*File system space management

(1) File systems expand upon notice, not automatically.

(2) To keep from running into problems:

  - Monitor file system growth

  - Determine causes

  - Control growing files

  - Manage file system space usage

  - Control user disk usage

  - Block size considerations

  - Fragmentation considerations


*Listing file system utilization

# df -g

Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4          74.00      5.33   93%   153333    11% /

/dev/hd2          10.00      6.56   35%    57099     4% /usr

/dev/hd9var       10.00      9.72    3%     4477     1% /var

/dev/hd3          10.00      6.35   37%     2509     1% /tmp

/dev/fwdump        1.00      1.00    1%       13     1% /var/adm/ras/platform

/dev/hd1          39.50     19.70   51%      278     1% /home

/dev/hd11admin      0.50      0.50    1%        5     1% /admin

/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc

/dev/hd10opt      10.00      8.86   12%    13436     1% /opt

/dev/livedump      0.50      0.50    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

/dev/fslv00      100.00     50.01   50%   234694     2% /ptc

/dev/fslv02       60.00     49.62   18%    51120     1% /oracle

/dev/fslv03       10.00      2.98   71%     2503     1% /ftp

x3550-PC:print     70.70     58.23   18%        0     0% /ptc/Windchill/temp/print

/dev/fslv01      300.00    277.70    8%    24176     1% /pdmdata

# df -k

Filesystem    1024-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4         77594624   5593508   93%   153333    11% /

/dev/hd2         10485760   6881712   35%    57099     4% /usr

/dev/hd9var      10485760  10193892    3%     4477     1% /var

/dev/hd3         10485760   6653388   37%     2509     1% /tmp

/dev/fwdump       1048576   1046916    1%       13     1% /var/adm/ras/platform

/dev/hd1         41418752  20656480   51%      278     1% /home

/dev/hd11admin      524288    523848    1%        5     1% /admin

/proc                   -         -    -         -     -  /proc

/dev/hd10opt     10485760   9293388   12%    13436     1% /opt

/dev/livedump      524288    523880    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

/dev/fslv00     104857600  52437892   50%   234694     2% /ptc

/dev/fslv02      62914560  52025260   18%    51120     1% /oracle

/dev/fslv03      10485760   3120960   71%     2503     1% /ftp

x3550-PC:print    74136572  61054548   18%        0     0% /ptc/Windchill/temp/print

/dev/fslv01     314572800 291192540    8%    24176     1% /pdmdata

# df -m

Filesystem    MB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4       75776.00   5462.41   93%   153333    11% /

/dev/hd2       10240.00   6720.42   35%    57099     4% /usr

/dev/hd9var    10240.00   9954.97    3%     4477     1% /var

/dev/hd3       10240.00   6497.45   37%     2509     1% /tmp

/dev/fwdump     1024.00   1022.38    1%       13     1% /var/adm/ras/platform

/dev/hd1       40448.00  20172.34   51%      278     1% /home

/dev/hd11admin    512.00    511.57    1%        5     1% /admin

/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc

/dev/hd10opt   10240.00   9075.57   12%    13436     1% /opt

/dev/livedump    512.00    511.60    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

/dev/fslv00   102400.00  51208.88   50%   234694     2% /ptc

/dev/fslv02    61440.00  50805.92   18%    51120     1% /oracle

/dev/fslv03    10240.00   3047.81   71%     2503     1% /ftp

x3550-PC:print  72399.00  59623.58   18%        0     0% /ptc/Windchill/temp/print

/dev/fslv01   307200.00 284367.71    8%    24176     1% /pdmdata

# df -i

Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4       155189248  11187016   93%   153333    11% /

/dev/hd2        20971520  13763424   35%    57099     4% /usr

/dev/hd9var     20971520  20387784    3%     4477     1% /var

/dev/hd3        20971520  13306776   37%     2509     1% /tmp

/dev/fwdump      2097152   2093832    1%       13     1% /var/adm/ras/platform

/dev/hd1        82837504  41312960   51%      278     1% /home

/dev/hd11admin    1048576   1047696    1%        5     1% /admin

/proc                  -         -    -         -     -  /proc

/dev/hd10opt    20971520  18586776   12%    13436     1% /opt

/dev/livedump    1048576   1047760    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

/dev/fslv00    209715200 104875736   50%   234694     2% /ptc

/dev/fslv02    125829120 104050520   18%    51120     1% /oracle

/dev/fslv03     20971520   6241920   71%     2503     1% /ftp

x3550-PC:print  148273144 122109096   18%        0     0% /ptc/Windchill/temp/print

/dev/fslv01    629145600 582385080    8%    24176     1% /pdmdata

# df -I

Filesystem    512-blocks      Used      Free %Used Mounted on

/dev/hd4       155189248 144002232  11187016   93% /

/dev/hd2        20971520   7208096  13763424   35% /usr

/dev/hd9var     20971520    583736  20387784    3% /var

/dev/hd3        20971520   7664744  13306776   37% /tmp

/dev/fwdump      2097152      3320   2093832    1% /var/adm/ras/platform

/dev/hd1        82837504  41524544  41312960   51% /home

/dev/hd11admin    1048576       880   1047696    1% /admin

/proc                  -         -         -    -  /proc

/dev/hd10opt    20971520   2384744  18586776   12% /opt

/dev/livedump    1048576       816   1047760    1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

