java arcobjects_Java ArcObjects Developer Guide

(一)、What is ArcGIS Engine?

ArcGIS Engine is a complete library of embeddable geographic information system (GIS) components for developers to build custom applications. Using ArcGIS Engine, developers can embed ArcGIS functions into other information tools and build custom applications that deliver advanced GIS solutions.

ArcGIS Engine为嵌入式地理信息系统(GIS)组件开发者构建自定义应用程序。利用ArcGIS引擎,开发人员可以嵌入到其他信息工具ArcGIS功能和构建自定义应用程序,提供先进的地理信息系统解决方案。

(二)、Essential features (1)、Base services—The core GIS ArcObjects required for almost any GIS application, such as feature geometry and display.

(2)、Data access—ArcGIS Engine provides access to a wide variety of raster and vector formats including the power and flexibility of the geodatabase. 光栅和矢量数据的访问

(3)、Map presentation—ArcObjects for map creation and display with symbology, labeling, and thematic mapping capabilities including custom applications. 建和显示ArcObjects将产生与符号、标记和专题制图功能,包括自定义应用程序。

(4)、Developer components—High-level user interface controls for rapid application development and a comprehensive help system and sample tools for effective development.

(5)、Extensions—ArcGIS Engine Runtime is deployable with the standard functionality or with additional extensions for advanced functionality.

(三)、ArcObjects ArcObjects is a set of platform independent, component based geographic data models written in C++.

ArcObjects services can be categorized as base services, data access, map analysis, map presentation, developer components and Web development framework, and user interface and extensions. The services are organized under ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Server to tailor the needs of the GIS developer.

See the following illustration that shows the services organized with each product

Java Interop (COM 和 JAVA Java API之间的桥梁)

ArcObjects, the workhorse of ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Server applications, is a library of geographic information system (GIS) components written in Microsoft's (COM). a COM compliant language (for example, VC++, Visual Basic, VBA, and so on) because they have access to the COM API and its runtime facilities. The lack of COM’s runtime services for Java poses a challenge for Java programs wanting to use ArcObjects. Luckily, the Java COM Interop (also referred to as Java Interop) addresses these problems and provides a bridging solution for Java and COM centric ArcObjects to interoperate with each other.

It basically provides a Java API for ArcObjects and the runtime libraries for running ArcObjects components within a Java application.

图:Java COM Interop


(四)、ArcObjects Packages (1)、Geometry library  com.esri.arcgis.geometry

The Geometry library handles the geometry, or shape, of features stored in feature classes or other graphic elements. The general geometry objects with which most users interact are Point, MultiPoint, Polyline, and Polygon. Beside these top-level entities are the primitive geometries that serve as building blocks for polylines and polygons. They are Segments, Paths, and Rings. Polylines and polygons are composed of a sequence of connected segments that form a path. A segment consists of two distinguished points—the start point and endpoint—and an element type that defines the curve from beginning to end. The kinds of segments are CircularArc, Line, EllipticArc, and BézierCurve. All geometry objects can have z- and m-values, and IDs associated with their vertices. The fundamental geometry objects all support geometric operations, such as buffer and clip. The geometry primitives are not meant to be extended by developers.

Entities in a geographic information system (GIS) refer to real-world features; the location of these real-world features is defined by a geometry along with a spatial reference. Spatial reference objects for both projected and geographic coordinate systems are included in the Geometry library. Developers can extend the spatial reference system by adding new spatial references and projections between spatial references.

(2)、Output library   com.esri.arcgis.output

The Output library is used to create graphic output to devices; for example, printers, plotters, and hard-copy formats, such as enhanced metafiles and raster image formats (Joint Photographics Experts Group [JPEG], bitmap [BMP], and so on). The developer uses the objects in the library with other parts of the ArcGIS system to create graphic output. Commonly, these would be objects in the Display and Carto libraries. Developers can extend the Output library for custom devices and export formats.

(3)、GeoDatabase library  com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase

The GeoDatabase library provides the application programming interface (API) for the geodatabase. The geodatabase is a repository of geographic data built on standard industry relational and object relational database technology. The objects in the library provide a unified programming model for all supported data sources in ArcGIS. The GeoDatabase library defines many of the interfaces that are implemented by data source providers higher in the architecture. The geodatabase can be extended by developers to support specialized types of data objects (features, classes, and so on); in addition, it can have custom vector data sources added using the PlugInDataSource objects. The native data types supported by the geodatabase cannot be extended.

(4)、Geoprocessing library com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing

Geoprocessing is a fundamental part of ArcGIS. Whether you're a new or experienced user, geoprocessing will become an essential part of your daily work routine with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server for the Java platform. Geoprocessing provides the data analysis, data management, and data conversion tools necessary for all geographic information system (GIS) users.

a、Geoprocessing operators and tools

Geoprocessing consists of operators (tools) that operate on the data (tables, feature classes, rasters, triangulated irregular networks [TINs], and so on), and perform tasks that are necessary for manipulating and analyzing geographic information across a wide range of disciplines. Each geoprocessing tool performs an essential operation on geographic data, such as projecting datasets from one map projection to another, adding fields to a table, or creating buffer zones around features.

ArcGIS includes over 400 geoprocessing tools. A geoprocessing tool takes ArcGIS datasets as inputs (such as feature classes, tables, rasters, and computer-aided design [CAD] files), applies an operation against this data, and creates a dataset as output. See the following illustration:

b、Using the geoprocessor

A geoprocessing tool is executed by the geoprocessor. The geoprocessor class is the main class that simplifies the task of executing geoprocessing tools. The geoprocessor contains properties and methods that make it possible to execute tools, set global geoprocessor environment settings, and examine the resulting messages. It is the single access point for the execution of any geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS, including extensions.

(5)、Programming with ArcObjects Java API (重点研究) (1)、Geocoding (2)、Geodatabase management (3)、Geometry and spatial reference (4)、Geoprocessing (5)、Network analysis (6)、Raster data (7)、Spatial Analyst

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