matlab hyperspectral,Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectral imaging is a discipline that uses specialized sensors to capture data at numerous narrow wavelengths simultaneously. Hyperspectral data is typically represented as an image cube in which each image represents one of the tens or hundreds of narrow wavelength ranges or spectral bands. Hyperspectral imaging enables measurement and analysis of the spectral characteristics of regions or objects, which are used in applications like agricultural crop health assessment, environmental degradation monitoring, and tissue pathology.

A set of hyperspectral images. Each image was captured at numerous narrow wavelength ranges.

Where Is Hyperspectral Imaging Used?

Hyperspectral imaging is used in applications like remote sensing, surveillance, machine vision, and medical imaging with the primary purpose of identifying materials and detecting objects, anomalies, and processes. For example, hyperspectral imaging in remote sensing involves detecting and identifying minerals, terrestrial vegetation, and man-made structures using satellite or aerial images.

Using satellite-based hyperspectral data to identify different terrestrial regions, based on their material type, using maximum abundance classification.

In medical imaging, hyperspectral imaging analysis of tissue surfaces can provide insightful diagnostic information for tissue pathology.

Hyperspectral images from The University of Nottingham, derived by shining light on the tissue surface and accurately measuring oxygen levels and generating oxygen saturation maps to facilitate the work of clinical researchers and doctors.

How Does Hyperspectral Image Processing Work?

Hyperspectral imaging begins with capturing a set of images using hyperspectral image sensors and  representing them as a three-dimensional hyperspectral data cube. This data cube can then be analyzed and processed using a variety of image processing algorithms, mainly for workflows involving classification, spectral matching, and unmixing.

A typical hyperspectral image processing workflow, which involves representing, analyzing, and interpreting information contained in the hyperspectral images.

For example, a common hyperspectral image processing technique, maximum abundance classification (MAC), is used to classify pixels in an image based on their spectral signatures, and associate them to an object or region class, also known as endmember class.

An abundance map generated using maximum abundance classification of a hyperspectral image with nine endmember classes: Asphalt, Meadows, Gravel, Trees, Painted metal sheets, Bare soil, Bitumen, Self-blocking bricks, and Shadows.

Another common task involves using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index or NDVI values of hyperspectral image of a vegetation region and applying a threshold on this value to measure the relative health of vegetation across this region. The higher the NDVI value, the healthier and denser the vegetation is in that region.

The (right-most) image with highest NDVI value has indicated regions with healthier and denser vegetation in green.

Hyperspectral Imaging with MATLAB

The Hyperspectral Imaging Library in MATLAB® provides a set of functions and visualization capabilities for accessing, preprocessing, analyzing, and processing hyperspectral data.

The Hyperspectral Viewer app enables visualization and interactive exploration of the hyperspectral data. You can view the individual bands of the hyperspectral data as gray-scale images as well as the color composite representations of the data. The app also enables creating spectral profiles that enable identifying the constituting elements in the hyperspectral data.

Hyperspectral Viewer app for visualizing hyperspectral data and spectral profiles.

The Hyperspectral Imaging Library contains built-in functions for preprocessing, analyzing and interpreting hyperspectral data.  It supports workflows for dimensionality reduction, spectral unmixing, spectral matching, and classification with techniques such as band selection, endmember extraction, abundance map estimation, NDVI, and anomaly detection.

Endmember extraction and abundance map estimation for spectral unmixing.

MATLAB provides tools for data exploration, visualization, and algorithm development that support hyperspectral imaging workflows. In addition, Image Processing Toolbox™ provides a comprehensive set of reference-standard algorithms that you can use with hyperspectral imaging data.

MATLAB used for plotting and visualizing the spectral match score maps.

高光谱成像(Hyperspectral Imaging)是一种能够获取物体反射、发射或透过光谱辐射信息的技术。与常规的彩色成像相比,高光谱成像并非仅能从红、绿、蓝三个波段提取信息,而是可以同时捕捉到数百个连续的波段。通过这些波段,可以获得更多细节和特征,进而对材料的组成、结构、特性等进行更精确的分析。 通过高光谱成像技术,可以应用于许多领域。在农业领域,可以利用高光谱成像来识别作物的健康状况、农药施用的效果等,进而提高农作物的产量和质量。在环境监测中,高光谱成像可以用于检测水体的水质、气溶胶的浓度、地表覆盖情况等,帮助提前预警环境污染问题。此外,在矿产勘探、地质灾害识别、气象预测等领域也有着广泛的应用。 高光谱成像技术的原理基于光谱学,利用传感器从大范围的光谱波段中收集和记录数据。这些数据经过处理和分析,可以生成一系列的超光谱图像,每一个像素代表一个具有特定光谱特征的物质。高光谱成像技术可以通过光谱信息的综合分析,提供详尽的物质识别、分类与定量分析。 虽然高光谱成像技术具有许多潜在的优势和应用价值,但也面临一些挑战。其中括数据量庞大,需要高性能计算和存储设备来处理和存储大量的数据;同时,数据的预处理和分析也需要高级算法和方法支持。此外,高光谱成像设备本身的成本较高,加上成像时间较长,限制了其在某些领域的推广应用。但随着技术的不断发展和成本的降低,高光谱成像技术有望在更多领域发挥其重要作用。




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