Configure commands:
  aaa                         Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
  access-list                 Add an access list entry
  aclmerge                    aclmerge hidden keyword
  alias                       Create command alias
  alps                        Configure Airline Protocol Support
  analysis                    Specify vlans and tie them to analysis modules
  arp                         Set a static ARP entry
  async-bootp                 Modify system bootp parameters
  autonomous-system           Specify local AS number to which we belong
  banner                      Define a login banner
  boot                        Modify system boot parameters
  bridge                      Bridge Group.
  bstun                       BSTUN global configuration commands
  buffers                     Adjust system buffer pool parameters
  call-history-mib            Define call history mib parameters
  cdp                         Global CDP configuration subcommands
  chat-script                 Define a modem chat script
  class-map                   Configure QoS Class Map
  clns                        Global CLNS configuration subcommands
  clock                       Configure time-of-day clock
  cns                         CNS agents
  config-register             Define the configuration register
  default                     Set a command to its defaults
  default-value               Default character-bits values
  define                      interface range macro definition
  diagnostic                  Configure Online Diagnostic Information
  dialer                      Dialer commands
  dialer-list                 Create a dialer list entry
  diffserv                    Differentiated Services (COPS)
  dlsw                        Data Link Switching global configuration commands
  dnsix-dmdp                  Provide DMDP service for DNSIX
  dnsix-nat                   Provide DNSIX service for audit trails
  do                          To run exec commands in config mode
  dot1x                       Dot1x Global Configuration Commands
  downward-compatible-config  Generate a configuration compatible with older
  dspu                        DownStream Physical Unit Command
  dss                         Configure dss parameters
  enable                      Modify enable password parameters
  end                         Exit from configure mode
  endnode                     SNA APPN endnode command
  environment-monitor         monitor environment sensors
  errdisable                  Error disable
  exception                   Exception handling
  exit                        Exit from configure mode
  fabric                      Catalyst 6000 crossbar fabric configuration
  file                        Adjust file system parameters
  firewall                    Specify secure VLANs groups and tie them to
                              firewall modules
  frame-relay                 global frame relay configuration commands
  help                        Description of the interactive help system
  hostname                    Set system's network name
  hw-module                   Control of individual components in the system
  interface                   Select an interface to configure
  intrusion-detection         Specify vlans and tie them to intrusion-detection
  ip                          Global IP configuration subcommands
  ipc                         Configure IPC system
  isis                        Global ISIS configuration subcommands
  key                         Key management
  l2protocol-tunnel           Tunnel Layer2 protocols
  lacp                        LACP configuration
  line                        Configure a terminal line
  lnm                         IBM Lan Manager
  locaddr-priority-list       Establish queueing priorities based on LU address
  location                    Network Management Router location Command
  logging                     Modify message logging facilities
  mac                         Global MAC configuration subcommands
  mac-address-table           Configure the MAC address table
  map-class                   Configure static map class
  map-list                    Configure static map list
  mls                         mls global commands
  module                      linecard module configuration commands
  monitor                     Configure SPAN monitoring
  mpls                        Configure MPLS parameters
  multilink                   PPP multilink global configuration
  ncia                        Native Client Interface Architecture
  netbios                     NETBIOS access control filtering
  no                          Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                         Configure NTP
  policy-map                  Configure QoS Policy Map
  port-channel                EtherChannel configuration
  power                       FRU power control commands
  priority-list               Build a priority list
  privilege                   Command privilege parameters
  process-max-time            Maximum time for process to run before
                              voluntarily relinquishing processor
  queue-list                  Build a custom queue list
  random-detect-group         Configure random-detect class
  redundancy                  Enter redundancy mode
  regexp                      regexp commands
  rif                         Source-route RIF cache
  rmon                        Remote Monitoring
  route-map                   Create route-map or enter route-map command mode
  router                      Enable a routing process
  rsrb                        RSRB LSAP/DSAP filtering
  rtr                         RTR Base Configuration
  sap-priority-list           Establish queueing priorities based on SAP and/or
                              MAC address(es)
  scheduler                   Scheduler parameters
  service                     Modify use of network based services
  sgbp                        SGBP Stack Group Bidding Protocol configuration
  shutdown                    Shutdown system elements
  sna                         Network Management Physical Unit Command
  snmp                        Modify non engine SNMP parameters
  snmp-server                 Modify SNMP engine parameters
  source-bridge               Source-route bridging ring groups
  spanning-tree               Spanning Tree Subsystem
  ssl-proxy                   Specify allowed-vlans and tie them to ssl-proxy
  stun                        STUN global configuration commands
  subscriber-policy           Subscriber policy
  system                      Configure system jumbo mtu size
  tacacs-server               Modify TACACS query parameters
  tag-switching               Dynamic Tag Switching commands
  template                    Select a template to configure
  tftp-server                 Provide TFTP service for netload requests
  time-range                  Define time range entries
  udld                        Configure global UDLD setting
  username                    Establish User Name Authentication
  virtual-profile             Virtual Profile configuration
  vlan                        Vlan commands
  vpdn                        Virtual Private Dialup Network
  vpdn-group                  VPDN group configuration
  vtp                         Configure global VTP state
  x25                         X.25 Level 3
  x29                         X29 commands