



时间复杂度:O(V + E),其中V是节点数,E是边数。虽然这个复杂度看起来似乎与边的数量有关,但在实际计算过程中,我们只需遍历每个节点及其邻接链表一次,因此总体上是线性的,因为每个节点和每条边都被访问一次。


package main

import "fmt"

// 定义图的节点
type Node struct {
    ID   int
    Out  []*Node // 指向的节点列表,即出度

// 计算每个节点的出度
func calculateOutDegrees(nodes []*Node) map[int]int {
    outDegrees := make(map[int]int)
    for _, node := range nodes {
        outDegrees[node.ID] = len(node.Out)
    return outDegrees

func main() {
    // 示例图
    nodes := []*Node{
        {ID: 1, Out: []*Node{{ID: 2}, {ID: 3}}},
        {ID: 2, Out: []*Node{{ID: 4}}},
        {ID: 3, Out: []*Node{}},
        {ID: 4, Out: []*Node{{ID: 1}}}, // 创建一个环

    outDegrees := calculateOutDegrees(nodes)
    for id, degree := range outDegrees {
        fmt.Printf("Node %d has out-degree %d\n", id, degree)
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package main

import "fmt"

// 假设Node定义与上面相同

// 计算每个节点的入度
func calculateInDegrees(nodes []*Node) map[int]int {
    inDegrees := make(map[int]int)
    for _, node := range nodes {
        for _, outNode := range node.Out {
    return inDegrees

func main() {
    // 使用与上面相同的nodes定义

    inDegrees := calculateInDegrees(nodes)
    for id, degree := range inDegrees {
        fmt.Printf("Node %d has in-degree %d\n", id, degree)
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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (297)-- 算法导论22.1 1题_文心一言

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (297)-- 算法导论22.1 1题_Graph_02

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (297)-- 算法导论22.1 1题_算法_03




package main

import (

type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	adjList  [][]int

func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	g := &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
		adjList:  make([][]int, vertices),
	return g

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(src, dest int) {
	g.adjList[src] = append(g.adjList[src], dest)

func (g *Graph) OutDegree() []int {
	outDegrees := make([]int, g.vertices)
	for src := 0; src < g.vertices; src++ {
		outDegrees[src] = len(g.adjList[src])
	return outDegrees

func (g *Graph) InDegree() []int {
	inDegrees := make([]int, g.vertices)
	for src := 0; src < g.vertices; src++ {
		for _, dest := range g.adjList[src] {
	return inDegrees

func main() {
	g := NewGraph(5)
	g.AddEdge(0, 1)
	g.AddEdge(0, 2)
	g.AddEdge(1, 3)
	g.AddEdge(2, 3)
	g.AddEdge(3, 4)

	outDegrees := g.OutDegree()
	inDegrees := g.InDegree()

	fmt.Println("Out Degrees:", outDegrees)
	fmt.Println("In Degrees:", inDegrees)
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package main

import "fmt"

// 定义一个节点结构
type Node struct {
	id       int
	adjacent []*Node // 邻接节点列表

// 定义一个图结构
type Graph struct {
	nodes map[int]*Node // 所有节点

// 创建一个新的节点
func NewNode(id int) *Node {
	return &Node{
		id:       id,
		adjacent: make([]*Node, 0),

// 创建一个新的图
func NewGraph() *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		nodes: make(map[int]*Node),

// 添加一条从节点a到节点b的有向边
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(a, b int) {
	nodeA := g.GetNode(a)
	nodeB := g.GetNode(b)

	// 将节点b添加到节点a的邻接列表中
	nodeA.adjacent = append(nodeA.adjacent, nodeB)

// 获取节点
func (g *Graph) GetNode(id int) *Node {
	if _, ok := g.nodes[id]; !ok {
		g.nodes[id] = NewNode(id)
	return g.nodes[id]

// 计算每个节点的出度
func (g *Graph) CalculateOutDegree() map[int]int {
	outDegree := make(map[int]int)
	for _, node := range g.nodes {
		outDegree[node.id] = len(node.adjacent)
	return outDegree

