

It's a common to map a similar object to another object. It's also tedious and repeating since generally both objects (classes) may have similar/same properties mapped to each other. Think on a typical application servicemethod below:


public class UserAppService : ApplicationService
    private readonly IRepository<User> _userRepository;

    public UserAppService(IRepository<User> userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;

    public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
        var user = new User
            Name = input.Name,
            Surname = input.Surname,
            EmailAddress = input.EmailAddress,
            Password = input.Password


CreateUserInput is a simple DTO and User is a simple entity here. We manually created a User entity from given input. User entity will have much more properties in a real world application and manually creating it will become tedious and error-prone. Also, we should change the mapping code when we want to add new properties to User and CreateUserInput.


We can use a library to make this mapping automatically. AutoMapper is one of the best libraries for object to object mapping. ASP.NET Boilerplate defines IObjectMapper interface to abstract it and implements this interface using AutoMapper in Abp.AutoMapper package.

我们可以使用一个库来自动绘制这个映射。AutoMapper是一个对象到对象的映射最好的库。ASP.NET的模板定义iobjectmapper接口抽象和实现这个接口使用AutoMapper Abp.AutoMapper包。

IObjectMapper Interface

IObjectMapper is a simple abstraction that has Map methods to map an object to another. We can write the sample code above as like below:

public class UserAppService : ApplicationService
    private readonly IRepository<User> _userRepository;
    private readonly IObjectMapper _objectMapper;

    public UserAppService(IRepository<User> userRepository, IObjectMapper objectMapper)
        _userRepository = userRepository;
        _objectMapper = objectMapper;

    public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
        var user = _objectMapper.Map<User>(input);

Map is a simple method gets the source object and creates a new destination object with the type declared as the generic parameter (User in this sample). Map method has an overload to map an object to an existing object. Assume that we already have a User entity and want to update it's properties by an object:


public void UpdateUser(UpdateUserInput input)
    var user = _userRepository.Get(input.Id);
    _objectMapper.Map(input, user);

AutoMapper Integration

Abp.AutoMapper nuget package (module) implements IObjectMapper and provides additional features.


First, install Abp.AutoMapper nuget to your project:

Install-Package Abp.AutoMapper

Then add a dependency for AbpAutoMapperModule to your module definition class:

public class MyModule : AbpModule

Then you can safely inject and use IObjectMapper in your code. You can also use AutoMapper's own API when you need.

Creating Mappings

AutoMapper requires to define mappings between classes (by default) before using the mapping. You can see it's own documentation for details on mapping. ASP.NET Boilerplate makes it a bit easier and modular.


Auto Mapping Attributes(自动映射特性

Most of time you only want to directly (and conventionally) map classes. In that case, you can use AutoMap, AutoMapFrom and AutoMapTo attributes. For instance, as we want to map CreateUserInput class to User class in the sample above, we can use AutoMapTo attribute as shown below:

public class CreateUserInput
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Surname { get; set; }

    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

AutoMap attribute maps two classes in both direction. But in this sample, we only need to map from CreateUserInput to User, so we used AutoMapTo.

Custom Mapping(自定义映射

Simple mapping may not be suitable in some cases. For instance, property names of two classes may be a little different or you may want to ignore some properties during the mappping. In such cases you should directly use AutoMapper's API to define the mapping. Abp.AutoMapper package defines API to make this custom mapping stuff more modular.


Assume that we want to ignore Password on mapping and User has Email property for email address. We can define mapping as shown below:


public class MyModule : AbpModule
    public override void PreInitialize()
        Configuration.Modules.AbpAutoMapper().Configurators.Add(config =>
            config.CreateMap<CreateUserInput, User>()
                  .ForMember(u => u.Password, options => options.Ignore())
                  .ForMember(u => u.Email, options => options.MapFrom(input => input.EmailAddress));

AutoMapper has much more options and abilities for object to object mapping. See it's documentation for more.

MapTo Extension Methods(MapTo 扩展方法

It's suggested to inject and use IObjectMapper interface as defined before. This makes our project independent from AutoMapper as much as possible. It also makes unit testing easier since we can replace (mock) the mapping in unit tests.

Abp.AutoMapper module also defines MapTo extension methods which can be used on any object to map it to another object without injecting IObjectMapper. Example usage:

public class UserAppService : ApplicationService
    private readonly IRepository<User> _userRepository;

    public UserAppService(IRepository<User> userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;

    public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
        var user = input.MapTo<User>();

    public void UpdateUser(UpdateUserInput input)
        var user = _userRepository.Get(input.Id);

MapTo extension methods are defined in Abp.AutoMapper namespace, so you first import this namespaces into your code file.

Since MapTo extension methods are statics, they use AutoMapper's static instance (Mapper.Instance). This is simple and fine for the application code, but can have problems in unit tests since static configuration and mapper is shared among different tests and they may effect each other.


Unit Tests

We want to isolate tests from each others. To do that, we should design our project with the following rules:


1. Always use IObjectMapper, not use MapTo extension methods.

2. Configure Abp.AutoMapper module to use local Mapper instance (registered as singleton to dependency injection) rather than the static one (Abp.AutoMapper uses the static Mapper.Instance by default to allow to use MapTo extension methods defined above):

Configuration.Modules.AbpAutoMapper().UseStaticMapper = false;
Pre Defined Mappings(预先定义的映射
LocalizableString -> string

Abp.AutoMapper module defines a mapping to convert LocalizableString (or ILocalizableString) objects to string objects. It makes the conversion using ILocalizationManager, so localizable properties are automatically localized during the mapping process of any class.


Injecting IMapper

You may need to directly use AutoMapper's IMapper object instead of IObjectMapper abstraction. In that case, just inject IMapper in your classes and use it. Abp.AutoMapper package registers IMapper to dependency injectionas singleton.





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