/dev/fslv00    209715200 104839728 104875472   50% /ptc

/dev/fslv02    125829120  21778600 104050520   18% /oracle

/dev/fslv03     20971520  14729600   6241920   71% /ftp

x3550-PC:print  148273144  26164048 122109096   18% /ptc/Windchill/temp/print

/dev/fslv01    629145600  46760520 582385080    8% /pdmdata


*Monitoring file system growth

A simple script using the df command, which can be run at regular intervals to warn against file systems becoming full



df | egrep -v '(used|proc)' | awk '{print $4" "$7}' \

 | sed 's:%::g' | while read LINE


  PERC=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'`

  FILESYSTEM=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'`


  if [ $PERC -gt 70 ]


        mail -s "Filesystem check on box: `hostname`" \

                seven.hpf@hotmai.com <<EOF

        $FILESYSTEM is $PERC% full, please check





*Listing disk usage

du [-k] [-m] [-g] [-]

# du -sg .

0.00    .

# du newfile.sh

8       newfile.sh

# du -sm * | sort -rn

0.00    newfile.sh

# du -ax

560     ./Snap.20110927.135433.4259858.0003.trc

608     ./Snap.20111007.101649.4063266.0003.trc

560     ./Snap.20111007.164235.3866898.0003.trc

1104    ./Snap.20111011.163558.5832924.0008.trc

48      ./Snap.20111011.163558.5832924.0009.trc

48      ./Snap.20111011.163558.5832924.0010.trc

48      ./Snap.20111011.163558.5832924.0011.trc

768     ./Snap.20111011.170913.5767352.0003.trc

4694016 ./core.20111007.101649.4063266.0001.dmp

5093808 ./core.20111011.170913.5767352.0001.dmp

19296   ./heapdump.20110927.135433.4259858.0001.phd

19560   ./heapdump.20111007.164235.3866898.0001.phd

844264  ./heapdump.20111011.163558.5832924.0001.phd

844264  ./heapdump.20111011.163558.5832924.0002.phd

844256  ./heapdump.20111011.163558.5832924.0003.phd

844256  ./heapdump.20111011.163558.5832924.0004.phd

1440    ./javacore.20110927.135433.4259858.0002.txt

2352    ./javacore.20111007.101649.4063266.0002.txt

1416    ./javacore.20111007.164235.3866898.0002.txt

5016    ./javacore.20111011.163558.5832924.0005.txt

5016    ./javacore.20111011.163558.5832924.0006.txt

5008    ./javacore.20111011.163558.5832924.0007.txt

5008    ./javacore.20111011.163558.5832924.0012.txt

6416    ./javacore.20111011.170913.5767352.0002.txt

8       ./mvlogs.sh

8       ./start_DS.sh

8       ./start_all_root.sh

8       ./start_apache.sh

8       ./start_windchill.sh

8       ./stop_DS.sh

8       ./stop_all_root.sh

8       ./stop_apache.sh

8       ./stop_windchill.sh

13239216        .

# find / -size +1000000c


*Control growing files

(1) Growing files should be monitored and cleaned out periodically. Some of the files that grow are listed below:

-- /var/adm/wtmp

-- /etc/security/failedlogin

-- /var/adm/sulog           //can be edited directly


-- /var/spool/*/*

-- /var/tmp/*


-- $HOME/smit*

-- $HOME/websm*

(2) Two ways of overwriting a log file :

Example 1:

# cat test1

just a test!

# touch test2

# cat test2 > test1

# cat test1


Example 2:

# cat test3

just a test!

# > test3

# cat test3


(3) The /var/spool directory

The directory /var/spool contains cron entries, the mail, and other items that grow on an ongoing basis, along with printer files. If there is a problem with the printer files, you can try to clear the queuing subsystem by executing the following commands:

Stopsrc -s qdaemon

rm /var/spool/lpd/qdir/*

rm /var/spool/lpd/stat/*

rm /var/spool/qdaemon/*

startsrc -s qdaemon


*The skulker command

  - The skulker command cleans up file systems by removing unwanted or obsolete files.

  - Candidate files include:

     (1) Files older than a selected age

     (2) Files in the /tmp, /var/spool, /var/tmp, /var/news directories

     (3) a.out, *.bak, core, ed.hup files

  - skulker is normally invoked daily by the cron command as part of the crontab file of the root user. (Disabled by default)

  - Modify the skulker shell script to suit local needs for the removal of files. (Test carefully!!)


*Verify and repair a file system

(1) fsck command

-- Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system

-- If no file system name is specified, the fsck command checks all file systems which have the check=true attribute set in the /etc/filesystems.

-- Orphan files are placed in the lost+found directory.

(2) Unmount the file system before running fsck.

# fsck /data


*Documenting file system setup

-- Run the lsfs command.

-- Save the contents of the /etc/filesystems file.

-- Run the df command to check space allocation.

-- Check all the mounted file systems by running the mount command.