

Pay Close Attention - String Handling

I need to make a detour for a few moments, and discuss how to handle strings in COM code. If you are familiar with how Unicode and ANSI strings work, and know how to convert between the two, then you can skip this section. Otherwise, read on.

Whenever a COM method returns a string, that string will be in Unicode. (Well, all methods that are written to the COM spec, that is!) Unicode is a character encoding scheme, like ASCII, only all characters are 2 bytes long. If you want to get the string into a more manageable state, you should convert it to a TCHAR string.

TCHAR and the _t functions (for example, _tcscpy()) are designed to let you handle Unicode and ANSI strings with the same source code. In most cases, you'll be writing code that uses ANSI strings and the ANSI Windows APIs, so for the rest of this article, I will refer to chars instead of TCHARs, just for simplicity. You should definitely read up on the TCHAR types, though, to be aware of them in case you ever come across them in code written by others.

When you get a Unicode string back from a COM method, you can convert it to a char string in one of several ways:

  1. Call the WideCharToMultiByte() API.
  2. Call the CRT function wcstombs().
  3. Use the CString constructor or assignment operator (MFC only).
  4. Use an ATL string conversion macro.


    You can convert a Unicode string to an ANSI string with the WideCharToMultiByte() API. This API's prototype is:

    int WideCharToMultiByte (

    UINT CodePage,

    DWORD dwFlags,

    LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,

    int cchWideChar,

    LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,

    int cbMultiByte,

    LPCSTR lpDefaultChar,

    LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar );

    The parameters are:


    The code page to convert the Unicode characters into. You can pass CP_ACP to use the current ANSI code page. Code pages are sets of 256 characters. Characters 0-127 are always identical to the ASCII encoding. Characters 128-255 differ, and can contain graphics or letters with diacritics. Each language or region has its own code page, so it's important to use the right code page to get proper display of accented characters.


    dwFlags determine how Windows deals with "composite" Unicode characters, which are a letter followed by a diacritic. An example of a composite character is è. If this character is in the code page specified in CodePage, then nothing special happens. However, if it is not in the code page, Windows has to convert it to something else.
    WC_COMPOSITECHECK makes the API check for non-mapping composite characters. PassingWC_SEPCHARS makes Windows break the character into two, the letter followed by the diacritic, for example e`. Passing WC_DISCARDNS makes Windows discard the diacritics. Passing WC_DEFAULTCHAR makes Windows replace the composite characters with a "default" character, specified in the lpDefaultChar parameter. The default behavior is WC_SEPCHARS.


    The Unicode string to convert.


    The length of lpWideCharStr in Unicode characters. You will usually pass -1, which indicates that the string is zero-terminated.


    char buffer that will hold the converted string.


    The size of lpMultiByteStr, in bytes.


    Optional - a one-character ANSI string that contains the "default" character to be inserted when dwFlagscontains WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_DEFAULTCHAR and a Unicode character cannot be mapped to an equivalent ANSI character. You can pass NULL to have the API use a system default character (which as of this writing is a question mark).


    Optional - a pointer to a BOOL that will be set to indicate if the default char was ever inserted into the ANSI string. You can pass NULL if you don't care about this information.

    Whew, a lot of boring details! Like always, the docs make it seem much more complicated than it really is. Here's an example showing how to use the API:

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    // Assuming we already have a Unicode string wszSomeString...

    char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];


    WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, // ANSI code page

    WC_COMPOSITECHECK, // Check for accented characters

    wszSomeString, // Source Unicode string

    -1, // -1 means string is zero-terminated

    szANSIString, // Destination char string

    sizeof(szANSIString), // Size of buffer

    NULL, // No default character

    NULL ); // Don't care about this flag

    After this call, szANSIString will contain the ANSI version of the Unicode string.


    The CRT function wcstombs() is a bit simpler, but it just ends up calling WideCharToMultiByte(), so in the end the results are the same. The prototype for wcstombs() is:

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    size_t wcstombs (

    char* mbstr,

    const wchar_t* wcstr,

    size_t count );

    The parameters are:


    char buffer to hold the resulting ANSI string.


    The Unicode string to convert.


    The size of the mbstr buffer, in bytes.

    wcstombs() uses the WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS flags in its call to WideCharToMultiByte(). To reuse the earlier example, you can convert a Unicode string with code like this:

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    wcstombs ( szANSIString, wszSomeString, sizeof(szANSIString) );


    The MFC CString class contains constructors and assignment operators that accept Unicode strings, so you can letCString do the conversion work for you. For example:

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    // Assuming we already have wszSomeString...


    CString str1 ( wszSomeString ); // Convert with a constructor.

    CString str2;


    str2 = wszSomeString; // Convert with an assignment operator.

    ATL macros

    ATL has a handy set of macros for converting strings. To convert a Unicode string to ANSI, use the W2A() macro (a mnemonic for "wide to ANSI"). Actually, to be more accurate, you should use OLE2A(), where the "OLE" indicates the string came from a COM or OLE source. Anyway, here's an example of how to use these macros.

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    #include <atlconv.h>


    // Again assuming we have wszSomeString...



    char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];

    USES_CONVERSION; // Declare local variable used by the macros.


    lstrcpy ( szANSIString, OLE2A(wszSomeString) );


    The OLE2A() macro "returns" a pointer to the converted string, but the converted string is stored in a temporary stack variable, so we need to make our own copy of it with lstrcpy(). Other macros you should look into areW2T() (Unicode to TCHAR), and W2CT() (Unicode string to const TCHAR string).

    There is an OLE2CA() macro (Unicode string to a const char string) which we could've used in the code snippet above. OLE2CA() is actually the correct macro for that situation, since the second parameter to lstrcpy() is aconst char*, but I didn't want to throw too much at you at once.

    Sticking with Unicode

    On the other hand, you can just keep the string in Unicode if you won't be doing anything complicated with the string. If you're writing a console app, you can print Unicode strings with the std::wcout global variable, for example:

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    wcout << wszSomeString;

    But keep in mind that wcout expects all strings to be in Unicode, so if you have any "normal" strings, you'll still need to output them with std::cout. If you have string literals, prefix them with L to make them Unicode, for example:

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    wcout << L"The Oracle says..." << endl << wszOracleResponse;

    If you keep a string in Unicode, there are a couple of restrictions:

  • You must use the wcsXXX() string functions, such as wcslen(), on Unicode strings.
  • With very few exceptions, you cannot pass a Unicode string to a Windows API on Windows 9x. To write code that will run on 9x and NT unchanged, you'll need to use the TCHAR types, as described in MSDN.




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