// 计算每个节点的入度
func (g *Graph) CalculateInDegree() map[int]int {
	inDegree := make(map[int]int)
	for _, node := range g.nodes {
		for _, adjacentNode := range node.adjacent {
	return inDegree

func main() {
	graph := NewGraph()
	graph.AddEdge(1, 2)
	graph.AddEdge(1, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(3, 4)
	graph.AddEdge(4, 1)

	fmt.Println("Out Degree:", graph.CalculateOutDegree())
	fmt.Println("In Degree:", graph.CalculateInDegree())
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package main
import (
// 定义结点结构
type Node struct {
	Value int
	Edges []*Node
// 计算每个结点的出度和入度
func calculateDegrees(graph []*Node) {
	for _, node := range graph {
		outDegree := len(node.Edges)
		inDegree := 0
		for _, edge := range node.Edges {
		fmt.Printf("结点 %d 的出度为 %d,入度为 %d\n", node.Value, outDegree, inDegree)
func main() {
	// 创建结点
	node1 := &Node{Value: 1}
	node2 := &Node{Value: 2}
	node3 := &Node{Value: 3}
	// 创建边
	node1.Edges = []*Node{node2, node3}
	node2.Edges = []*Node{node3}
	node3.Edges = []*Node{}
	// 计算出度和入度
	calculateDegrees([]*Node{node1, node2, node3})
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计算有向图中每个结点的出度和入度的时间复杂度通常是O(n + m),其中n是图中结点的数量,m是边的数量。这是因为我们需要遍历每条边来确定它所指向的结点或从哪个结点发出。


package main

import "fmt"

type Graph struct {
	vertices map[int][]int // 邻接链表表示法

func NewGraph() *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: make(map[int][]int),

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(from, to int) {
	g.vertices[from] = append(g.vertices[from], to)

func (g *Graph) OutDegree(node int) int {
	return len(g.vertices[node])

func (g *Graph) InDegree(node int) int {
	inDegree := 0
	for _, neighbors := range g.vertices {
		for _, neighbor := range neighbors {
			if neighbor == node {
	return inDegree

func main() {
	graph := NewGraph()
	// 添加边
	graph.AddEdge(1, 2)
	graph.AddEdge(1, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(3, 4)
	graph.AddEdge(4, 1)

	// 计算出度和入度
	for node := 1; node <= 4; node++ {
		fmt.Printf("Node %d: Out-degree = %d, In-degree = %d\n", node, graph.OutDegree(node), graph.InDegree(node))
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package main

import (

func calculateDegrees(adjList map[int][]int) (map[int]int, map[int]int) {
	outDegrees := make(map[int]int)
	inDegrees := make(map[int]int)

	for key, value := range adjList {
		outDegrees[key] = len(value)

		for _, v := range value {

	return outDegrees, inDegrees

func main() {
	adjList := map[int][]int{
		1: []int{2, 3},
		2: []int{3},
		3: []int{1},

	outDegrees, inDegrees := calculateDegrees(adjList)

	fmt.Println("Out Degrees:")
	for key, value := range outDegrees {
		fmt.Printf("Node %d: %d\n", key, value)

	fmt.Println("\nIn Degrees:")
	for key, value := range inDegrees {
		fmt.Printf("Node %d: %d\n", key, value)
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package main

import (

type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	adjList  map[int][]int

func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
		adjList:  make(map[int][]int),

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(src, dest int) {
	g.adjList[src] = append(g.adjList[src], dest)

func (g *Graph) CalculateOutDegrees() []int {
	outDegrees := make([]int, g.vertices)

	for vertex := range g.adjList {
		for _, neighbor := range g.adjList[vertex] {

	return outDegrees

func (g *Graph) CalculateInDegrees() []int {
	inDegrees := make([]int, g.vertices)

	for vertex := range g.adjList {
		for _, neighbor := range g.adjList[vertex] {

	return inDegrees

func main() {
	graph := NewGraph(6)
	graph.AddEdge(0, 1)
	graph.AddEdge(0, 2)
	graph.AddEdge(1, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 3)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 4)
	graph.AddEdge(3, 4)
	graph.AddEdge(4, 5)

	outDegrees := graph.CalculateOutDegrees()
	fmt.Println("Out degrees:", outDegrees)

	inDegrees := graph.CalculateInDegrees()
	fmt.Println("In degrees:", inDegrees)
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  1. 计算出度:对于每个节点,遍历其邻接链表,计数即可得到出度。时间复杂度为 O(E),其中 E 是边的数量。
  2. 计算入度:对于图中的每条边,我们增加目标节点的入度计数。时间复杂度同样为 O(E)。

下面是用 Go 语言实现的代码示例:

package main

import "fmt"

// 邻接链表节点定义
type AdjListNode struct {
    dest int // 目标节点
    next *AdjListNode // 指向链表中下一个节点的指针

// 图节点定义
type GraphNode struct {
    adjList *AdjListNode // 邻接链表的头节点

// 计算出度
func calculateOutDegree(gn *GraphNode) int {
    degree := 0
    current := gn.adjList
    for current != nil {
        current = current.next
    return degree

