

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace polymorphism


    public class Control


        protected int top;

        protected int left;




        public Control(int top, int left)


            this.top = top;

            this.left = left;




        public virtual void DrawWindow()


            Console.WriteLine("Control: Drawing Control at {0},{1}", top, left);





    public class ListBox : Control


        private string listBoxContents; //新的成员变量



        public ListBox(int top, int left, string contents)

            : base(top, left)//调用基类构造方法


            listBoxContents = contents;




        public override void DrawWindow()


            base.DrawWindow(); //调用基方法

            Console.WriteLine("Writing string to the listbox:{0}", listBoxContents);





    public class Button : Control


        public Button(int top, int left)

            : base(top, left)






        public override void DrawWindow()


            Console.WriteLine("Darwing a button at {0},{1}", top, left);




    public class Tester


        public static void Main()


            Control win = new Control(1, 2);

            ListBox lb = new ListBox(3, 4, "stand alone list");

            Button b = new Button(5, 6);





            Control[] winArray = new Control[3];

            winArray[0] = new Control(1, 2);

            winArray[1] = new ListBox(3, 4, "ListBox in Array");

            winArray[2] = new Button(5, 6);


            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)










//Control: Drawing Control at 1,2

//Control: Drawing Control at 3,4

//Writing string to the listbox:stand alone list

//Darwing a button at 5,6


//Control: Drawing Control at 1,2

//Control: Drawing Control at 3,4

//Writing string to the listbox:ListBox in Array

//Darwing a button at 5,6
