public static void main(String[] args) { <?xml:namespace prefix = o />


       Session session = null ;

       Transaction tx = null ;

       List list = null ;

       Criteria criteria = null ;


       try {


           session = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession();

           tx = session.beginTransaction();


           DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria

                  .forClass(InfoTab. class );



           String sql= " 1=1 " ;


           Integer pareaId = 0; // 父地区;

           Integer careaId = 0; // 子地区;

           Integer categoryId = 0; // 类别;

           String infoPrivider = " 中介 " ; // 来源;

           String houseType= " 地下室 " ; // 房屋类型;

           Integer hxBedRoom=0; // 室;

           Integer hxLivingRoom=0; // 厅;


           String hzHouseStatus= " 有房出租 " ; // 合租类型 ;

           String hzRequestSex= " " ; // 性别要求;

           String fixUp= " 尚未 " ; // 装修程度 ;

           Integer lcHeightMolecuse=0; // 楼层;

           String orientation= " 东南 " ; // 朝向要求 ;

           Integer buildArea=2000; // 建筑面积;

           Integer useArea=80; // 使用面积;

           Integer rentalDigit=2000; // 租金 / 价格;

           String title= " 出租 " ; // 标题;


           if (pareaId!=0)


              sql+= "pareaId=" + pareaId;


           if (careaId!=0)


              sql+= " and careaId=" + careaId;


           if (categoryId!=0)


              sql+= " and categoryId=" + categoryId;


           if (!infoPrivider.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and infoPrivider='" + infoPrivider + "'" ;


           if (!houseType.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and houseType='" + houseType + "'" ;


           if (hxBedRoom!=0)


              sql+= " and hxBedRoom=" + hxBedRoom;


           if (hxLivingRoom!=0)


              sql+= " and hxLivingRoom=" + hxLivingRoom;


           if (!hzHouseStatus.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and hzHouseStatus='" + hzHouseStatus + "'" ;


           if (!hzRequestSex.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and hzRequestSex='" + hzRequestSex + "'" ;


           if (!fixUp.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and fixUp='" + fixUp + "'" ;


           if (lcHeightMolecuse!=0)


              sql+= " and lcHeightMolecuse=" + lcHeightMolecuse;


           if (!orientation.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and orientation='" + orientation + "'" ;


           if (buildArea!=0)


               sql+= " and buildArea=" + buildArea;


           if (useArea!=0)


              sql+= " and useArea=" + useArea;


           if (rentalDigit!=0)


              sql+= " and rentalDigit=" + rentalDigit;


           if (!title.equals( "" ))


              sql+= " and title like '%" + title + "%'" ;


           sql+= " order by id desc" ;


           System. out .println(sql);




           criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(session);


           list = criteria.list();


           for ( int i=0;i<list.size();i++)


              InfoTab infoTab = (InfoTab)list.get(i);

              System. out .println(infoTab.getTitle() + " " + infoTab.getCategoryId() + " " + infoTab.getPareaName() + " " + infoTab.getCareaName() + " " + infoTab.getHouseType() + " " + infoTab.getInfoPrivider());





       } catch (HibernateException he) {


