
-From 大师的邮件 介绍了线程安全。线程安全问题往往比较隐晦,难重现。 Javadoc 中部分类及方法也没标识 not thread safe
      Findbugs 增加一个自定义检测器实践,请参考:


Java 非线程安全大致分类

1) 实现 singleton 模式不考虑并发 如下是一个线程安全版本。

The following code snippet shows an example of a thread-safe Singleton.

package com.jgk.patterns.singleton;


public class JGKSingleton {


  /* Here is the instance of the Singleton */

  private static JGKSingleton instance_;


  /* Need the following object to synchronize */

  /* a block */

  private static Object syncObject_;


  /* Prevent direct access to the constructor

  private JGKSingleton() {





  public static JGKSingleton getInstance() {


    /* in a non-thread-safe version of a Singleton   */

    /* the following line could be executed, and the */

    /* thread could be immediately swapped out */

    if (instance_ == null) {


      synchronized(syncObject_) {


        if (instance_ == null) {

           instance_ = new JGKSingleton();






    return instance_;




2) 调用静态的 DateFormat , java.util.Calendar 及子类 (findbugs 已实现检测 )

·    a static field of type java.util.Calendar or a subclass thereof