with the current configuration. On the Configure page for the cloud service, click Download. Then click Save, or click Save As to save the file.

  2. After you update the service configuration file, upload and apply the configuration updates:

    a. On the Configure page, click Upload.

    Upload a New Configuration File opens.

    Upload Configuration

    b. In Configuration file, use Browse to select the updated .cscfg file.

    c. If your cloud service contains any roles that have only one instance, select the Apply configuration even if one or more roles contain a single instance check box to enable the configuration updates for the roles to proceed.

    Unless you define at least two instances of every role, Windows Azure cannot guarantee at least 99.95 percent availability of your cloud service during service configuration updates. For more information, see Service Level Agreements.

    d. Click OK (checkmark).

How to: Configure remote access to role instances

Remote Desktop enables you to access the desktop of a role running in Windows Azure. You can use a Remote Desktop connection to troubleshoot and diagnose problems with your application while it is running. You can enable a Remote Desktop connection in your role during application design or after you have deployed the application to Windows Azure (while the role is running). Enabling a Remote Desktop connection in a running role through the Management Portal does not require you to redeploy your application. To authenticate the Remote Desktop connection you can use a previously uploaded certificate or you can create a new certificate.

On the Configure page for your cloud service, you can enable Remote Desktop or change the local Administrator account or password used to connect to the virtual machines, the certificate used in authentication, or the expiration date.

Note If your cloud service consists of two or more connected Windows Server-based virtual machines, you don’t have to configure remote access, as these virtual machines are configured automatically for Remote Desktop.

To configure Remote Access in the service definition file

Add Import elements to the service definition file (.csdef) to import the RemoteAccess and RemoteForwarder modules into the service model. When those modules are present, Windows Azure adds the configuration settings for Remote Desktop to the service configuration file. To complete the Remote Desktop configuration, you will need to import a certificate to Windows Azure, and specify the certificate in the service configuration file. For more information, see Set Up a Remote Desktop Connection for a Role in Windows Azure.

To enable or modify Remote Access for role instances in the Management Portal

  1. Log in to the Management Portal and click Cloud Services. Then click the name of the cloud service to open the dashboard.

  2. Open the Configure page for the cloud service, and click Remote.

    Configure Remote Desktop displays the settings (if any) that were added to the service configuration file when the cloud service was deployed, as shown below.

    Cloud services remote


All role instances will be restarted when you first enable Remote Desktop and click OK (checkmark). To prevent a reboot, the certificate used to encrypt the password must be installed on the role. If no certificate is installed you will see this option:

![Cloud services create certificate](../media/CloudServices_CreateNewCertDropDown.png)

To prevent a restart, install a certificate and then return to this dialog (see Using Remote Desktop with Windows Azure Roles for more information). If you choose an existing certificate, then a configuration update will be sent to all the instances in the role.

  1. In Roles, select the service role you want to update or select All for all roles.

  2. Make any of the following changes:

    • To enable Remote Desktop, select the Enable Remote Desktop check box. To disable Remote Desktop, clear the check box.

    • Create an account to use in Remote Desktop connections to the role instances.

    • Update the password for the existing account.

    • Select an uploaded certificate to use for authentication (upload the certificate using Upload on the Certificates page) or create a new certificate.

    • Change the expiration date for the Remote Desktop configuration.

  3. When you finish your configuration updates, click OK (checkmark).

  4. To connect to a role instance:

    a. Click Instances to open the Instances page.

    b. Select a role instance that has Remote Desktop configured.

    c. Click Connect, and follow the instructions to open the desktop of the virtual machine.

    d. Click Open and then Connect to start the Remote Desktop connection.

To disable Remote Access for role instances in the Management Portal

  1. Log in to the Management Portal and click Cloud Services. Then click the name of the cloud service to open the dashboard.

  2. Open the Configure page for the cloud service, and click Remote.

  3. In Roles, select the service role you want to update or select All for all roles.

  4. Un-check, or clear, the Enable Remote Desktop check box.

  5. Click OK (checkmark).


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本火锅店点餐系统采用Java语言和Vue技术,框架采用SSM,搭配Mysql数据库,运行在Idea里,采用小程序模式。本火锅店点餐系统提供管理员、用户两种角色的服务。总的功能包括菜品的查询、菜品的购买、餐桌预定和订单管理。本系统可以帮助管理员更新菜品信息和管理订单信息,帮助用户实现在线的点餐方式,并可以实现餐桌预定。本系统采用成熟技术开发可以完成点餐管理的相关工作。 本系统的功能围绕用户、管理员两种权限设计。根据不同权限的不同需求设计出更符合用户要求的功能。本系统中管理员主要负责审核管理用户,发布分享新的菜品,审核用户的订餐信息和餐桌预定信息等,用户可以对需要的菜品进行购买、预定餐桌等。用户可以管理个人资料、查询菜品、在线点餐和预定餐桌、管理订单等,用户的个人资料是由管理员添加用户资料时产生,用户的订单内容由用户在购买菜品时产生,用户预定信息由用户在预定餐桌操作时产生。 本系统的功能设计为管理员、用户两部分。管理员为菜品管理、菜品分类管理、用户管理、订单管理等,用户的功能为查询菜品,在线点餐、预定餐桌、管理个人信息等。 管理员负责用户信息的删除和管理,用户的姓名和手机号都可以由管理员在此功能里看到。管理员可以对菜品的信息进行管理、审核。本功能可以实现菜品的定时更新和审核管理。本功能包括查询餐桌,也可以发布新的餐桌信息。管理员可以查询已预定的餐桌,并进行审核。管理员可以管理公告和系统的轮播图,可以安排活动。管理员可以对个人的资料进行修改和管理,管理员还可以在本功能里修改密码。管理员可以查询用户的订单,并完成菜品的安排。 当用户登录进系统后可以修改自己的资料,可以使自己信息的保持正确性。还可以修改密码。用户可以浏览所有的菜品,可以查看详细的菜品内容,也可以进行菜品的点餐。在本功能里用户可以进行点餐。用户可以浏览没有预定出去的餐桌,选择合适的餐桌可以进行预定。用户可以管理购物车里的菜品。用户可以管理自己的订单,在订单管理界面里也可以进行查询操作。


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