// 计算入度
func calculateInDegree(gn *GraphNode, graph []*GraphNode) int {
    degree := 0
    for _, node := range graph {
        current := node.adjList
        for current != nil {
            if current.dest == gn.adjList.dest {
            current = current.next
    return degree

func main() {
    // 假设有以下图结构,节点0到节点1和节点2,节点1到节点2
    // 0 -> 1, 2
    // 1 -> 2

    // 创建图节点
    nodes := make([]*GraphNode, 3)
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        nodes[i] = &GraphNode{adjList: &AdjListNode{dest: -1}} // 初始化dest为-1表示没有连接

    // 构建邻接链表
    nodes[0].adjList.next = &AdjListNode{dest: 1}
    nodes[0].adjList.next.next = &AdjListNode{dest: 2}
    nodes[1].adjList.next = &AdjListNode{dest: 2}

    // 计算出度
    fmt.Println("Out degree of node 0:", calculateOutDegree(nodes[0]))
    fmt.Println("Out degree of node 1:", calculateOutDegree(nodes[1]))

    // 计算入度
    fmt.Println("In degree of node 1:", calculateInDegree(nodes[1], nodes))
    fmt.Println("In degree of node 2:", calculateInDegree(nodes[2], nodes))
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这段代码定义了邻接链表节点 AdjListNode 和图节点 GraphNode,实现了计算出度和入度的函数,并在 main 函数中创建了一个简单的图结构,演示了如何计算特定节点的出度和入度。

请注意,上述代码中的 calculateInDegree 函数在计算入度时,需要遍历整个图的所有节点的邻接链表,因此其时间复杂度是 O(V * E),其中 V 是节点的数量,E 是边的数量。如果图很大,这可能不是最优的实现方式。在实践中,你可以优化这个函数,例如使用哈希表来存储每个节点的入度,然后在构建图时填充这个哈希表,从而将计算入度的时间复杂度降低到 O(E)。


  1. 计算出每个结点的出度
  • 在有向图中,一个结点的出度是指从该结点出发的边的数量。
  • 由于邻接链表表示法中,每个结点的邻接表存储了所有从该结点出发的边,因此可以直接通过遍历每个结点的邻接表来计算出度。
  • 时间复杂度:O(V + E),其中 V 是结点的数量,E 是边的数量。因为需要遍历所有结点和它们的邻接表。
  1. 计算出每个结点的入度
  • 在有向图中,一个结点的入度是指指向该结点的边的数量。
  • 要计算每个结点的入度,需要遍历整个邻接链表,对每条边进行计数,看它指向哪个结点。
  • 时间复杂度:O(E),因为需要遍历所有的边。
Go 代码实现

以下是使用 Go 语言实现的代码示例,用于计算有向图中每个结点的出度和入度:

package main

import (

// AdjacencyList 表示有向图的邻接链表
type AdjacencyList map[int][]int

// OutDegree 计算每个结点的出度
func OutDegree(graph AdjacencyList) map[int]int {
	outDegree := make(map[int]int)
	for _, neighbors := range graph {
		for range neighbors {
	return outDegree

// InDegree 计算每个结点的入度
func InDegree(graph AdjacencyList) map[int]int {
	inDegree := make(map[int]int)
	for _, neighbors := range graph {
		for _, neighbor := range neighbors {
	return inDegree

// keyForNeighbors 是一个辅助函数,用于从邻接表中找到对应的结点键值
func keyForNeighbors(neighbors []int) int {
	for _, n := range neighbors {
		return n
	return -1 // 这行代码实际上不会执行,仅用于编译通过

func main() {
	// 示例图的邻接链表表示
	graph := AdjacencyList{
		1: {2, 3},
		2: {3},
		3: {4, 5},
		4: {5},
		5: {},

	// 计算出度和入度
	outDegrees := OutDegree(graph)
	inDegrees := InDegree(graph)

	// 打印结果
	fmt.Println("出度:", outDegrees)
	fmt.Println("入度:", inDegrees)
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出度: map[1:2 2:1 3:2 4:1 5:0]
入度: map[1:0 2:1 3:2 4:1 5:2]
  • 1.
  • 2.

在这个例子中,我们定义了一个 AdjacencyList 类型来表示有向图的邻接链表,并实现了 OutDegreeInDegree 两个函数来分别计算出度和入度。最后,我们在 main 函数中创建了一个示例图并打印了每个结点的出度和入度。