0.  back up config directory
    % cd Patrol3
    % . ./patrolrc.sh
    % cd $PATROL_HOME
    % cp config config.save
1. open console SOW
2. check current IP PatrolAgent is binding to
   OS>  %PSL print(pconfig("GET","/AgentSetup/BindToAddress"));
3. set actual IP address you want Agent to bind to.
   OS > %PSL print(pconfig("REPLACE","/AgentSetup/BindToAddress",""));
4. check if the correct address has replaced in .
     OS>  %PSL print(pconfig("GET","/AgentSetup/BindToAddress"));
Then Restart PatrolAgent.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
PatrolAgent V3.6.60i, built at 03:40:53, Aug 18 2006
Copyright (C) 1997-2006 BMC Software, Inc.

Fri Jun 13 16:59:58 2008 PatrolAgent-F-EINTERNAL: Sess Init failed: err = -14/68 Another agent is probably running on the same port (/local-build/Patrol/3.6.60/src/agent/mainloop.c 474)
IP地址不存在 导致agent无法启动