Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network
 Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have
 one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain
 (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces
 will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system.
 This results in unbalanced receive traffic.
 If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP
 filtering by entering:
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter
 (this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5),
 NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots. The configuration
 change can be made permanent by adding the line:
    net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1
 to the file /etc/sysctl.conf