《CCNP SWITCH 300-115认证考试指南》——2.1节“我已经知道了吗?”测试题

本节书摘来自异步社区《CCNP SWITCH 300-115认证考试指南》一书中的第2章,第2.1节“我已经知道了吗?”测试题,作者 【美】David Hucaby(戴维 胡卡比),更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看

2.1 “我已经知道了吗?”测试题
CCNP SWITCH 300-115认证考试指南


1.Which of the following devices performs transparent bridging? 以下哪个设备仅支持透明桥接的功能?

  a.Ethernet hub 以太网集线器

  b.Layer 2 switch 2层交换机

  c.Layer 3 switch 3层交换机

  d.Router 路由器

2.When a PC is connected to a Layer 2 switch port, how far does the collision domainspread? 当一台PC连接到一个2层交换端口,那么此时冲突域的范围是?

  a.No collision domain exists. 不存在冲突域

  b.One switch port. 一个交换端口

  c.One VLAN. 一个VLAN

  d.All ports on the switch. 交换机的所有端口

3.What information is used to forward frames in a Layer 2 switch? 2层交换机使用什么信息来转发数据帧?

  a.Source MAC address 源MAC地址

  b.Destination MAC address 目的MAC地址

  c.Source switch port 源交换端口

  d.IP addresses IP地址

4.What does a switch do if a MAC address cannot be found in the CAM table? 如果一个MAC地址无法在CAM表中找到,那么交换机会怎样做?

  a.The frame is forwarded to the default port. 向默认端口转发数据帧

  b.The switch generates an ARP request for the address. 交换机为目的MAC地址生成一个ARP请求

  c.The switch floods the frame out all ports (except the receiving port). 交换机向所有端口泛洪数据帧(除了接收到的端口)

  d.The switch drops the frame. 交换机丢弃数据帧

5.In a Catalyst switch, frames can be filtered with access lists for security and QoS purposes. This filtering occurs according to which of the following? 在Catalyst交换机中,出于安全或QoS的目的,数据帧能够被访问控制列表过滤。这种过滤行为是在何时执行的?

  a.Before a CAM table lookup 检查CAM表之前

  b.After a CAM table lookup 检查CAM表之后

  c.Simultaneously with a CAM table lookup 检查CAM表的同时

  d.According to how the access lists are configured 取决于访问控制列表是如何配置的

6.Access list contents can be merged into which of the following? 访问控制列表的内容能够被合并到以下哪个对象中?

  a.CAM table CAM表

  b.TCAM table TCAM表

  c.FIB table FIB表

  d.ARP table ARP表

7.Multilayer switches using CEF are based on which of these techniques? 多层交换机是基于以下哪项技术来实现CEF的?

  a.Route caching 路由缓存

  b.NetFlow switching NetFlow交换

  c.Topology-based switching 基于拓扑的交换

  d.Demand-based switching 基于按需的交换

8.Which answer describes multilayer switching with CEF? 以下哪个答案描述了支持CEF的多层交换机?

  a.The first packet is routed and then the flow is cached. 路由第一个数据包,然后缓存后续数据流

  b.The switch supervisor CPU forwards each packet. 交换机的Supervisor引擎转发每一个数据包

  c.The switching hardware learns station addresses and builds a routing database. 交换硬件学习设备地址,然后构建路由数据库

  d.A single database of routing information is built for the switching hardware. 交换硬件构建一个单独的路由信息库

9.In a switch, frames are placed in which buffer after forwarding decisions are made? 在交换机中,当转发决策执行完毕后,数据帧将被交付于哪个缓存中?

  a.Ingress queues 入站队列

  b.Egress queues 出站队列

  c.CAM table CAM表


10.What size are the mask and pattern fields in a TCAM entry? 在一个TCAM条目中,Mask和Value组合字段的大小分别是?

  a.64 bits 64比特

  b.128 bits 128比特

  c.134 bits 134比特

  d.168 bits 168比特

11.Access list rules are compiled as TCAM entries. When a packet is matched against an access list, in what order are the TCAM entries evaluated? 访问控制列表的规则会被编译为TCAM条目。当一个数据包匹配了一条访问控制列表时,交换机将按照怎样的顺序来评估TCAM条目?

  a.Sequentially in the order of the original access list. 按照访问控制列表的原始顺序

  b.Numerically by the access list number. 按照访问控制列表的编号顺序

  c.Alphabetically by the access list name. 按照访问控制列表名称的首字母排列顺序

  d.All entries are evaluated in parallel. 并行评估所有条目

12.Which Catalyst IOS command can you use to display the addresses in the CAM table? 你可以使用以下哪条IOS命令来查看CAM表中的地址?

  a.show cam

  b.show mac address-table

  c.show mac

  d.show cam address-table





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