
How To Fix Windows Server Network Performance Problems

If your server network performance is lagging, chances are Windows' security features are to blame. Here's how to alleviate the problem.

One of the problems that has long plagued Windows Server 2012 (and now Windows Server 2012 R2) is extremely poor network performance. This problem doesn't occur on every Windows Server deployment, but there is no shortage of Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 servers that are impacted by the problem.

I first began to notice the problem shortly after the initial Windows Server 2012 release. Writing large files to SMB network shares was painfully slow. The file copy activity seemed to occur in bursts. The write process would start out at the expected speed, but after several seconds the transfer speed would drop to zero. Sometimes Windows would eventually begin copying data again, but timeouts were a big problem. All too often the file copy process would simply fail.

Needless to say, slow and potentially unreliable network traffic is a problem that absolutely must be addressed. Some have reportedly been able to fix this particular problem by switching to a different brand of network adapter. However, it is also possible to fix the problem by making some changes to your Group Policy settings.

More often than not, the network performance problems are the result of a Windows security feature. By default, Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 digitally sign SMB packets. This digital signature helps to protect against spoofing, but it adds some overhead to the traffic stream. You can get rid of this overhead and improve performance by disabling the SMB packet signing feature. Keep in mind however, that disabling SMB signing does reduce security, so you should only use this fix if you are experiencing disruptive performance or reliability problems.

To disable SMB signing for the computers on your domain, log into a Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 domain controller and then enter the GPMC.MSC command at the server's Run prompt. This will cause Windows to open the Group Policy Management Console.

Now, right-click on the Default Domain Policy and select the Edit command from the resulting shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 1.